Chapter 38

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That night, after Bai Yu returned to the temporary dormitory, the attitudes of his three roommates still seemed somewhat strange.

Clearly, at the moment Bai Yu opened the door, they were seen half-naked, even picking their feet. But after seeing him, everyone instantly put on their clothes, sitting up straight as if they were in a formal setting.

Bai Yu: "..."

Anyway, this night passed safely.

The next day, when Bai Yu left, the three temporary roommates exchanged a glance, each sporting dark circles under their eyes, and sighed simultaneously. Though they had only recently met, they seemed like brothers in distress, patting each other on the shoulder to show respect.

The next day's exam was arranged in an internal classroom of Emperor One. Under the guidance of senior students, they were finally able to enter the gates they couldn't breach the night before, stepping into Emperor One for the first time.

Although they couldn't freely roam around, just looking at everything from a distance filled them with envy.

The teaching buildings of Emperor One Comprehensive Military Academy were meticulously designed, tall and beautiful. Students hurried past, carrying their military equipment, swiftly moving among the crowd like the wind.

"Woah, I also really want to have my own military equipment."

As they went deeper, the attention of the examinees was drawn to the buildings.

"Oh my god, that 'giant egg,' I've seen it on TV!"

A huge half-circle lay inverted on the ground. This was the exclusive arena of Emperor One Comprehensive Military Academy, only open during competitions. It was one of Emperor One's landmarks.

"The shooting range! Wow, so cool!"

At this moment, a group of students in uniforms were having class inside. The shooting range was semi-exposed to the elements, simulating various weather conditions to train the students in adverse situations.

As they passed through each area, the examinees couldn't help but exclaim, unable to calm down for a moment. This brief tour strengthened their determination to enter the military academy.

Meanwhile, the "non-Emperor One" students admitted through recommendation could only watch, drooling with envy, silently praying that their school's environment wouldn't be too bad.

Leading everyone to a building, the senior student stopped and turned around, saying:

"Here's the exam venue. You can't bring anything except pen and paper inside. Have you all cleaned up?"

A student raised his hand voluntarily and handed over his phone.

"What do I do, what do I do?" Lu Ke stood beside Bai Yu, his legs trembling incessantly. "I'm getting more and more nervous now."

Bai Yu reassured him, "Don't worry, it's just a written test. Haven't you been reviewing well?"

Lu Ke nodded. Then, taking a deep breath, he suppressed his nervousness.

Seeing no more students coming forward, the senior student spoke up, "The exam will start in 20 minutes. Once you enter, find your seats and sit down quickly. Please note, no cheating is allowed."

"Once cheating is discovered, the exam qualification will be revoked, and the opportunity to apply to military school will be lost forever."

This punishment could be considered quite severe. All the examinees instinctively swallowed hard.

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