Chapter 14

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Due to the wake-up period, Bai Yue asked for leave from the homeroom teacher and isolated himself at home. After his younger brother went to school, he remained alone at home, repeatedly undergoing control training for pheromones.

In the early stages, he wasn't very proficient, either the pheromones couldn't be released at all, or once released, they couldn't be retrieved.

Several days passed repeatedly until now.

Bai Yue sat on the bed in the bedroom, opening his eyes. His eyes were clear.

He lowered his head, looking at his palm.

The feeling was strange, as if all the blood vessels in his body were dilated, opening up the Ren and Du channels.

The awakening of pheromones is a peculiar process. Even though he learned a lot in class, he still felt unclear. And even though he had now experienced it firsthand, trying to describe the feeling just now was still difficult.

There's a feeling of being in control of everything.

It's like a blind person gaining sight, a deaf person regaining hearing.

Originally, the range and height one could reach were determined only by his body, his limbs. But with the presence of pheromones, it's like amplifying the abilities of his five senses.

Upwards, he could touch the sky; downwards, he could reach the depths of the earth.

Feeling the wind brushing against his cheeks, the black bug crawling on green leaves, the dead leaves falling into the soil, the soil decomposing and digesting. So it goes, in a repeated cycle.

Everything, it seemed, was within his grasp.

Does the awakening of pheromones bring such a significant difference to people? Or is it due to the level of genes?

This content was not mentioned in the textbook, so Bai Yue is also not very clear about it.

But in any case, now being able to control pheromones freely is undoubtedly good news.

After this, he should be able to meet Shang Yufei normally.

Bai Yue stood up, picked up his phone from the table. The text messages exchanged with Shang Yufei stayed on the last one.

He remembered the scene of their separation that night, but he dispelled the idea of contacting him.

...Tomorrow, let's meet in person.

The next morning, Bai Yue went to the academy.

Surprisingly, most of the students were absent from class. It seemed like in these past few days, there had been a concentrated outbreak of the wake-up period, and everyone was at home in self-isolation.

Bai Yue sat down with his backpack.

There were still a few minutes before class, when suddenly the back door opened. Then came a flurry of footsteps. Bai Yue only felt a gust of wind beside him as someone hastily took a seat.

"Whew, that was close, almost late!" Li Ren exclaimed, still catching his breath.

"Good morning," Bai Yue greeted.

Li Ren had been too focused on rushing, completely unaware that there was an extra person next to him. Now seeing who it was, he immediately lunged over.

"You're finally back!"

Bai Yue reached out and held Li Ren's arm.

Hanging onto him, tears welled up in Li Ren's eyes. "Now I'm the only Omega left who hasn't entered the wake-up period. I'm so unlucky!"

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