Chapter 25 The 'Resistance'

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Chapter 25

The ‘Resistance’

Gohan, Leopold, and their two wards, watch, as the approached the huge citied, world. It was dark side of the planet where they were landing on, and from space, the beautiful lights carved out the planets lands beautifully.
“This is our planetary base, where our League of Justice headquarters is based.” One of the space officers informed. “We have many bases throughout the Universe, but this is where most of our Laws are received and carried out.”
The ship entered the planet’s atmosphere, and then proceeded downwards to their landing dock.
Upon exiting the ship, the four headed towards the Galaxy Patrols Head Quarters. Other officers in different uniforms could be seen carrying out different tasks, and flying cars moved busily about to their several destinations.
The building was very clean, an the mechanics were advance. Such as one would expect from a well run galaxy quarters.
Going through door after door, they four finally came to a glass door marked “Lieutenant” in alien language. The door slid opened, and they entered the room.
A funny looking alien turned around, from looking out on to the busy docking area from where they had just disembarked.
“So . . . did you bring back the skins?” the lieutenant asked, ignoring the others.
“. . . Uhhh . . . No . . .” One of the officers stated trembling. “We . . uuuhhh, encountered some difficulties . . .”
“Where is the criminal I sent with you to retrieve the skins?” the alien man asked authoritatively.
“ . . Well, you see Sir, He went rogue when he realised that he would be sent back to prison, and . . . he uhhh . . . Didn’t think that was a very good idea.”
“ . . . . . . . .” The captain strolled up and down slowly. “You two know how important those skins are, if we are going to have a chance at saving the Queen Angelina.”
“So you sent them to kill some innocent aliens and their families, in order to save your queen?” Gohan spoke up, wandering what sort of ‘crazed, derange, leader would possibly come up with such a selfish reason. “You do know, that everyone is worth something, the same as others?”
Lieutenant looked over at Gohan, letting his gaze look him up and down. “A Saiyan?”
“Yes . . . from another space or time or something of the sort, we think.” One of the officers spoke up for Gohan. “He does not appear to know how dangerous the universe is . . . . . but he does appear to have some very high morals.”
“So . . . you are here to become a recruit?”
“No . . . not exactly.” The young Saiyan replied confidently. “I am here to find out who authorised you to send an imprisoned criminal out into space to murder the innocent, and for their hides.”
The Lieutenant turned and faced the huge floor to ceiling, wall to wall, glass window, placing his hands behind his back, and just stared out onto the docks below. “Several years ago, King of the Ice people, Lord Icicle, thought their race should be a more powerful race, in order not to be ruled over by other alien species.
So the King though it would be nice for him to marry the Daughter of the Death Dealers King, but the King refused. They were a very auspicious bunch, a legacy of space assassins.
King Icicle was prepared for the negative answer, and instead hired several of those guys you met, to use their ability to hide because of their skin mutations. The task of kidnapping the Death Dealers King’s daugther was ludacris but being invisible and unreadable, the hired group was able to infiltrate, drug, and kidnap the young woman.
However, there was one hook-up: The princess was wearing a tracker in the form of a bracelet that the king gave to her. Several days after the girl went missing the Tiagala came, got back their daughter, and demanded that the king step down from his thrown, be executed, and the skins of those who kidnapped his daughter as well as the skins of their daughters be handed over to the Tiagala. Otherwise they would slay every single family member of the ice king, and they threatened to annihilate the invisible aliens planet with as much of them on it.
The task was not handed down to the Ice King . . . for what they did was an international crime . . .  instead, the task was handed down to us . . .”
“But you didn’t want your hands dirty or the hands of your cadets . . . that is why you bargained with that half hearted criminal to skin them for you?” Gohan chimed in.
“Ur . . Yes . . but, what we didn’t know was that the Invisible people had already sentenced, the criminals to death, and thus it was impossible to save the Ice people’s race . . . So we knew had to let that insane maniac do what he did by just releasing him, in the vicinity and then monitor his movements. Sure enough he killed and skinned some of their people, and we picked him up, but then their was an explosion, some fighting and then I don’t know what else happened.”
“Is your captain aware of this mess you made?”
“No, he is away attending a gathering of the gods. He will not be back for another day or two.”
“You will report this mess to your Captain.” Gohan stated firmly, and then you will step down from being Lieutenant . . . In fact . . you will step down now.”
“The Lieutenant looked at his officers, to Leopold, to Gohan, and back to his officers.” With the expression, ‘Can he do that?’
No one looked at Gohan . . . instead they all looked at the Lieutenant, and waited for him to hand over his badge and other Galaxy patrol items. By now everyone who had travelled with Gohan knew the young man’s moral judgement was not to be questioned . . . unless you wanted to fight over it.
After handing over his gear and other things, the Lieutenant was led away by a soldier called in for the job, to wait in his lodging for the return of their captain.
“ . . . What do we do now?” One of the officers in the room questioned. “We still need to have a Lieutenant in place . . .”
There was many a suggestion for promotion to the job . . . however, those most qualified was away on business, and who was left, was too cowardly to take the role . . . which sometimes meant leading charges into some of the worst hell holes imaginable.
Gohan stood in the corner, with his chin resting in his cupped fingers, thinking about how he could located Trunks and Goten.
“. . . How about Gohan over here?”
Gohan looked up to see Leopold pointing at him.
The other two officers didn’t look too convinced . . . “But he isn’t one of us . . ?”
“. . . Yeah . . but is that a bad thing? I mean you can all share deny-ability if things go wrong, and if Gohan gets fired, you still have your jobs, and Gohan gets into most of the danger whilst you stay a safer distance back. It’s all pluses if you ask me.”
The other two did not have to think long, and soon, the intercom boomed with the message.
“!The Lieutenant had to stand down, and now we have elected a temporary replacement, ‘Acting Lieutenant Gohan!!”
“Yea!!!!!!!” Many aliens cheered, they didn’t know who Gohan was but they always felt a little ‘disgusted’ at the strategies and cowardices of the old Lieutenant, who was always sending them away on strange missions to die. ‘Any one was better than him.’
Gohan looked about as things were happening whilst he was thinking and he hadn’t time to process what was going on, but at the mention of him being elected as the new ‘acting Lieutenant’.
The Saiyan was happy, jumped up for joy and said, “I have the perfect outfit.” And he ran off towards the ship. “Great Saiya Man is here!!”
The officers in the office looked at one another, and shrugged . . . ‘It could have been worse.’
Gohan’s happy voice filled the big base once again. “!Not to fear . . . Great Saiya man is here!!”

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