Chapter 7 So Slow (Enraged Tom)

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Chapter 7

So Low

Flawdius got to his feet slowly. Thank goodness Nameks have the ability to self heal . . . The Namek was a bit dizzy . . . and tried to focus . . . the big monster that had attacked him was by the front entrance. A huge monster stood by a building with a massive hammer in his hand talking to Tom . . . . . . Lauren lay hurt on the ground . . . but she probably was laying there as well to keep her 'head down' . . . so she should be still able to move.
Movement behind the Warden's building caught the Namek's eye . . . Who was that? A young well dressed man was leaving out of the back door and heading away from the fight.
Flawdius tried hard to focus . . . 'Was . . . that . . . Alkendo . . ?'
The person resembled the infamous 'Prince Alkendo'; born out of royalty, the weak excuse for a god, was often seen perusing around 'shady' areas, and was known for his taste for trafficked slaves.
"I hope . . that . . is . . not him." Flawdius trembled. Even a weak excuse for a god was way more powerful than they could handle . . . at the moment.
The green man too, tried to ease away from the fight . . but his aim was to get to the slaves in the dungeons below and free them.
Several minutes passed.
Flawdius was down in the tunnels, and came to a huge cavern filled with aliens, small and big; many of them were holding little ones like themselves, and they were all staring at him, despair in their eyes . . . they seemed to be searching his for hope.
"Buddadooooom." The cavern run with the now ongoing battle between those left above. The run down and dirty looking aliens had been hearing the fighting going on above, and the one huge guard who had been watching them had left, and not returned as the sound of fighting had continued. So in a mad dash of hope, they had all gotten their families and their things, . . . and had waited for the outcome.
Flawdius motioned to the huge crowd of alien lifeforms, "Come . . . with . . me!"

Above ground
Tom had spotted Prince Alkendo easing out the back by a bear space in the giants swinging arm
"Buddadooooom" just as he had dodged the incoming hammer smash. There was no mistaking that 'shit of a menace'. He stolen a ton of Ore some Saiyans were sent to recover from pirates, and had pinned it on his father as being the thief. Now his father was taken away for 'servitude' to the gods until he could repay it if the matter was not resolved.
He wasn't going to let him get away today . . . god or no god.
"Prepare to land the ship on my order . . ." Flawdius stated as he ran back out of the dungeon with the whole horde of aliens following him.
"Okay." Chalorie's spoke back in her device. This was very good news, because their ship was very big, and Flawdius would never allow her to enter any planet unless it was completely safe.
". . In the mean time, I need you", "Brooom" o find a planet safe enough for several alien species to be able to survive on."
"What?" . . . ". . . And what was that noise."
". . . Just do it, Chalorie . . . A lot is riding on your timing." The big guy shouted back into his mic.
Chalorie did not have to be told twice, she was on it.

Flawdius came to the caverns entrance/exit and peeped out . . . placing one hand behind him to hint to the slaves not to move yet.

Tom jumped over the first guard, kicking him in the back of his head, and using the force propelled himself very high into the air and let go a blast at a fleeing Alkendo.
Alkendo's shield diverted the blast without him having to turn around.
Flawdius realised what was happening. "Oh, no!"
As the massive guard fell towards, Lauren she lest go a blast right in his face making him block. And then mustering enough courage jumped up to give it her best punch. That punch got him right in the chest but nothing happened as the ogre was way tougher than Tom made it look.
The guard came toppling down on top of her.
Flawdius saw this but did not want to give away his position with so many people relying on him, she would have to deal with this herself.
As the young girl struggled with the ogre's weight, Tom was coming back down and flipped to dodge the Warden's big hammer.
Alkendo came strolling back vex at who had the audacity to attack him . . . and from behind, only to see that it was Saiyan Prince Tomato. 'Come to take revenge for you dad, have you?'
There was no time Flawdius had to do something . . . but what?
Seeing Alkendo coming Tom jumped back and prepared himself.
"Uuuannghh!" Lauren was screaming as the Guard had grabbed her beneath him and was squeezing the life out of her, as she fought for breath.
Tom looked back at her and . . "Ssswaack!" The big hammer slammed into him full on force, sending the youth into the nearby mountain.
" . . . unnaaaahh!" Lauren was fighting the force beginning to crush her rib cages.
"Darn it!" Flawdius concentrated his maximum beam to hit the huge guard on top of Lauren.
Alkendo looked around at the forming power and with a swipe of his hand, sent a line of destruction across the wall and cave entrance where Flawdius was.
Lauren, still trapped and seeing no help was coming leaned back and head but the creature as hard as she could . . . nothing . . . the young female kicked and screamed and beat the guard as her frame began to be crushed.
The smoke cleared at the caves entrance to reveal Tom standing with his big shield protecting Flawdius and the others.
Tom flew forwards towards Alkendo, ignoring the huge Warden with his big swinging hammer.
Flawdius who hadn't stopped powering up his beam, let it go through the huge guard.
Lauren lay in shock, as the huge alien fell off of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Anger swelled up in her, threatening to engulf her . . she felt like she would explode with . . .
The huge Warden turned his attention to her, seeing that his best guard now lay dead.
Tom approached Alkendo and let him have it, "Swack!" . . . "Whack!" . . . Alkendo blocked the kicks and punches like he was swatting insects with his hand casually. Then he "Budp!" Punched the young man in the stomach, "Brack" and kicked him in the head sending hi sideways into the nearby side of a steep mountain.
Approaching the crying and enraged girl, the warden swung down his hammer and hard . . . young or old, male or female . . . it didn't matter to him . . .
"Wham!!!" The metal slammed into Lauren's hand . . . she was still crying, but with one hand held up, blocking the metal piece.
"Whyyyy!" She said softly at first . . . "Whyyyyy!!!"
Suddenly there was a gust of wind coming from her and "Bssssssshshshshshsh!" She was now a SuperSaiyan.
Pushing off the hammer. "Why!" . . . the lass spouted looking up slowly to see the Warden's cruel face . . . "W w why d-do you . . have . . to be . . so mean!!"
With that the young lady took off to give the Warden one punch across his face, but instead Alkendo flew in front of him and punched the girl into the nearby hills.
There was nothing Flawdius could do but hope and pray that someone was able to get up. Fighting a god was not expected, much less a god prince.
Alkendo, looked around to Flawdius.
Flawdius felt the least that he could do was to defend the aliens he'd tried to save to the end.
"Buuurooooogadooom!" The hills erupted, and the familiar yellow streaks of SuperSaiyan power shot out like radiant beams of light.
Rage was in the lasses eyes, and while she knew that Alkendo was out of her league, she was going to kill that, low down, stinking, "Warrdennn!"
'The girl's gone mad.' Flawdius thought . . . ' better late than never.'
The girl shot out her biggest power blast at Alkendo as she soared towards the duo with speed, and as the prince slapped the blast away, she was already in front of the Warden bearing down the most powerful punch she could muster . . but again Alkendo appeared in her way quick as a flash, and kicked away her incoming hand with his foot span around and kicked her in her chest with same foot again, sending the girl sailing away into a further mountain of hills.
" . . . . P Pathetic Saiyans . ."
"Not again." Alkendo stated without fear . . . "Can't the girl take a hhinn . ."
Realising the sound was not coming from the direction of where the female was sent. The god prince span around to see a vision like no other . . .
Tom was up . . . and angry . . . but the colour and power emanating from the young Saiyan Prince was so . . . distorted . . so . . angry . . . he couldn't under stand . . . what he had never seen . . yet.

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