Chapter 28 Reaping What You Sow (Goten's Spirit Bomb)

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Chapter 28

Reaping What You Sow

The huge amounts of power coming from Goten startled the three attackers, who had though that the boy had been knocked out (K.O.). Taking a look at each other the three rushed in and started to beat up the boy to break him out of it . . . but their attacks were causing but small amounts of damage to him. So the three pummelled the boy for dear life as his power kept shooting upwards to newer heights.
Suddenly, Goten opened his closed eyes and kicked away an attacking hand before kicking away the attacker. Again and again the boy kicked away their attacking hands and kicked them one by one from off of him, till it sounded like a pinball machine, all of the while still buried into the wall of the mountain with his hands embedded upwards as his power kept sky-rocketing up to newer heights. This went on over and over for some time until the 'kick away aliens' started showing major bruises.
Glouder stood watching as things started to get out of hand for the three aliens, seated in the sky with no chair, and hands behind his head leaning back like he was watching an interesting comedy.
The three not knowing how to stop the boy, started hitting him with many power balls, but Goten just created a shield that stopped them hitting him.
Confused, the three came together and power up their strength to create a huge and powerful combined Power blast.
"BBbzzzzzzzzzzz . . ." The thing became huge, growing come twenty feet in diameter, before they let loose the thing. "zzz . . ztuuuuuuuuuu . . ." The massive blast and its long tail descended on the lad like a consuming meteor. The trees started to sway and tiny pieces of the big mountain started to break away. " . . uuut Booommn!!" The blast appeared to hit the boy, sending dust everywhere.
As the dust cleared and huge pieces of the mountain wall had disappeared, Goten stood still embedded but bleeding through his nose, as the boys frame of embedded rock lack cut out around him.

Back on Earth
Goku lay sprawled out sleeping on his living room, as the vexed Chi-Chi put the Saiyan out of their bedroom 'until little Goten, and Gohan comes home safely'.
Suddenly Whis, appears in the room beside him with Berus, who was still in his pajamas and yawning.
"Get up Goku." Berus stated wide mouthed from his sleepy yawning. "We have to go . . ."
Goku, looked up at the two, still very sleepy from the long hard day. "Wheeis . . . Berruss . . . What are you to doing here?" Goku blinked and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
"We have to go." The tall angel stated plainly.
"Go where . . ?"
" . . . You wanted to help save Goten . . ?" Whis said looking intently at the Saiyan.
"Well . . . we believe that this would be a perfect chance."
"Yes, but only because Bulma's 'movie night' and the eats were so great . . ." Berus stated, appearing 'bored' with the discussion, and wanting to get back to his bed. "Wouldn't be quite the same . . . if one of the main actors is dead."
"What?! Dead?! . . . Who?" Goku asked now alert and afraid of loosing any one of the boys.
"Goten . . . We believe that Goten is about to be killed."
Goku was up in a jiffy, also still wearing his sleeping gear (pajamas), and was by Whis' side in no time. "Let's Go."
The trio then disappeared from the spot.

Back at Goten's Location on Planet Glebe
The three super thugs, realizing the combined blast had caused major damage to the boy, ascended higher into the sky, and looking down at their still standing target, the three pull all of the power that they could muster till they had nothing left, and then, creating the biggest ball that they had ever created, aimed, and launched the huge blast down towards the boy.
The little aliens on the space ship had been giving it as much as they could muster, without having to sacrifice their own life force. The trees and living animals and creatures on several nearby planets had been continually giving power to the boy, as well as this huge planet Glebe.

