Chapter 8 A Mystery (Gohan)

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Chapter 8

A Mystery?

Leopold could see the beings going to surround Gohan . . . Slowly the space officer placed the ship in reverse . . . hoping to retreat out of harms way . . . after all . . . if they could do that to those space ships, they may very well think to do the same to this one.
"Don't you dare go and Leave Gohan!" Bulma shouted over the ships intercom.
Hearing the loud noise, the creatures turned suddenly to see the slowly retreating ship and leapt and bounded in its direction.
Gohan, realising what was happening dropped his shield, and sent the balls flying after the aliens as did he, leaving the two space patrollers there by themselves.
The first alien there jumped off of a piece of floating wreckage for the ship.
" . . . . Whum . . ." one of Gohan's power balls swung right into the creature, who appeared stunned and shocked at the attack, but got up a bit injured, and shook off itself.
Another alien jumped for the ship . . . and seeing a light looked back to see a power ball as it came and slammed into its face.
Throwing power balls as he went, and bombarding the now more easily seen Aliens, due to their reflections on the ship's lights, Gohan found himself standing above the space ship where he could see al fronts . . . except beneath the space ship.
Amazingly as Gohan shot out power ball after power ball, some of the aliens saw them coming and tried to dodge or block them.
"Let's end this." And with those words the Saiyan shot towards one of the aliens a and gave it a good punch, only for his fist, his arm, and his body to go right through the thing.
"Whack!" One alien punch received right in the face. "Whack!" Another one to the back of Gohan's head." he could barely make them out, and every time he turned to face one . . "Whack!" Another one would punch or kick him in the back or back of his head.
Soon Gohan was in the middle of the wreckage with the 'things' surrounding him, punching and taunting, and kicking him every time his back was in front of them. Gohan was feeling like a child being picked on by many bullies all at one, with bruises starting to show the pain he was experiencing. Sure, he tried to kick, punch, and move, but the result was the same sick twisted game of 'who can hit the Saiyan in the back of his head or back.
Leopold stood watching in both shock and amazement. These creatures had sense. Gohan decided to SuperSaiyan before it was too late.
"Hhhhuuaaaaaaahhh!!" . . . "Bsshshshshsh!" It was a lot harder to do here, but here it was. The Light from Gohan SuperSaiyan form had all of the aliens backing away in horror. Like they were being hurt somehow by it . . . and they started to shrink away out into the darkness.
Gohan kept it up for a while . . . but then he turned to the two officers . . . questions emanating in his mind . . .
" . . Who . . . are . . ?" Gohan shouted out to the invisible creatures. " . . . and . . what . . do . . want . . . with these officers?"
. . . . . . . . . . .
There was a very long pause.
One of space officers came up to Gohan. "Sir . . . I thank you for helping us . . ."
"What did they want . . ?"
" . . ."
"Why were they attacking you?!"
"Th-that is highly classified, Sir . . ."
". . . Maybe I can help . . ." Leopold stated coming up behind Gohan . . . "Hi I am Galaxy patrol officer Leopold of Sector . . ."

Goten's Location on Plane Glebe
Goten was now up and about, drinking and eating . . . his work detail had started the day before and now he was ready to resume his training.
Goten walked in front of the Pool of water by the underground waterfall. His hands held a big boulder over his head, as he readied himself in front of the little girls.
"You . . sure about this Goten?" Plumula asked not understanding what kind of training this was.
"Yeah . . . I'm sure. It sort of worked where I was at."
"Okay . ."
"I'm ready."
Picking up rocks from the pile, the little girls pulled back . . . aimed, and one after the other pelted the boy at an extremely fast pace, returning to the pile of rocks to arm themselves again. All Goten had for his protection was to big glass shields over his eyes, though the girls made sure not to throw at his head.
Trying his best to dodge wasn't easy with the heavily load, and sometimes he had to dodge, jump, duck, or "Whacksss" get hit.
Goten looked at all of the girls who stood empty handed as the pile was gone; they were all so innocent.
"He, he, he-he-he . ." The little girls giggled. He was bleeding here and there with many a scratch, but he was doing far better than they had anticipated.
Gohan walked away, placed down the boulder, and to their surprise picked up and even bigger one.
". . . Okay . . . again."

Training Sector of present Earth space
"hyyah, yah, yah, yah, yah." Goku SuperSaiyan three stood in the sky throwing powerballs at Vegeta's normal from as he dashed across the landscape. They had been in this time capsulated enclosed part of space for three days now, and Vegeta's base form was up to that of SuperSaiyan Level three already.
"Blash! Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh . . ." The two Saiyans fought intensely sending out blasts of power and wind on each impact. The fighting became so intense that lighting starting flashing and clouds started forming . . . on a planet with no clouds. The rocks around them started exploding just at the surge of energy coming from the two.
"Hhyyyaah!" "Kaboooom!"
In one last spectrum the two power houses collided in one extreme attack of fists, causing an explosion and the planet started to shake.
As the two backed away, Vegeta was hurt bad and bleeding profusely from his nose, eyes, ears, and mouth. The Saiyan was glowing light-red and steam was eminating from his body severely bruised and battered body.
Goku on the other hand in his SuperSaiyan three form, had sustained minor bruises and abrasions, and a busted lip . . . but his body was still good to go for some more rounds.
Vegeta floated slowly to the ground his body cooling down and as he toned down from fighting.
"I think I broke a rib Kakarot . . ."
Slowly the two eased over to where their Sensu beans were stashed.
Vegeta took his, and Goku returned to his normal form.
". . . Its my turn again Vegeta . . ."
Vegeta had surpassed Goku by leaps and bounds till he could beat Goku at Supersaiyan two, without even breaking a sweat, and he was tempted to say 'No'. . . but he couldn't have achieved that level of power without his best rival's help.
". . . Okay, Kakarot . . ." Vegeta assured him, "But you know . . . I will have to go up in stages for you . . ."
" . . I know." It had only dawned on Goku, that Vegeta did not even need to transform to break him in two now . . . "You think you can manage SuperSaiyan form for this round."
Vegeta almost fainted; His SuperSaiyan form was now the level of Saiyan God.
Goku snickered to himself, "He-hehe-hee".
Vegeta realised that Goku would have the upper hand if he could handled the beating and battling if he fought and recovered fighting him at SuperSaiyan . . . if he could get it out. Not only that, but Vegeta had only two Sensu beans left out of his twelve, whilst Goku, had ten to go.
Vegeta did the maths in his head . . . Kakarot was enduring each battle, trying to keep his damage down to a minimum the whole time to save his Sensu beans for the end . . . 'That's impossible,' Vegeta thought, 'that would mean that Kakarot had the whole thing worked out from the beginning . . .'
Vegeta looked over at Goku who was now playing with some little flickering embers that were floating in the wind, like a child, trying to keep them from landing or blowing out . . . 'Nahh,' Vegeta concluded, 'it must be a coincidence.'
"Okay Kakarot, its your turn . . ."

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