Chapter 15 Getting to High Ground

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Chapter 15

Getting to High Ground

“SuperSaiyan three’s long golden yellow mixed softly with the raging green residing in Tom, as he looked eloquent in the new form, lightning occasionally flashing around the normally mild mannered teen.
Higher above, Alkendo looked down at the young man with a totally blank expression . . . He had never heard of anything other than a SuperSaiyan, and was unimpressed with their race, as they could never stand on the precipice of a ‘god’ . . . yet here he stood, a defiant youth . . .
As the clouds soared by behind him . . . the god prince did not know what to do . . .
Tom smirked at his hesitancy, and shot forwards.
Alkendo dodged to the side but Tom stopped beside him and gave the god a hard punch which the was caught . . . the clouds above parted at the share impact.
Alkendo through a punch, which Tom also caught. Trying as he may, Alkendo could not bend back the Tom’s wrists, so the god brought up his knee to the youths chin. Tom let go his hold on the prince to dodge the knee and then with the same fist threw a punch to the god’s fist. “Wham!” The blow landed . . . Tom was shocked. He had thought it would have been a little harder to do so.
The two blocked and parried but “Wham! . . . “Thud! Wham! Wham Wham!” Tom was landing blows on the god like nothing.
Alkendo floated backwards, though beaten, the blows had scarcely done much damage.
The Saiyan prince frowned. He hadn’t been beating a strong god . . . Alkendo was a mere spoiled brat. Some lazy no good god who didn’t have to learn to fight or to strive for anything. Tom looked down at his brazed and battered hands . . . ‘No like us . . . Alkendo was born into his royal role . . . He never had to fight for any thing like I have . . .’
“You thought it would be easy?!” Alkendo smirked at him. So you landed a few flea bite blows . . . so what . . . I . . am . . still . . a . . god! And you . . you are . .”
“ . . Nothing . .” Tom finished.
“Ha, ha, ha.” So you finally know your place.
He had heard someone tell his father so once when he was but a little boy . . . That the Saiyan race was ‘notihing’ . .
Tom looked around at Flawdius holding a still bleeding and unconscious Lauren. “What am I . . . What am I!?”
Flying forwards Tom punched at the prince who dodged it and punched the Saiyan in his stomach. The bold held forwards at the blow bending over Alkendo.
“Whump!” another “Whump!” and another, and another . . . Alkendo beat the Saiyan prince, punching away at his stomach like a punching bag. Tom didn’t even react . . . at the fact that he was counted nothing . . . nobody . . no-one.
Suddenly Alkendo threw a kick, and Tom grabbed his foot, and dragging the god out of the sky like a shooting star slammed him into the hard planet below their feet.
ALkendo jump back out of the hole, suprised. Tom was just standing there still bent over . . . no matter how many fights he got into, no matter who he had to fight . . it was never enough . . . to give him that hope that he could save his dad.
“  . . b r r r r r r r r r r rmmemmrmrmrm ble.” The ground started shaking terrible, and splitting boulders started to rise and break, lighting appeared.
Tom held up to look the god right in his face, death in his eyes.
Tom shot forwards at the god who instantly decided to block, but Tom disappeared for speed and appearing behind the god prince, grabbed him by his head and punched the god with such force that the power of the blows came out his front end.
Alkendo twisted around and jumped back as Tom released him. He had felt that blow. And he wasn’t waiting for another one.
Tom floated silently up to the prince who stepped back for fear, then reaffirming his thoughts that he was a god, bounded forwards at Tom.
Tom dodged the fist coming at his head by leaning it a bit sideways and head-butted the oncoming god with his head. Tom’s head became bruised terribly from the impact, but Alkendo rocked back rubbing his own forehead for pain.
Tom flew forwards “Whummp!!” and punched the god square in his stomach as he still held his head . . the force busting out Alkendo’s back.
Tom then grabbed him by the head. ALkendo was quick to land to punches “Beech-beech” to Tom’s stomach. Tom’s head came down to but Alkendo hard on his head again, as if his punches were never sent.
Alkendo, swiped away Tom’s hand from holding his head with his arm, and planted a hard punch to the Saiyan’s face, which Tom took as his face twisted with the impact, and kicked the god off his feet, and returned to bring down a hard punch to the, now laying flat in the air, god’s head.
Making the god spin fast in the air.
Tom pulled back his foot far back, and kicked the flat out god, and before the kick could launch the god, Tom brought down his fist to bounce the now shooting upwards god, back down to earth.
Alkendo hit the earth hard, but not as hard as Tom’s fist hit him in his head.
Getting up from the dust of the impact, blood slowly oozed out of the prince god’s mouth. Looking up, through the dust, Tom was slowly and steadfastly coming his way, every step sure.
“N . . No!!!!!!” The god screamed out, and shot forwards towards the SuperSaiyan. Tom stepped aside and bounding forwards closed-lined the prince, and as Alkendo floated backwards feeling like his neck would broken, his eyes saw the blue sky, the white clouds, and Tom’s fist appearing as it came down. “Whumm!”
His head buried in the ground, the spoiled god prince looked up helplessly, as Tom grabbed his foot.
Angry and in another world where all around him was share white, the subconscious SuperSaiyan three, lifted a foot, as he held on to Alkendo’s about to bring his foot down to break off the god head.
“Whummp!!!” Something hit the blinding, raging, SuperSaiyan in the stomach with a kick, sending Tom sliding backwards still refusing to fall.
There, standing above, Alkendo . . . was Alkendo’s male angel guardian ‘Iddo’.
Iddo looked straight as the crazed SuperSaiyan three monster, that had hurt the god prince that he was charged with protecting . . .
The SuperSaiyan three saiyan forced himself to stand up straight. And then . . . he took a step forwards.
The angel looked calmly from Tom down at the hurt and bleeding Alkendo. Leaning over Iddo pulled him up by the arm . . . looked up . . . and then shot off in to some other far part of space.
Tom stopped from moving forwards, head bent over to look at the ground . . .  It was over.

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