Chapter 56

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There was no objection to the resolution among the people. The team leader, in other words, was the boss of these new department members. It was a prestigious position that allowed for the management of others. Although everyone was eager, they knew that a universally acceptable person needed to be chosen. Except for Bai Yue, no one else was fit for the role.

With the addition of the role of patrol team member, Bai Yue's daily routine underwent significant changes. Inevitably, the time for training decreased. However, the monthly military merit rewards allowed him to avoid doing menial one-star and two-star tasks.

Soon, as official members, the newcomers of the patrol team faced their first major task: the inter-school sports meet. Unlike ordinary school sports meets, this event was open to all military school students on planet D-312. Each school sent a team to compete against each other.

On the surface, it was a friendly match, yet it inevitably impacted the military academy rankings. As the undisputed top 1, the Emperor's Comprehensive Military Academy had won several championships in a row. Only last year did they experience a setback, losing the first place to another school. Therefore, for this year's students at Emperor's Academy, the event was not just a competition but also a chance for revenge!

As in previous years, Emperor's Comprehensive Military Academy also hosted the event, providing the venue for the competition. The event attracted not only participants from various schools but also numerous external visitors, including military personnel, thus drawing a large crowd. Consequently, the patrol team had to take responsibility for maintaining order at the site.

Hearing about the inter-school sports event, the newly joined freshmen were initially eager to showcase their skills. However, their enthusiasm waned upon learning that they were assigned duties instead. Competing for the school's honor was one thing, but the prospect of missing out on the competition, especially considering the large audience and the generous rewards for winning, felt like a huge loss.

To add insult to injury, a girl with a ponytail dampened their spirits even further, saying, "Forget about it, even if you wanted to participate, you wouldn't be chosen. There's a limit on the number of participants, and Emperor's will, of course, select the strongest members." Hearing this, the freshmen's shoulders slumped in disappointment.

This also implies that they would have to compete with upperclassmen for the spot. Even if they were relatively outstanding among the newcomers, how could they compete with those people?

"However..." The girl with the ponytail's gaze landed on Bai Yue. "If you're confident enough, you might as well try. As long as it doesn't affect the mission, participating in the competition is not out of the question."

The bearded man was greatly encouraged: "Does that mean we can sign up?! Great, I'm going!"

Xu Chengdong facepalmed: "Clearly, he wasn't talking to you."


In the evening, after a day's classes had ended, the main road was bustling with students.

"I'm planning to sign up for the school sports meeting," Bai Yue suddenly said.

Shang Yufei was about to drink water but stopped upon hearing this.

The two were not in the same grade, but they tried to train together whenever possible. At this moment, they had just finished their warm-up exercises.

Bai Yue was stretching his arms: "Although it hasn't been announced yet, in the past, securing a good position usually came with a military honor reward. Moreover, winning the championship could also benefit future promotions."

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