Chapter 13

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Bai Yue's expression stiffened momentarily upon seeing Shang Yufei. But soon, he masked the unnatural look with a smile and said, "Yufei, what brings you here?"

Shang Yufei narrowed his eyes. "Can't I come?"

Clearly, he was angry.

Bai Yue wanted to say something, but Shang Yufei turned away and walked towards the door. "Come out, I need to ask you something."

Bai Yue sighed.

He hadn't expected Shang Yufei to suddenly show up, or perhaps his excuses from a few days ago were too flimsy, leaving Shang Yufei half in doubt. It was just that the incident had occurred suddenly, and he hadn't had time to come up with a more plausible excuse.

Bai Yue was about to follow him out when his clothes were tugged from behind. Turning back, he saw his younger brother holding onto him. But his brother just hung his head, silent.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yue asked.

Bai Yiyi remained silent.

His brother's behavior was strange. Bai Yue patted his head. "I'll come back later to cook."

For Bai Yue, this was a routine gesture. But for some reason, it seemed to touch a nerve with his brother. He let go abruptly, jumping back.

"Don't treat me like a child!" he exclaimed.

Bai Yue looked at him. "But aren't you still a child?"

"!" Bai Yiyi was angry but couldn't argue back.

Despite considering himself mature, in the eyes of others, including his brother, he was just a primary school student.

Bai Yue didn't dwell on this matter and tried to continue walking out. However, he was once again stopped.


Bai Yue turned back again, noting his brother's unusually serious expression.

"Although I don't know what happened between you two, you should talk it out properly," he wrinkled his nose, "If he really can't understand you, it's better to break up."

Bai Yue fell silent for a moment before saying, "That's the outcome I most want to avoid."

At his words, his brother froze.

Bai Yue smiled, "Thanks, I'll talk to him properly."

A few sparse stars hung in the night sky. When Bai Yue went out, he saw Shang Yufei leaning against the door with his hands in his pockets, his profile illuminated by the dim light.

He didn't seem interested in communicating at all.

Bai Yue stood still for a moment, sighing softly, before walking up beside him. "Do you want to say something?"

Finally, Shang Yufei reacted, turning his head to look at him.

"If you want to explain first, I'll listen," Shang Yufei said.

Bai Yue wasn't sure how much Shang Yufei knew, so he just tilted his head slightly at the words.

"...Do you not want to talk?" Shang Yufei frowned.

Bai Yue remained silent for a moment before speaking, "If you're referring to the tutoring..."

Shang Yufei interrupted, his tone somewhat rough, "There was no tutoring to begin with!"

Bai Yue didn't respond, silently acknowledging this fact.

"You left school early today. But you didn't come home and your phone was unreachable," Shang Yufei's fists clenched involuntarily, making cracking sounds, "Where did you go?"

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