Chapter 30

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However, Lu Ke was quite the chatterbox. Before Bai Yu could respond, he had already jumped to the next topic on his own. It wasn't until he found his seat and sat down that he finally quieted down.

"I'll come find you once we're airborne," Lu Ke said eagerly.

Bai Yu smiled at him and continued walking inside. Before long, he found his seat according to the number on his airship ticket—right by the window in the middle. But when he looked over, he found someone already occupying the seat.

After confirming he hadn't made a mistake, Bai Yu spoke to the omega sitting in his seat, "Excuse me, this is my seat."

The omega was a male student with a ponytail. He glanced back at Bai Yu, then continued chatting with his companion as if he hadn't heard anything.

Glancing around, Bai Yu noticed that the person sitting in the back row was the internet celebrity. Most of the omegas squeezed in here were probably fans of that internet celebrity. He understood now.

Bai Yu walked up and lightly tapped the ponytail guy's shoulder. The guy impatiently brushed his hand away, "I'll sit here for a while, don't bother me."

This attitude reminded Bai Yu of An Yu. The same arrogant demeanor, thinking they were above everyone else.

After some thought, he reached out and grabbed the ponytail guy's collar, yanking him forcefully upwards—lifting him right off the chair.

The ponytail guy felt his neck tighten and then struggled to breathe, not realizing what was happening until he was forcibly lifted off the seat.

Forced to leave his seat, he stood there stunned. By the time he regained his senses, he found someone else had taken the opportunity to sit down.

It was indeed the omega Bai Yu had spoken to earlier.

"You—!" the ponytail guy exclaimed angrily, hurling a string of curses. But the other guy didn't even acknowledge him, calmly sliding his luggage under the seat.

Unable to handle it on his own, the ponytail guy sought help, stomping his foot and shouting, "Canxing, look at what he's doing!"

The internet celebrity only noticed what was happening when it became too obvious to ignore. After all, dealing with a group was beyond his scope of attention as he focused on his larger fanbase.

However, when he glanced up and saw the ponytail guy's outfit, he couldn't help but chuckle.

The ponytail guy was puzzled at first, then reached up to touch his head, realizing his collar had been fastened directly to it.

His outfit had a loose collar design, and in his anger earlier, he hadn't noticed. No wonder he felt his shoulders tighten.

Now even angrier, he ripped off his shirt and pointed accusingly at Bai Yu, "You tell him! Look how he treated me!"

Though Li Canxing didn't know exactly what had happened, since a fan had spoken up, he had to take a stance. So, he cleared his throat and turned towards the front seats.

"Excuse me, this student..."

Before he could finish, the other person turned to look at him. When Li Canxing saw his face, he was momentarily stunned, unable to speak for a while.

While the ponytail guy kept complaining, "I just sat down for a moment, and he just started using force, so rude!"

"No," Li Canxing interrupted the omega, his eyes gaining a hint of depth, "We were indeed in the wrong. We disturbed others. You should go back to your seats for now."

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