Chapter 24 As Luck Would Have It

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Chapter 24

As Luck Would Have It

In all sincerity Vegeta had meant to get to Trunks, to help out his son, and possibly Goten . . . but now, things had changed for the worse apparently.
As Vegeta rested, his thoughts drifted back over to Whis, Daishinkan’s son, and how he used to train Kakarot and himself under the same very extremities by sending them places with his staff . . .
Vegeta inhaled . . . . relaxed, and instead of fighting it, he gave in a bit and he felt the force releasing him slowly. This was sort of like the same exact place Whis sent them, and the more you struggled, the less you would escape. Vegeta inhaled again and then relaxed his limbs and breath out to calm himself. The force holding him grew weaker, and weaker. Suddenly, he was free.

Goku flew at Whis with all of his normal might, but unable to get the angel, Goku then used his instant transmission. “Tuieq”, “Tuieq”, Tuieq”, the two disappeared and reappear at astronomical speeds, faster and then faster and then faster, as Whis dodged Goku’s every move at the last minute. Suddenly Goku nearly hit into Whis and dodged Whis, but Whis didn’t understand why Goku dodged him, and then Goku appeared besides Whis and Whis turned around and Goku dodged away from him, and then Whis seeing Goku move backwards went forwards, intrigued by Goku doding him, and then Goku kept moving away from Whis and Whis kept appearing beside Goku, and then Goku moved out into space and Whis tried to get close to him, and Goku kept trying to dodge Whis, and Whis figured Goku was up to something and then Goku disappeared into outerspace and appeared by the hole the used to enter the New World and made a break for the entrance of the New World and Whis, said to himself, so this is what he wanted, to trick us into following taking this into the New World and as Goku leapt and bounded in his instant transmission to enter the New World. Whis appeared right in front of his path and grabbed him. “Gotcha.”
Goku looked up at Whis and smiled . . . “You sure did.”
Whis slowly removed his hand from Goku’s shoulder.
Tapping his staff, the two reappeared at Berus’ home, where Berus was surprised to see Whis looking defeated, and Goku standing grinning from ear to ear.
“. . . So . . . you’ve won Goku . . .” Daishinkan announced.
Berus nearly choked on the drink he was swallowing at the announcement. “W-What? Goku won?” The destructive god looked over at Whis, and Whis gave him a slight nod in agreement with the verdict.
Goku on the other hand, was still grinning from ear to ear with one hand behind his head.
“Whacks!” “Stop your grinning Goku, or I’ll have to give you some thing to grin about. Surely there must have been some mistake. For there is no way that you, a simple mosquito in the realm of the gods, could have beaten an angel like Whis in any thing . . .”
“Thank you Berus. I didn’t think you thought so highly of me.” the angel said calmly. “ . . But it is true, Goku did win . . . though with some very orthodox methods.
“Hey I just figured you didn’t want me to go so badly that if I could get you close enough to that hole and made a bound for it you would grab me, hence because it is my strategy, it is my touch.”
“Agreed.” Daishinkan announced looking over at Whis. There was nothing that he could say because to restrict Goku in any way would be to cheat at their game, and to not stop him would be to allow him to enter the New World. “Well played Goku . . . Now, are you ready to go? You only have one hour.”
“. . . When you say I have one hour . . . does it mean I have to use it all at once?”
Daishinkan looked at the Saiyan for a second. “No . . .why.”
“Well, then I would like to use my hour in ‘ancraments’.”
“Increments, Goku, Increments.” Berus announced. “I don’t know how you could have beaten Whis and you don’t even speak properly.”
“. . . Sorry.” Goku said, again placing a hand to rub the back of his head with his eyes shut, looking silly.
“So how would you like to use your time?” Daishinkan asked appearing to be in a hurry to get to some other place or time.
“. . Pretty much when ever I want . . . I mean . . if that’s okay with you, Sir.”
“Yes, Goku . . You can, but Whis and Berus will see to it that you return the moment your hour is fully up . . .  no matter where you are!” Daishinkan looked over at Whis!”
“Right, of course, father; Your wish is my command.”
And with that Daishinkan disappeared.

Trunks location on planet Kudos

Flying as fast as his draining SuperSaiyan speed could carry him, Trunks zoomed across the planet in the direction of the weakest power level he could feel. It had to be the old man . . . He was in trouble. A bigger power level was clashing severely with the weaker one, and ever clash, caused the weaker power to fade more and more.
“I got to get their fast!” Trunks shouted to himself as he flew over the head of another huge beast like the one he left back by the trees.
Looking up the beast tried to follow him as quickly as it could, crashing through trees and all, but the boy was moving way to fast.
Trunks came to land, and found, instead of the old man, an injured female Saiyan. In pain as she laid back on a rock, the lass blocked, placing her hands in front of her face, waiting for Trunks to finish her.
Instead, the now fifteen year old (looks a lot younger because of his Saiyan blood), looked her over, and held out a hand to help up the injured young woman.
“Whacks!” Trunks blocked the in coming punch with the flat of his arm, as the punch, meant for his back, hammered down on his lower arm.
Trunks let out a kick followed by a spin kick and the stranger jumped back off of him.
“Come on, she’s already down and out, she can’t hurt you now.”
“Well, I for one don’t want anything coming back to haunt me later.”
“Well it’s over. Maybe you’d like to pick on someone your own size.”
“Ppp pha ha ha hahahha ha ha!” The taller but slender Saiyan looked down at Trunks laughing. “Yeah, well I’m still waiting for him to show up . . Haha ha ha ahhaha.”
Trunks flew forwards to shut the Saiyan’s mouth with a punch, but that was blocked, and the two went at it move for martial arts move, pausing to show of their skill and technique comparisons.
Suddenly something was coming in Trunks direction as he fought, and he turned and block, the same supposedly injured female, who was now standing with her foot against his blocking hand.
“Wham!” The Saiyan man used the opportunity to smash a hard one into Trunks face.
Trunks SuperSaiyan energy was now dwindling, as he had been using it the whole morning. And now the lady he was trying to save, and the man who was pretending to assault her, were standing together grinning.
“Riches for the Last man standing . . .” The man stated floating towards Trunks as his SuperSaiyan yellow glow dwindled, like a lamp about to go out, and then he was in his normal form again. This side of existence now taxing him heavily.
“. . . Or woman.” The female chimed in crackling her knuckles.

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