Chapter 62

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The scene changed dramatically this time; they left the city and ventured into the outskirts. Under their feet was fine sand, the surroundings desolate. Breathing seemed to fill the lungs with floating particles.

Looking around, not a blade of grass grew. Occasionally, a venomous scorpion scurried by, quickly burrowing underground.

“Cough, cough!” someone couldn't help but cough. “Why does the environment get worse the further we go?”

The main arena had reached the fifth segment of the race, and the camera positions changed too. The environment initially distracted the students of Di Yi University. But as the camera swept past the competitors' faces, someone quickly recognized a familiar face.

He rubbed his eyes, “Wait, am I seeing things? Why would he compete?”

“Who are you talking about?”

Before he could reply, an announcement over the loudspeaker indicated that Di Yi was about to pass the baton. This time, the camera lingered on the contestant for several seconds.

Once he clearly saw the person's appearance, he was certain he was not mistaken and abruptly stood up.

“Damn! Is that really Shang Yufei?!”

Others began to notice as well.

“What was the school thinking, letting him represent Di Yi in the competition?”

“What if he causes trouble again?”

“Oh no, I can’t watch this.”

The spectator stand became noisy.

The media, with their keen sense of smell, quickly noticed the anomaly. Hearing the Di Yi students discussing their own competitor, they immediately alerted their colleagues, “Keep an eye on this person; this is definitely big news.”

On the racetrack, Shang Yufei couldn’t hear the students' comments. Even if he could, he wouldn’t care.

The weather was terrible, occasionally blowing gusts laden with grit.

Despite starting 38 minutes behind the leader, Di Yi had overtaken dozens of competitors after several rounds. They were now in fifteenth place at the start of this leg.

The sand flew under his feet. His speed was so fast that the rising sand had no time to settle before he was meters away.

Media people snapped photos and marveled, “My God, how many monsters does Di Yi have?”

Just the first preliminary race had seen three rookies fielded, two of whom performed exceptionally well. And that omega, arranged to run the last leg—could he possibly be even more formidable than the first two?

While the Di Yi students worried about Shang Yufei’s potential "outbursts," they had to admit his capabilities.

His speed was even faster than the first runner!

Now at the fifth stage, the road became tougher. The early starters clearly slowed their pace compared to previous segments.

The sandy ground was uneven, and the gusting wind occasionally blinded people. Plus, with the road being overwhelmed by the sand, it was easy to stray off course and lose direction.

In other people’s eyes, haste makes waste; it seemed safer to take this leg of the race a bit more steadily.

Everyone probably would have made the same judgment.

Thus, the runner in fourteenth place slowed down confidently, only to suddenly feel a breeze pass him by.

In the blink of an eye, he dropped to fifteenth place, standing dumbfounded without even seeing who had overtaken him.

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