Chapter 55

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As evening approached, the sun retreated, softening its glare. Clouds intertwined, painting a vivid picture on the horizon.

Bai Yue entered the rooftop, finding Shang Yufei squatting nearby, his gaze fixed intensely, like emeralds in the dusk. Bai Yue closed the door and joined him.

"Twelve days and seventeen hours," Shang Yufei spoke as Bai Yue settled beside him. "Took you this long to remember to find me?"

Bai Yue chuckled. "If you'd reached out, I would've come immediately."

Shang Yufei's hand brushed his neck, a subtle sign of frustration at his earlier slip. "Because it wasn't time," Bai Yue explained.

He knew he needed to show some progress, or they wouldn't acknowledge his presence here. But now was different.

"I'm officially a member of the Patrol Team," he announced.

At the mention of "Patrol Team," Shang Yufei's expression soured involuntarily. Everything had been going smoothly. Sabotage the selection process, make Bai Yue fail his assessment, and then convince him to go home. But that final act...

Yet, seeing Bai Yue like this, even he began to doubt himself. These past few days, Shang Yufei had been contemplating if he had misunderstood something. He thought he had fully embraced the idea of secondary differentiation. But now, upon reflection, it seemed otherwise. He lacked a more concrete and clear understanding.

Bai Yue is changing, while I remain stagnant.

"Can you accept it?" Bai Yue asked. "I want to stay here."

Shang Yufei looked up at Bai Yue, his expression serious. Though outwardly he seemed unchanged, there was a distinct shift in his demeanor.

It felt like the first time in many days that Shang Yufei truly saw the current Bai Yue.

The image of Bai Yue overlapped once again with that night.

He averted his gaze. "Regardless of my approval, you won't change your mind, will you?"

Bai Yue pondered for a moment. "But this is important to me. At least it would reassure me that all I've done so far hasn't been in vain."

"I believe I mentioned why I want to stay at the academy," he continued. "Because I want to be openly with you."

His voice was soft yet resolute, carried by the wind into Shang Yufei's ears.

Shang Yufei's gaze fell to the ground, his fists clenched. "On that point, I feel the same."

He just didn't want to see Bai Yue hurt.

Originally, he thought his feelings wouldn't change. But what he witnessed on Lya Star that night far exceeded his expectations.

"I oversimplified things, secondary differentiation," Shang Yufei admitted.

He was confident that no matter how Bai Yue's appearance changed, no matter what others thought, he could maintain his own feelings. But he had never anticipated Bai Yue actively seeking to transition to an alpha.

How should he face this?

"Do you regret listening to me?" Suddenly, these words rang in his ears.

Shang Yufei startled, looking up to meet Bai Yue's light gray eyes.

"When I first experienced secondary differentiation, the words you said were a great redemption for me," Bai Yue confessed.

Bai Yue's ash-gray hair caught the light of the setting sun, and along with his light-colored eyes, they took on a hint of crimson.

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