Chapter 35 Finally, "Freedom!!!" ('Nappa?')

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Chapter 35

Finally, "Freedom!!!"

The dust and and floating debri had an unexpected intervention . . . Suddenly and almost as quickly as they had burst apart, the loose debri floated back together into their former planetary selves, and all of the lives lost were once again restored . . . as if nothing had ever happened.
Trunks SuperSaiyan three, looked back down at the huge wave of blasts descending to consume his new found friends . . . and the entire planet and its occupants.
At a loss as too what to do, the young Saiyan was about to try something, when, the familiar power of his father Vegeta appeared below the massive wave of destruction, to try to stop it.
Going SuperSaiyan, one, . . . and then SuperSaiyan two, and then Super Saiyan three, Vegeta stood between the planet and the massive oncoming tidal wave of destructive power.
"Hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuhhhh!" Vegeta powered up by drawing forth his SuperSaiyan three power . . . and then the blast hit the Saiyan full on.
Young Trunks looked on as he made out his father being swallowed by the relentless heat . . . and yet . . Vegeta stood perfectly calm inside of the centre of the oncoming rage of heat.
Once in the direct centre of it all, Vegeta spread out his hands outwards, each pushing out towards the length of the wave it faced.
And suddenly . . without warning, the pride of the Saiyan race let out a huge blast from each hand that shoved Icor's blasts wave out into space from sideways.
And within a few moments . . . as a bit of ash rained down from the sky . . . it became all peaceful and calm night, as if nothing had even happened a minute or two ago.
"Dad!" Young Trunks shouted, never happier to see his father. The young long haired SuperSaiyan three boy flew down to embrace his SuperSaiyan three father . . . their likeness was unmistakeable as the big man hugged and spun around his son.
Milla and Dallas looked at each other . . . these Saiyans were both out of their league . . . But old man Alan, sat back . . . observing the two Saiyans . . . 'were they ready?'
Suddenly there was a huge explosion on the planet across from them, and, a long trail of SuperSaiyan power came soaring like a missile towards them.
Then, another long trail of SuperSaiyan power shot out from that adjacent planet to follow the other, both heading their direction at immense speed.

Somewhere across space in the 'New World'
Pain (the young Namek boy), Ariochi (the Dragon boy), Chelorie (the half android-half human), Lauren (a young female Saiyan), Tomato (Saiyan Prince), and Flawdius (the Powerful Namekian), were finally heading out for their first, task as a group, the first Dragon ball of seven.
For if they were going to make the wish of wishes . . . the fall of all bad guys in their realm of existence . . . they may have to face a few of them . . in person and, up close and personal.

Across another part of space in this 'New World'
Gohan was waiting at his post as the new Lieutenant for the Galaxy Force Patrol, and loving it, as he kept an eye and ear out, for any news of young Trunks or his little brother Goten . . . they couldn't be too far, and judging by how 'soft' these guys were so far, the little ones might still have a chance of survival, . . . besides, if he knew the two of them well . . . they were either trying to save someone in distress . . . or in hiding somewhere till help could arrive. Gohan could do nothing at this point . . . but wait for news of his sibling and friend.

Back On this side of Reality
Goku lay sprawled out, half asleep, and half unconscious, his body, mind, power, and spirit had been drained beyond belief by what ever transformation that was . . . and he was slowly recovering. He had barely eaten anything other than the Sensu Bean which for the first time in his life did not do much more than keep him from going unconscious for who knows how long.
Now, he was getting some much needed rest . . . and hopefully, he would recover . . . once again, to protect the Earth and its occupants.

Again on this side of Reality; Somewhere unknown by mere mortals.
Whis left Berus (the god of Destruction) all bandaged up . . . and nursing his wounds. Taking his staff, the angel tapped the ground and disappeared, off to some place more distant than he presently was.
Appearing behind his father, the Daishinkan, the most powerful of angels, ". . Father?"
Daishinkan, stood facing outwards into space, as if looking through a large glass window that captured the who of heaven before him. " . . . A storm may be brewing my son . . . You may want to get some well deserved rest . . . . and then get ready." Daishinkan turned to face his most impressive son . . .
This was a very great complement, to be appreciated openly by his normally decisive and responsible father, but it was also equally satisfying for him to understand the struggle that he had just been through.

Back in the 'New World'
As the two trails of power got closer and closer, it became evident, that the two trails of power belonged to two of the most powerful Saiyans who had come there, and they were at the head speeding down to meet the group.
The most powerful one arrived first . . . and Vegeta almost gasped out loud . . for the first Saiyan had an uncanny resemblance to . . "Nappa?"
The bald Saiyan looked over at Vegeta in quiet wonder, a clear mistake in identity for Vegeta.
As the bald but very powerful Saiyan stood waiting . . the other Saiyan came streaking down from above, to stand beside the first . . .
Trunks looked at the two in wonder . . . he'd thought that they would have at killed each other by now . . 'What was going on?'
Old Saiyan Allan got up from where he was sitting patiently and strolled into the middle of the crowd.
"You ready . . . old man?" The big guy bellowed in his very deep voice.
" . . . Yes . . . we are all ready . ."
Everyone stared at each other . . . some knew what the other didn't and the others were wondering what they knew that they themselves didn't.
"A smaller and weaker crew this round . . . but . . . no time's better than the present." The big guy bellowed to the old man.
Vegeta was a bit insulted at being addressed as being 'weaker' but, he settled his Saiyan pride, with the thought that he had already destroyed a 'Nappa' already . . . might as well try to keep this one around a little longer.
'The other thing that bothered Vegeta . . was that the big guy and old man 'Alan' could see them in their SuperSaiyan three forms . . . and yet called them . . . weaker . . . Weaker . . than who?'
". . . Okay . . . Let's get down to business!" Old man Alan stated, his eyebrows bent, like he was about to reveal something of 'utter' urgency.

Aboard Goten's ship, as the ships continued their way across space in the New World

"!Announcement!" The ship's speaker boomed in the hearing of the crowded audience. "!We have located a planet were we can all live on . . ."
Ears were 'peeled' in wonder as hopes started to rise . . . 'Could it be? . . . could it be? After such a long time in slavery . . . could . . .'
"!The planet has massive amounts of water . . . lush greenery . . open prairies, mountainous regions, a few small deserts . . .!"
'It felt all too good to be true'.
"!And it is all ours . . .!!"
"Yea!!!!!" The crowds on all two ships burst out into choruses of joy and happiness as what they had hoped for and prayed for for some many, many years . . finally is coming true ". . . True Freedom!!"

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