Chapter 57

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The mobilization meeting concluded. The contestants were granted a temporary pause from their classes for the next few days to focus solely on training.

As the students dispersed, Bai Yue finally noticed Mu Sihan's presence. He greeted him, but the scene was too noisy, and it seemed his voice went unheard.

"Ah, he's gone," Bai Yue lowered his hand. Yet, there was no rush; there would be other opportunities for introductions.

At that moment, a middle-aged man's voice emerged from beside him. "You're Shang Yufei, right? If you have time, could we have a chat?"

Turning, Bai Yue saw a teacher from Emperor One Military School addressing Shang Yufei beside him. Shang Yufei raised an eyebrow, "Speak."

The teacher, clearly displeased by such insolence, responded, "It's too crowded here, not the best place for a conversation."

"What's so inconvenient about it?" Shang Yufei retorted, evidently living up to his reputation as a troublemaker.

Suppressing his irritation, the teacher continued, "It's about your qualification for the competition. It involves face-saving; if you don't mind everyone hearing, neither do I."

"Face-saving?" Shang Yufei chuckled deeply. So, he still had such a thing.

"If you intend to revoke my qualification, just say it. Isn't unilateral decision-making your specialty?"

"You—!" The teacher was visibly angered.

Bai Yue stepped forward, "Is it true, teacher?"

Bai Yue's appearance was indeed deceptive. Seeing him, the teacher's anger somewhat subsided as he explained, "This competition is critical for our school; we cannot allow any accidents."

Glancing at the "accident" before him, Shang Yufei squinted. Honestly, he couldn't care less about the sports meet. If not for Bai Yue's request, he wouldn't have bothered participating. There were many ways to earn military honors, and he preferred not to waste his time dealing with these people.

Intending to leave with Bai Yue, he found himself reassuringly patted on the shoulder. Bai Yue pondered before asking, "What 'accident' are you referring to, teacher?"

"Due to some verbal disputes that escalated into physical altercations," the teacher hinted. "It's not without precedent."

Shang Yufei frowned.

"I understand your concern," Bai Yue smiled.

"But last year, our school lost the championship due to overly conservative strategies. If we repeat the mistake this year, the outcome may be equally severe."

The teacher questioned, "Are you suggesting that without Shang Yufei, we have no chance at winning?"

Bai Yue shook his head, "If the senior withdraws from the competition, then my participation also ends here."

Both Shang Yufei and the teacher were taken aback. The teacher knew of this student's significance. Frankly, the school committee had placed substantial bets on this freshman.

The experience of upperclassmen, though rich, had been thoroughly analyzed by rival schools. But a first-year student—especially an S+ alpha—was an entirely unknown and formidable force for our adversaries!

The teacher hesitated, "This…"

"What! Bai, you're withdrawing? If you do, then I won't participate either!" came a loud voice.

"Wait, Bai bro, you're not serious, right? The fan club came all for you; if you don't compete, they'll drown me in spit. Then, I'm out too," Qin Fei interjected.

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