Chapter 28

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After finishing his conversation with his parents, Bai Yu returned to his bedroom. Before he could even sit down, the door was kicked open with a bang.

"Bro! Someone's looking for you!" exclaimed his energetic younger brother, his school bag slung over his shoulder, indicating he had just returned from school.

Bai Yu frowned, "Who?"

His brother shook his head, "Don't know. An Omega, said to be your classmate."

An Omega? Could it be Li Ren? But if the person wanted to visit, they would surely have contacted him beforehand. Why come over suddenly like this?

Bai Yu made his way downstairs.

Sitting in the living room was a familiar figure, their appearance striking, their expression unusually tense. They sat huddled on the couch, looking somewhat pitiful.

It was An Yu.

Bai Yu hadn't expected An Yu to show up at his house so late in the evening.

At that moment, An Yu's mind was in turmoil. Holding a cup of steaming tea, he couldn't calm down. He hadn't expected the young boy earlier to be Bai Yu's brother. Upon hearing that he was Bai Yu's classmate, he was pulled inside. Even Bai Yu's mother was present, pouring him a cup of tea.

This visit was indeed impulsive.

Upon hearing the news that Bai Yu had become an Alpha at school today, An Yu couldn't shake off the shock for half the day. After school, disregarding his friends' invitations, he rushed over straightaway.

At that moment, his mind was fixated on one thing. If Bai Yu had undergone secondary differentiation and become an S+ level Alpha, then everything that happened that night would make sense.

The mysterious person who saved him concealed their true identity for a reason, and the fact that he couldn't find that person anywhere in the school.

—Because he never could have imagined that the mysterious individual was actually an Omega!

However, even though he had rushed over impulsively, when he arrived at the door, he suddenly didn't know what to say. So he hesitated and lingered.

He hadn't expected to just walk straight into the house.

The tea in his hand was scalding, and An Yu grew increasingly uneasy as he sat there. He glanced nervously at Bai's mother in front of him and said, "Um, maybe I should..."

Go back.

Before he could utter those two words, footsteps approached from behind, moving closer towards him.

Perhaps due to his heightened nerves, An Yu could even sense the other person's body temperature, their breath rate, and the sensation of a hand seemingly placed behind him.

Then came a question.

"What are you looking for me for?"

The familiar, gentle voice. But perhaps due to the secondary differentiation, it now sounded somewhat deeper.

An Yu felt a tingling sensation creeping up his spine, sending shivers down his body.

Anxiously, he turned his head to look back and saw Bai Yu standing behind him, his right arm draped over the back of the couch, his light gray eyes gazing down at him.

Though it was an extremely familiar face, and though he had always felt disdain whenever he saw it before, once he overlapped the figure with that night, An Yu became too nervous to speak.

 After I Turned From O to A I Became the National Male GodWhere stories live. Discover now