Chapter 22

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This plunged the room into a brief silence.

It felt like a dream.

An Omega student with average talent not only escaped unscathed from several Alphas but also managed to land people in the hospital?

The first to chuckle incredulously was Fang Zhenren's mother: "You? A C-grade Omega, capable of such things?"

The class teacher beside her also found the statement dubious and advised, "Bai Yue, let's be realistic. If you did it, you did it; if not, you didn't. The teacher believes it was self-defense, but let's not fabricate stories."

This struck a nerve with Fang's mother, who glared at the teacher. "Self-defense? Clearly, my son just wanted to make friends and was attacked by this group of egotistical people!"

Bai Yue looked at the enraged woman and smiled, "There's no need to get so worked up. I haven't lied. If you want proof, there are many ways."

Fang's mother pressed, "Then show us!"

Bai Yue scanned the room.

"Do you know about secondary differentiation?"

Anyone who had been to school couldn't be unaware of this term, although it was usually just heard of—such cases were rare.

However, there were many movies and literary works that told the story of humans originally being Alphas differentiating into Omegas.

"What are you trying to say?" Fang's father asked coldly.

Bai Yue replied, "Though unbelievable, unfortunately, this incident happened to me."

He spread his arms, "As you can see, from outward appearances, I am an Omega. And until now, I have lived my life in this identity."

"But, during my last hospital visit for a secondary examination," he glanced at the class teacher.

The class teacher nodded, "I'm aware of this."

Bai Yue continued, "The result of the examination was—I've differentiated into an Alpha."

Secondary differentiation? Becoming an Alpha?

The class teacher was particularly incredulous. He had known Bai Yue for three years, but there was absolutely no trace of Alpha temperament in him. And he also knew that his student would privately select the "school flower".

If other Alpha students found out about this, they would probably wish they were dead.

Fang's father's face darkened, "Are you trying to say that after you differentiated into an Alpha, you easily defeated my son?"

"Ridiculous!" he snorted, "My son is a B-grade, and his incompetent friends are C-grade. How could you alone defeat them?"

His tone carried sarcasm, "A C-grade Alpha?"

The class teacher pondered. When Bai Yue informed him of his genetic grade, he did not disclose the truth about secondary differentiation. So it was possible that both gender and genetic grade were concealed.

Although he didn't know the reason for the lie at that time, but maybe Bai Yue's genetic grade wasn't just C-grade? Being able to easily suppress others, could it be...

The class teacher suddenly realized, looking up, "You also have an A-grade!?"

There was undisguised shock and delight in his tone. If this were true, then he had two A-grade Alphas in one class, and his chances for the annual outstanding teacher's bonus were definitely secure!

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room was stunned.

If this were true, then the credibility of Bai Yue sending several Alphas to the hospital increased significantly.

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