Chapter 27 Trick . . . or . . Treat (The Big Beast)

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Chapter 27

Trick . . . or . . Treat

"Tuu, tuu." The two blast beams shot past young SuperSaiyan Trunks, as the boy hurried to get out of their way.
"Boom." A little explosion behind the boy showed where they landed.
Trunks looked up determined. These two were not nearly as strong as he'd thought, but together, the could probably beat him. The boy flew at the girl, with a hand drawn back with a punch, and just as he was about to hit the blocking female, Trunks turned to released his already charged up blast from his other hand on the incoming male.
As the man tried to block the blast, Trunks punch down the girls blocking hands from her face and place his open hand in front of her face. "Blllllaaaashuu."
The dead on blast knocked the woman away. Trunks then turned to deal with the man, who was already recovered and in his face throwing punches. However, Trunks blocked the attacks thought they forced him to move backwards.
The woman stood with slightly charred marks from the blast, and angered flew in to attack the boy from behind. Both Saiyans were now vehemently attacking the SuperSaiyan as he was force to move back as he tried to parry or dodge.
Suddenly the two dealt the boy a kick to his mid part that sent him flying into some trees.
The trees. Trunks lay there as if he was injured badly, not moving a flinch.
The two stood waiting for him to attack them. Little Trunks stuck out his tongue and wagged it as he taunted the two.
The girl, becoming irate, flew forwards before the man could stop her. It was too late.
As the girl came in for the strike, the trees cracked and broke and a huge beast jumped out of the trees and grabbed the startled girl barely nipping her foot in between its lips.
Terror filled the young woman's face as she knew she was about to be eaten. "Helllp!! Somebody help me!!" she screamed out in desperation. She obviously didn't want to die.
Trunks wanted to do something to save her, now heart broken at the girls distress and cry for help . . . but he'd seen what that thing can do, and he wasn't going to take it on likely.
The other Saiyan, went to SuperSaiyan with much effort, as he decided to try to save the woman from the beast. The beast tossed the woman up a bit in order to snap her up in its mouth, properly.
"Buuuuutuuuuuu!" Letting go a more sizeable and powerful blast at the beast eye, the beast turned quickly to what was coming.
As Trunks saw the distraction, the SuperSaiyan gathered all the power that he could and bracing himself the boy launched himself as hard and as fast as he could, with all of his might, to shoot past the monster's head, which was now being struck on the cheek, in order to grab the young woman, which he did, in super speed style.
The beast was now injured badly, but was annoyed to see, his food being dragged higher than he can jump, by Trunks.
The animal below was now a mere speck, and had the woman wondering why the boy had brought her so very high, but she refrained, since she was only too glad to be alive.
Trunks left her there and going slightly lower, Trunks launched many blast waves down at the monster in continuous fashion hoping to damage the animal some where, somehow.
Below, the young man was standing facing the creature afraid. Now only was the animal not injured badly, but had turned to face him as his next meal.
Something told him that this beast was incredibly fast, and he might not be quick enough to upon take off before the creature got him, so the man just stared and faced down the hungry beast, as waves of power blast came and rained down on the hungry creature.
Instead of running the young man, trapped by fear, and ignorance, stopped to see if the animal was injured or dead.
Trunks above was using up his energy at an enormous rate trying to destroy the creature.
Suddenly the woman above gathered all of the energy that she could muster, and launched a blast downwards.
Trunks felt the power up, and the blast coming, but if he stopped now the man below would probably die, so Trunks braced himself and kept on firing.
The woman's blast zoomed past the boy, though close, and headed downwards to join the boy's torrent of power down below.
The man also seeing the onslaught gathered his energy as well, and launched his biggest and best powerblast down into the already very intense meet of power and destruction.
"Tuuuuuuit Booom!!" The additional cross of overwhelming power has an implosion and then a serious explosion that sent huge pieces of the creature flying outwards.
The man looked up at Trunks and showed him a hand of gratitude. The woman smiled down at the man, and then floated over to Trunks and gave him a kiss on his cheek and a hug.
Little Trunks' face turned really red with embarrassment.
"I . . thought you were going to hit me with that power blast a minute ago." The little boy admitted shamefaced.
". . . I was thinking of it . . . but you were helping to save my friend's life . . . so I realized we are not enemies at all, but on the same side, you could say . . . so that's why I lent you a hand . . . because you saved me, when you could have let that monster eat me . . . So I owe you my life . . . And if there is anything that I can help you with, you just name it . . and I'm there."
Trunks little face turned even redder as the girl spoke it softly to him, and then kissed him on the cheeks, her two breasts bulging out as she leaned forwards to kiss him again on his cheek.
Down below, the bushes started shaking again . . . This time from many directions. Something shot out of the bush and jumped the SuperSaiyan on the ground, but he was not the target . . . instead, a big chunk of the giant beast's scattered flesh.
Then suddenly another, and another, animal came to join the feast. Thinking it better to go even higher, the SuperSaiyan rose up to the height of the two already in the air. Below, more and more creatures came out of the bushes and from across the plains, to join in on the huge feast.
"Thanks, alot kid." He said, "We owe you."
"Oh, your girl-friend already told me." Trunks announced.
"Ha, ha-ha." Mila is not my girlfriend . . . She's my sister from another mother. And I'm Dallas.
Mila stood smiling across at Trunks.
"So, shall we help him?"
" . . . Sure, we had plans for the loot, but, I guess you earned it, we'll help you win the prize. . .Shall we continue?" The older brother asserted.
Two more down . . . and assisting. Five to go, before one of the more powerful ones on the other planet came to join them. And he still wanted to find the old man, because he was old, . . . and because he felt that the old man had much knowledge, and some of that knowledge could be useful to him.

A little ways away. A Saiyan, was watching from the distant tops of a huge tree. He had been hoping that the beast would have at least finished off, one or more of them . . . but now he had to through the trouble of finishing the task.

Back on Earth, this side of Existence

The screen closed down in the sky, and Berus yawned, as empty containers that once had in great deserts, were strewn about the place.
"I think it's time I had my nap." Berus yawned again, moving around his tail slowly. "Thanks for the meal Bulma."
Whis turned of the viewing on the ball end of his staff and got up to leave as well.
"Hey, is it over?" Goku exclaimed. "But what about Goten?"
"Sorry Goku, we'll have to do this another time . . . Berus has to get his sleep, and I have other things that need dealing with you know." The tall angel retorted.
"But Daishinkan said . . ."
Whis gave Goku a dangerously threatening stare. "I know what father said, but you will have another opportunity tomorrow or the day after Goku, until your hour is used up."
"Yeah, Goku." Berus chipped in. "I don't see what the hurry is all about. We still have tomorrow."
"Get some rest Goku. Daishinkan, gave you his word, he's not one to trick you, you know."
Goku decided to go home and rest as Berus and Whis disappeared into their travel tunnel. He hadn't seen how his son Goten was progressing . . . but he had was gather the Spirit bomb . . . How did he know how to do the Spirit Bomb.
"later Bulma," Goku waved at Vegeta's wife, as she headed in. Shooting through the sky, heading for his home. 'I remember telling him how I did it, and what it felt like . . . but I never actually gave the boy lessons on doing it . . . The boy must be a fast learner. Heck, with all of the running around and space tournaments, I didn't even know he was secretly training with the others.' "Well, Goten, I hope your training pays off, cause daddy can't help you until tomorrow. Stay safe son."

Somewhere in the very middle of the newly forming 'New World'. Vegeta was walking around free, but all he could see was all sorts of colours moving outwards from their central point. "Daishainkan . . !!!"

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