Chapter 52

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The giant wolf's vulnerability lies in its belly. By shattering the source crystals that power it, one can easily dispatch the creature. After taking down a few, Bai Yue had become quite adept at slaying them.

He followed the map, inching closer to the location of the source crystals. Along the way, he encountered numerous giant wolf "corpses." The surrounding grass was either cut or crushed, bearing plenty of marks from the skirmishes.

However, he hadn't come across any other team members. This implied that the missing students from the Imperial Academy were just missing, not dead—a piece of news that was ambiguous in its fortune or doom.

The investigation had delayed him somewhat, and by the time Bai Yue arrived at his destination, dusk had fallen. The setting sun cast a warm glow through the dense interlocking branches, scattering dappled light across the ground. The entire mountain range was enveloped in a soft orange twilight.

Upon witnessing the scene before him, Bai Yue paused in his steps. Not far ahead, there was a narrow cave entrance. Vines climbed over the entrance, sealing it off completely and blending it with the surrounding moss. Without a deliberate search, one would surely overlook such an inconspicuous opening.

Bai Yue double-checked the coordinates. The location of the source crystals was indeed a few hundred meters ahead. Thus, he had to enter this cave.

Approaching, Bai Yue lifted the hanging branches and stooped to enter.

Inside, the cave was dark, narrow, and elongated, barely allowing any sunlight to penetrate. Only by turning on his phone's light could Bai Yue make out the interior scenery. The walls on either side were close enough to only allow passage for one person. Stalactites hung from the ceiling, dripping water droplets.

Apart from the sound of water droplets falling on the rocky walls, it was eerily silent—a silence that bordered on the strange. A few meters in, the path suddenly widened, and several branches of the cave appeared.

The specific path was not mentioned in the intelligence reports. From there on, Bai Yue had no choice but to investigate each one by himself. He picked up a piece of broken stone from the ground, intending to make marks as he progressed.

He first took the path on the right.

The route was long and deep. Within this almost monotonously consistent cave, it was nearly impossible to feel the passage of time.

After an indeterminate amount of time, a faint light suddenly appeared ahead. Despite its weakness, it stood out starkly in the dimness of the cave.

Bai Yue hastened his steps towards it and found the light emanating from a corner of the wall. A stone, the size of a thumb, embedded in the ground, was radiating a pale blue halo.

Source crystals?

This thought flashed through Bai Yue's mind as he was about to crouch down for a closer look. Suddenly, he heard a wolf howl behind him.

Turning around, he saw a giant wolf lunging at him. The cave was too narrow for an immediate escape. Deciding against dodging, he directly grabbed the giant wolf's lower jaw with one hand, while his other hand, holding a small knife, plunged fiercely into the wolf's belly!

With a single strike, the source crystal shattered, and the giant wolf fell, defeated.

Bai Yue tossed aside the giant wolf and stood up. When had it followed him? He hadn't heard a sound.

"So, you've discovered it. Were all the 'wolves' outside also killed by you?"

At that moment, a chilling male voice echoed from deeper within the cave. The voice was familiar.

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