Chapter 33 Icor, Three

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Chapter 33

Icor, Three

Goku again lay in his bed sprawled out fast asleep, all of that days events seemed like just a dream. It was night time . . . and his heavy snoring proved the recent events had taxed his Saiyan body and mind more than he could know . . . but tomorrow was another day . . . Goten, Trunks, and Gohan, would have to hold on . . . At least they had Vegeta . . .

In the middle of the newly forming Dimension World
Vegeta sat wondering if he was really trapped . . . or if there was something that he could do to get out . . .
. . . He had thought about sending out a blast to see if it hit anything . . . but there was no telling the level of damage it might cause to this young existence.
‘Why would Daishinkan bring me here?’ . . . ‘What was he thinking?’
“Hello!!!!” Vegeta yelled in his deep voice . . . “Hello!!!!”
. . . suddenly, part of the out spreading colours started to twirl and pull together . . . into a form . . . . .
‘ . . . . .   . . . . . . . . .’
The form slowly came together into a little being, then the multi coloured forms colours started to take on distinct patterns . . . to form . . .
Vegeta’s mouth almost hit the ground . . .

Across the New World on Planet Kudos

The darkening clouds light up again and again, showing the big haired SuperSaiyan three Icor . . . standing like a very scary figure up by the clouds.
Trunks in his new golden form stood silently beneath glowing like a hot ember in the darkened regions.
Icor’s eyes slowly lowered down to the young boy shinning in his magnificent radiance.
“You ought to know better than to mess with me and my friends.” Icor snorted in disgust, looking over to where his two pals lay weakened and barely conscious. “You will never rob me of my essence . . . before I take your life.”
Trunks stood still looking in no particular direction . . . his hands lowered by his sides as he awaited Icor’s attack.
The big Saiyan dashed in . . . and then disappeared . . . and then reappeared in front of the boy, with his hand pulled back for the punch. “Wham!”
The punch landed squarely on the young boy’s forehead but a lot of the power he intended to hit the boy with instantly faded as his fist had flew inwards.
Icor drifted backwards and looked at his hand. ‘What . . . he could have  . . . he had a lot of power in that punch . . . but  . . . where did it  . . .
Furious, Icor let go a fury of hard punches only to have the same thing done to every one of his punches.
“You, you . . . you monster!” Icor yelled and drifted backward into the sky. For once there was someone that he knew for sure he couldn’t beat. Yeah sure there were other powerful Saiyans . . . but he was the first to reach this form . . that he knew of . . . there was no way that this boy could . . . “. . could defeat me!!”
The big powerful Saiyan floated backwards, he had an idea . . an idea to put everything to rest. “Ha, ha, ha . . haaa, ha, ha, ha . . .”
Drawing all of his internal energy, from every level that he had, and every drop that he could muster, Icor got ready to send the most powerful blast . . . sure, it could destroy the planet . . . sure, it could kill his friends . . . sure the old man would not be around to give him his prize for winning . . . but this young Saiyan was something else . . . something ‘scary’. “Raaahhhhhhh!!” “!Take . . . . Thisss!!!!”
And in one sudden movement, one of the biggest blast ever seen was released heading straight for the young man . . and it was obvious . . . to everyone’s demise.
Trunks had anticipated such a move, but he did not think that Icor would produce so much power in one blast. Looking up the young lad tried to keep calm in the face of certain danger. He inhaled deeply, and exhaled, and relaxed himself . . he was checking to see if King Nemzo was also ready.
Suddenly, the boy looked up. “We’re ready!”
The blast hit him full, licking away rocks and trees as the bright blue of power light up the surrounding land and objects.
“Aaaahhhh!!” Mila screamed as she and Dallas tried to shield themselves from the hotter than lava spread of power.
The old man was also quick to his feet and blocking, as he fought not to be taken away by the blasts of wind generated by the immense power.
Trunks was in the bulk of it, and he new he had to do better or the others would eventually burn alive. The thing was warm as he drew it into himself, turning the power pools of every level inside of him blue-green and blue yellow swirls, his hands though was burning him like they would go to ashes at any moment, but still, he was their only hope . . . if he failed . . not only he would die, but so would the others on the ground as well. So mustering his courage and bracing himself as much as possible, the brave boy forced himself forwards, and onwards, taking everything that the SuperSaiyan three Icor could dish out.
Icor realising that the boy was able to handle it forced himself to drain all and more of what he had, increasing the blast tremendously. “Yaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!”
The blast increase flowed quickly down to young Trunks lashing him backwards and starting to consume his fingers.
It was too hot . . .Trunks was going to burn before he could get the victory.
. . . . Some time passed as those on the ground watched as young SuperSaiyan Trunks was being forced back down towards them. Closer and closer . . . until the huge blast and heat could be felt again by the others. They would never want to be holding that thing . . . and was very glad that it was not them . . . but what could they do.
Trunks hands started to sink into the ball of the blast and were burning him like he was roasting his hands like some one was roasting duck. As the boy came closer and closer to the ground . . the others began to brace themselves as the heat from the blast started to become unbearable.
Suddenly, the young boy realized that he had pools of power that he had been gathering at his disposal.
“Okay, Icor . . . you ready?!”
The big man was too busy blasting away at his target with everything that he had to answer.
Young Trunks held back one of his hands as the other tried to keep the ball off of him. “Uuuuuuurraaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!”
Lighting flashed around the youth, as his new SuperSaiyan two form glistened, the boy tried to push the ball of power off of his burning hand, but Icor determined not to loose, forced an even bigger gush of power . . . this time he was using all that he had and his own life force to defeat Trunks, and the bigger wave of power came rushing down to start to recover Trunks hand and move down toward his arms as it began to consume him.
This was way too much power, way too fast for the boy to even think about draining it.
However, as the trees shook violently and then were uprooted and flew away in a rush, as the planet started to tremble slightly and bolder bounced away like blown up balloons, Trunks decided that their was no other way . . He could drain it fast enough as it was consuming him, and he didn’t have a chance to see if he could go up another level . . . So Trunks just let the blast consume him quicker . . . and as the blast of power covered the boy, everyone looked on in dismay . . . everyone except the old man.
“UuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhH!!!” The young boy’s scream could be heard for miles, echoing on and on and on into the distance across the huge planet.
Suddenly . . . . the big blast of power slowed, and stopped . . . then the huge blast of power started to slowly drift back wards . . . slowly . . . slowly . . . slowly . . to reveal piece by piece, part of the now SuperSaiyan Three Saiyan as he forced the huge blast from off of him . . . .
As the ball started to drift off of Trunks arms . . Trunks yelled . . “Last chance . . . stop this . . . Or feel . . . my . . . wrath . .!!!”
“Neeveerrr!!!!” Icor screamed back and the fully emptied himself into his already massive blast, creating a tidal way of power that came to cover everything in its path.
Trunks fought hard and well . . . but there was no stopping that big wave-blast of power . . . “Hold on everyone!!” the brave boy looked back to shout the notice for everyone to protect themselves.
Trunks mustered his now swirling pools of power and created his own powerful blast to drastically force back Icor’s earlier massive blast back into the tidal way of destructive power that was incoming. Then Trunks mustered his might and shooting through his own power blast followed it through the huge wave of destruction, to power punch Icor into outer space. Still the blast of power continued down its destructive path, as Trunks SuperSaiyan three watched Icor hit the planet where the other two very powerful Saiyans were still fighting.
Trunks looked back at the wave of destruction going downwards to destroy everything . . . and everyone.

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