Chapter 17

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The old building, a classroom.

The potent pheromones permeated the entire room. Fang Zhenren tightly gripped Bai Yue's neck, his gaze fixed firmly on the figure before him.

His subordinate had informed him earlier: Bai Yue's genetic level was merely a humble C-class, while he himself was a B-class Alpha. This level gap was enough to easily induce Omega frenzy in him; all that remained was for the glands to emerge so he could be marked.

Initially, Fang Zhenren was confident of his victory.

He fantasized about the scene to come: Bai Yue kneeling before him, unable to resist his pheromones. A flush spreading across his face, the once composed countenance now replaced by foolish laughter.

And once the other regained consciousness from the frenzy, recalling what had transpired and the changes in his body, he would surely plunge into an endless abyss. What expression would Shang Yufei wear then?

Just the thought of that image made Fang Zhenren exhilarated beyond measure.

He stared at Bai Yue's face, anticipating the moment when the calm would give way to madness. Yet, when he saw Bai Yue's expression clearly, Fang Zhenren's smile froze on his face.

Not only was there no frenzy, there wasn't even the slightest reaction. Bai Yue's eyes remained clear, gazing calmly at him, as if observing a clown's performance.

The smile vanished from Fang Zhenren's face, replaced by a sense of inadequacy. He felt the pheromone concentration wasn't sufficient, so he released even more.

For Alphas, pheromones toward the same gender were a display of dominance, a challenge. Several of Fang Zhenren's underlings in the classroom had already awakened to this sensation. For them, it was the first time in their lives experiencing oppression from a higher-level individual.

Feeling as though heavy stones were weighing down on their shoulders, they couldn't help but kneel.

And this was merely the gap between B-class and C-class. If it were an A-class Alpha, the disparity would be even more terrifying.

At this moment, after experiencing the pressure brought by Fang Zhenren, these Alphas not only felt fear but also deep-seated envy, along with a barely perceptible twinge of jealousy.

However, Fang Zhenren currently had no time to spare for his underlings' conditions. He stared intently at Bai Yue, hoping to detect a hint of distraction in his eyes.

Bai Yue's gaze shifted away from Fang Zhenren, landing on the hand gripping his shoulder. He chuckled lightly, "And then?"

This indifferent reaction nearly caused Fang Zhenren's mind to explode!

His eyes bulged, and he further intensified the pheromone concentration. This was already his limit, and continuously doing so would undoubtedly cause significant harm to a newly matured Alpha.

But he couldn't find reason; he only wanted to achieve his goal as quickly as possible. Completely unaware, his several underlings had curled up one after another, unable to withstand the pressure.

Bai Yue continued, "You're putting yourself in danger."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Fang Zhenren had no idea where he had gone wrong. He had exerted all his efforts to release his pheromones. Yet, facing him, a B-class Alpha, this C-class Omega remained calm and composed.

Fang Zhenren couldn't wait for Bai Yue to enter frenzy; he reached out directly for his neck, intending to mark him then and there.

An Omega's glands would only reveal themselves after receiving an Alpha's pheromones. Depending on the compatibility and level difference, the extent of revelation varied.

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