Chapter 10

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In a unfamiliar room, a large white bed dominated the center. The sound of rushing water emanated from the bathroom, and steam escaped through the door crack, forming wisps in the air.

Bai Yue sat on the middle of the bed, his head hanging low. His mind was hazy, and his body still felt uncomfortable.

Pheromones surged within him. He had attempted to suppress them earlier, but the attempt backfired, making the situation worse. His heart rate exceeded the normal range, accompanied by a faint stinging sensation.

He ran his hand over his forehead and massaged his brow.

He ended up in this place without any explanation. The white-collar worker seemed familiar with the area, navigating through narrow alleys to find a small hotel.

However, his intentions were likely not purely altruistic. Yet, at this moment, he did need a discreet space.

The water sound from the bathroom ceased, and the door opened. The white-collar worker had undressed, wrapped in a towel around his waist, with loose flesh around his abdomen.

Putting on glasses, the man, satisfied to find the compliant teenager on the bed, smiled.

Little did he expect that this casual outing would yield such a fine catch on the bus.

Unlike other "hunters," the white-collar worker didn't hastily pounce upon his prey. He enjoyed the anticipation and buildup.

Whether the boy was submissive or resistant, it promised a unique experience.

The man walked to the table, poured a cup of hot water, then approached the student and handed him the cup.

"Feeling better now?"

Bai Yue lifted his eyelids, looking at the man wearing only a towel.

Due to his appearance, Bai Yue had encountered harassment from a young age, but during those times, he always traveled to and from school with Shang Yufei.

Shang Yufei, known for his fierceness since childhood, didn't hesitate to confront even adults, preventing those harassers from succeeding. As Bai Yue grew older, he learned to discern and navigate such situations, often averting potential risks.

Yet, today was the first time he found himself easily led into a hotel.

The man with glasses felt an itching sensation in his heart as Bai Yue casually glanced at him. Placing the water back on the table, he placed his hands on the towel around his waist, intending to remove it.

"Now that you're feeling a bit better, let's get straight to the point," the man with glasses smirked, his expression no longer retaining the innocence from the beginning. Seeing the silver-haired youth move slightly, as if trying to evade, only heightened his amusement.

"Scared? It's your first time, isn't it? Don't worry, Uncle will make you comfortable."

Bai Yue remained silent. After entering the room, he had attempted to release his pheromones. Whether it was due to excessive suppression or other reasons, the pheromones reversed and firmly lodged in his heart.

"Thud, thud."

This time, the heartbeat gradually slowed, almost coming to a halt. Bai Yue lifted his hand, clutching his shirt again.

"What's wrong? Uncomfortable in the chest?" The man with glasses, his desire now undisguised, reached out, "Come, let me help you."

Bai Yue: "..."

No sound came out.

He lifted his head, his light gray eyes staring directly at the man's face. Unlike his usual expression, there was no trace of a smile. He resembled a meticulously carved ice sculpture.

 After I Turned From O to A I Became the National Male GodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora