Chapter 5 Asleep (Clawdis)

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Chapter 5


Moving at a very fast pace Flawdius, Tom, and Lauren crossed the very harsh and rocky terrain. Their destination, the huge slave camp up ahead . . . their target, who ever gets in their way.
As she kept up with the two big guys, the blonde young woman couldn't understand why Flawdius kept bringing her instead of Ariochi or Pain, who were more experience fighters. 'Of course I trust him to make the right decisions, as he has done so, so far . . . but sometimes he has me so lost as to what his objective is.'
"So what's the plan?" Tom asked, not even out of wind.
". . . Don't die . ."
" . . . Seems a good enough plan to me . . ." The Saiyan answered Flawdius with a touch of humour.
Some watchmen in a high rocky pillar saw them and move about.
"Brnensssnesssnset!" A weirde but loud sound was heard coming from all angles of the massive rock compound in the near distance.
Flawdius looked across at Tom.
"I'm on it." The teen said and jumped really high and far, landing into the window of the tower and sending its host out the other side to its death.
This surprised Flawdius who was expecting a long fight there since these people were stronger than any Saiyan that he'd ever met . . but he had to stay on plan . . .
Suddenly Flawdius took off to the left.
Drawing the most massive energy wave beam he could muster the Namek blasted some oncoming henchmen who were coming out of the left side of the wall, concentrating in order to condense his beam to the thinnest he could get it for more damage instead of wide damage.
"Buddooom." The huge twelve foot tall and muscular guards were destroyed as well as a piece of the wall they had just exited.
The Namek disappeared behind the wall, and Lauren found herself running towards the main entrance on her own.
Several of the huge aliens were gathering by the main entrance.
"Broom!" A huge twelve foot guard dropped out of nowhere and landed right in front of Lauren, who mustered enough courage to summon a power blast to hit him.
"Bradax-a-bum." The guard leaped forwards and slapped both her and her forming power blast backwards across the plain.
Quickly standing to her feet she pelted out several powerballs, which the alien blocked with a very thin force field he made around him, but Lauren was quick in the air and sending down her best power blast.
Which also the guard blocked by putting his hand above his head where he began making a force field.
As the alien blocked with his thin force-field Lauren took her free hand, making sure to keep the power blast bearing down on the guard, and swung a controlled power ball low and towards the aliens feet.
"smack." The alien slapped away the ball and pushing up the blast rolled from under it and jumped up and slapped Lauren towards the main entrance.
The pretty Saiyan, hit the ground, skidded, and came to a stop at the feet of some twenty of the beasts.
Flawdius, upon entering the hole sent several power balls in many directions to hit the ground and throw up as much dust as possible.
It worked and the Namek was able to quickly ease past many of the guards in the cloud of dust, heading straight for where a guard stood un-moving. This had to be where they kept the prisoners.
The Namek stopped and made several power balls in the cloud of dust, and sent them each their own directions, only to bring them back into the guard from all different directions.
The guard was quick to stretch wide his hands and blocked all of them with his force field, but the beam of power coming straight at him pierced the shield and hitting him in the stomach made a tiny hole through him and out the other side. Looking down the alien watched in horror as the beam widened making the once tiny pierce become a big gaping hole.
Flawdius shot forwards. He couldn't beat but one of these guys in hand to hand combat, but he could out smart the m . .
An even bigger hand shot out of the cave entrance and grabbed Flawdius by his throat, choking the life out of the struggling Namek.
A big alien exited the cave, walking across the terrain, with Flawdius in his hand like a little ragged doll.
Lauren was on her back still at the Slave Camp's entrance, crawling slowly backwards as she waited for help to come. One glimpse between the oncoming guards showed her Flawdius was not that help.
Her mind went straight to Tom . . . could he escape . . . she hoped silently that he was okay and had escaped to warn the rest not to come here. These things are monsters.
"Whum." Tom came to land on his feet several meters away from the Entrance and started to walk towards the whole arsenal of inhumane and degenerate aliens that always had their way with the weak.
The biggest alien, who was the second only to the warden, looked at the brave teen, who was walking boldly up to his men, fist folded, and anger coming across his face.
Throwing Flawdius' limp figure one side the big alien started a trot towards the teen. And Tom started a slow trot then faster and faster and . .
"Whack!", a big bolder smashed into the side of Tom: Then another . . . and another came smashing down on the teen's position.
The ambushing team was proud of their work and the big alien stopped his charge and began to grin.
The dust cleared, and the boy stood looking up at the ambushing crew. One Jump and the boy was up the side of the rugged rocks where mass fighting broke out, with more and more of them jumping in to beat the boy, who was now somewhere behind a ledge of rocks fighting.
As the fighting continued and more and more guards rushed behind the ledge, the warden's huge second wondered why his men were fighting so long as he made his way towards Lauren who was still sprawled out on the ground.
The huge giant of an alien reached out his hand to grab Lauren who lay hurt and in fear, when
"Whamm!!" Someone came smashing down in front of the big alien, landing solidly, on his feet.
It was Tom . . . a bit dusty, and a cut here or there . . . but it was Tom, who looked at the huge alien with his head cocking to one side as if he was wondering why the beasts didn't seem to know who had come to visit.
. . . . .

"You seem to be needing some help with the peasants." Someone stepped out of the Warden's office, with full armour on. Grabbing a huge hammer that rested outside of the rocky building, the giant looked at Tom and Lauren.
"My name is 'The Clawdis' . . . And I will be taking your lives today."

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