Chapter 6 So Proud (Mystic SS 3 and Mystic SS1)

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Chapter 6

So Proud

    Every hit was an explosive one. The sky exploded here and there as the two Saiyan’s clashed, with the occasional ground tremor from their attacks.
Finally the two landed on the ground . . . Vegeta’s body was steaming was beginning to turn red, whilst Goku’s SuperSaiyan form was bruised all over.
“Come on Vegeta . . . How come you got to use two Sensu beans, and I had only one.”
“It is not how much you eat Kakarot . . .” Vegeta stated having the upper hand. “It’s what you do with what you eat that counts.”
Goku did not understand what he was saying. Lately Vegeta sounded like he was full of riddles.
“Hooohhhh.” Vegeta breath out slowly. “. . . Now I need you to take a Sensu bean, and try to go to SuperSaiyan three, and then attack me . . .”
“What . . ? But its my turn Vegeta.” It was all too clear that Vegeta was using him to not only surpass him, but probably to be able to show off in front of everyone . . . especially Berus and Whis. “No Vegeta . . . This game of yours has gone on too long . . . I need my turn to fight in my base form if we are going to continue this any longer.”
“ . . . Fine!” Vegeta pouted. “But I am telling you, you will once again ruin or chances to show those . . ‘gods’ what we Saiyans are really capable of . . . I never thought I would say this to you Kakarot . . . but you are a coward!”
“What . . me? A Coward? . . . Is that some sore of ‘psych-atric-al’ to get to let you go on ahead of me?”
“. . . No . . . and it’s ‘psychology’”. Vegeta corrected. “Think about it. The stronger I get the more I get to beat you up, and the more powerful I am, the more of an opportunity you get to fight someone stronger.”
“. . . . I don’t know . . .” Goku stated, scratching his head, like that would bring forth an answer.
“ . . . You always said you wanted to fight a stronger fighter . . . Well guess what . . . You are chickening out now you have that opportunity . . .”
“Okay, Vegeta . . .” Goku gave in, “. . .But this better work, or I won’t practice with you anymore.”
Goku took another Sensu bean. He could have continued, but his little SuperSaiyan power pool was depleted and they were almost equal in strength. If this was to work, one of them had to always be way stronger than the other . . . way stronger.
. . . . . . . . . . An exhilarating feeling hit Goku. His strength, energy, vitality, and mental awareness was once again refreshed, as if he’d eaten a huge meal and rested a whole year, only, he was not much, much stronger than he was before.
“Okay.” Goku looked down inside of himself; the one little drop of SuperSaiyan power was now an ocean of power. Looking deeper still, down below the ocean of power, he pushed through the bottom floor, and there on another floor below, was a very small pool of power. Goku tried to push through it to go even deeper. “Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”
. . . . . Nothing.
“Come on Kakarot . . . Not this again.”
“I . . can see two but . . . . its hard to get to through to three.”
“Okay, for this to work you at least have to be at SuperSaiyan three Goku.”
“Okay, okay, I’m trying.” “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!” Goku tried his hardest to push through the floor one again . . .
Vegeta watching was becoming frustrated. After all, if they met a dead end all could be lost. “Let me help you Kakarot.
Goku was still in SuperSaiyan form and had decided to skip level two in order to ensure there was some energy to he had in SuperSaiyan three.
Vegeta bounded on to Kakarot, and the steaming red hot Saiyan proceeded to beat the daylights out of his sparring partner.
“What . . . ah . .”
“Just keep going Kakarot . . . Just Keep going . . . . Kakarot don’t stop until you’ve broken through!” Vegeta scream at the man.
It was really hard to concentrate with the heavy beating he was getting and trying to break through the floor of his power levels. The base form increase that they were doing had given them an enormous jump in powers and abilities, but it had also made each SuperSaiyan Power Pool smaller and much harder to get to . . . after all . . . you couldn’t get to a pool . . . that did not exist yet . . . and raising their base power to get stronger was also shrinking and condensing their SuperSaiyan levels’ pools of power.
“I . . . don’t . . . think . . . I . . . can . . .” Goku stammered between getting beat up and trying to force himself through the third floor of his inner power.
“. . Think about . . .” “Whack!” “ . . . you son . . .” “Whack!” “. . . Think about your . . . Woman . .” “Whack!” “ . . . Think about . . .” “Whack!!” “. . .Truuunnnksssssss . . aaaaaahhhhh!” “Bssssssshshshshshshsh!” Vegeta turned into a SuperSaiyan of tremendous, tremendous power, blasting wind to fling away loose bolders and loose rocks at immense speed. All loose were moving . . . except . . for . . .
“Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” . . . Goku.
The immense powers colided and sent shock waves through the sky as the two transformed beings caused electricity to come from their immensely powerful bodies.
Vegeta had gotten carried away thinking about his own family and his son whilst beating up Goku as his form of ‘encouragement’, and ended up turning SuperSaiyan himself . . . However, the sudden massive power increase cause the floor of Goku’s inner self to collapse allowing the Saiyan to fall into SuperSaiyan three power.
. . . . . . . this was the strongest most powerful SuperSaiyan energy they had every experience, with fiery red appearing to outline the traditional yellow . . . but this was just floors away from what they were really seeking after . . .
“Shall we . . . Vegeta . . !” Goku yelled above the immense powers.

Some where far, far, far, in the New World
A tough and very muscular being sat on his throne of sorts, suddenly, his muscles bulged hugely and then receded a bit. “. . . Hhunggghh.”

Far, far, far, away back in this World
    Whis was observing the being through his staff and winced, when he saw the being bulge of increase in power and ability.

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