The massive blast came down, violently shaking trees, before ripping them out of the ground by there roots, and throwing them away; big boulders started to roll, then crack then break into many pieces. The light was blinding and the heat from the blast was very intense, burning fiery hot as it came down. "!Buuutzzzzzzzzzz tuuuuuuuu . . .!" Just like the first but more intense and huge the blast found its way to the imprisoned boy, who flinched as the heat was massive, and the blast slowed this time as hit came to hit the boys shield of power.
The three powerful aliens tried to give the blast more power, and Goten fought to keep his shield up as more and more power downloaded into him.
Fighting really hard to concentrate on drawing the power, and still keeping up the shield, the boy used a tiny bit of the downloaded power, and mentally forced the power blast side ways from his shield. The blast very slowly started to move, and as the boy fought to concentrate in three different directions at the same time. This was not easy by a long shot, but when facing certain death, giving up was not an option.
The huge blast moved slowly side ways and more and more, until its projection took it away from the shield. Not having to concentrate on keeping his shield up any more, Goten dropped the shield and quickly focused most of his attention on redirecting the blast . . . . right around back towards its three senders.
As the massive ball of power came around in full circle with much speed, the three aliens stopped supplying it with their power, but it was too late, it was coming right for them.
Suddenly, the massive amount of energy Goten had collected was completed, and the boy used a bit of it to infuse into himself. "Buduugge", breaking free from the rocks, with the rings still surrounding his hands and feet. Goten dashed towards the three stunned aliens, and just as they were about to dodge, the little Saiyan appeared behind them. And one by one they tried to attack him, but instead, the boy, block the first alien's punch with his arm, and punch him into the incoming ball of fire and power. The second one tried to escape, and Goten appeared in front of him with speed, dodging his punch with by moving his head out of its way, the boy continued to lean sideways, bringing up his rising foot to swing a kick into the alien's mid-section, sending the alien flying into the massive ball of fire and power.
The last alien seeing the huge ball of power coming for him, turned and tried to take out the young Saiyan with another blast before being consumed by the huge blast of power. All three alien thugs were consumed by their own power blast.
Goten sunk into the blast of power, which then continued on towards the god of destruction 'Glouder', how got up from his stance to stand in front of the powerful blast.
Goten, came out of the back of the blast, unharmed, and with his hands raised, the talented boy began to bring together all of that spiritual power that he had collected, into a massive ball like a huge sun, and as soon as he felt, he threw the our of space ball down at the god of destruction, and the angel, and the others watching.
Now from where Glouder stood, he could only see the incoming power blast that consumed the three others, and the big glow coming from behind it; and thinking it nothing, the God, also decided to sink into the power blast, that to him, was but a very hot bath.
As the god disappeared into the ball of power, Goten was very quickly floating back and away from the whole ordeal, and up into the incoming huge spirit bomb which was coming down with immense speed.
Glouber's angel, 'Mehbol' quickly got to his feet. Something was incoming with speed.
As Glauber came out the back of the blast ball, he was suprised to be inches from being hit with this massive ball of light and energy.
Mehbol quickly disappeared and appeared to grab Glouber; But the spirit bomb's supernatural powers were causing his own ability to concentrate properly to flutter, and so the angel could not get Glouber out of there in time, so the angel blocked and placed a super-shield around both him and Glouber, his charge.
As the ball covered the two, Mehbol fought desperately to keep his shaking and vibrating shield up as the two went through the storm of power. Behind them, many bad alien's were being caught up in the planet size blast of spirit power, and destroyed, screaming; the bad in them, not being able to handle the torrent of spirit and power of life.
Back inside of the powerful blast, the angel Mehbol was trying desperately to concentrate as the walls of his shield will fully allowed holes in itself, to allow the spiritual power in. As beams of power shot in, the bad angel started to scream, as Glouber stood hiding behind the angel in fear. He had never known that an angel could be beaten or feel pain.
The violent, shaking and screaming continued a few minutes more as the half eaten shield came out the back of the spirit bomb, to reveal, a seriously injured and charred Mehbol.
Mehbol stood, in both shock, pain, and trembling in the aftermath, as the spiritual ball continued on its path to destroy the caverns, with its hiding wicked occupants as well as those trying to flee on foot or by flight.

"We are soon there . . ." Whis announced to Goku and Berus.
"Is he okay . . ? the Saiyan man asked concerned for his son's safety.
". . . Soon." Whis answered still trying to concentrate.
"Shut, up and let him concentrate!" Berus shouted, the very easily irritated god of destruction shouted, moodily.
". . . Prepare yourselves guys, we might be too late."
Goku automatically, set his mind into fighting mode, his son's life being at stake.
Berus yawned again, nothing bothered him, after all, he is the god of destruction for his universe, everything was boring . . . except for delicious food.

Mehbol, the angel and protector of Glouber the god of destruction for this section of the galaxy, looked up, angry as he'd never been, towards, the young boy in the sky, who dared attack, and injure, an angel.
Mehbol concentrated with much might, and strained himself as his muscled grew with the strain. Slowly, the burned and damaged flesh, started to heal, and come together, and to repair . . . until the powerful angel was whole again.
Looking up at Goten, the angel pulled a back a fist. Goten blinked, and to the angel his split second blink was like a slow closing lid. When Gotens fast moving top eyelid hit his bottom eyelid the angel took of for the hit . . . when the poor boy opened his eyes he would not be on this plain of existence, as death on the angel's punch came zooming towards his head, unknown to the blinking boy.

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