Chapter 11 It's One Thing to Be a Spectator and Another, To Be In The Game

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Chapter 11

It is One Thing to Be the Spectator . . . and Another to be in the Game

"Huhh, huhhh . . ." Bruises everywhere Goku struggled for breath as his rib cages felt like they were going to cave in under the pressure of so many punches.
Vegeta was hoovering in the air with a very big smirk on his face '. . . at last . . . I am on top . . . if only the world could see them now.' But something wiped the smirk off of the proud Saiyan's face . . . Whis and Berus . . . he could remember vividly them stopping from saving his son Trunks, who could be somewhere dead now . . . all because his father was too weak to save him . . . Vegeta shook the thoughts out of his head.
"Get up Kakarot! . . . Or do you need another Sensu bean."
"N . . No Vegeta . . I can go on." By this time Goku was in his Normal form still, but Vegeta was already at Mystic SuperSaiyan two (they can no longer become simple SuperSaiyan as their power is condensed under this form of training). Goku felt like he was going to feint . . . and everything began to shake from side to side. He had overdone it . . . but he wasn't going to take another Sensu bean . . . not unless he really has too.
The Saiyan stared deathly cold at Vegeta standing like an angel in the sky . . . unhurt for damage, with only a short time to keep that new form.
Goku thought about mustering his energy for one last attack, 'forget last attack'. "I am Goku . . . and I w i l l n o t f a i l . . !
Goku took off as Vegeta watched proudly at the insignificance of an attack.
He went to swipe, but Goku was gone.
Appearing behind the Saiyan, Goku threw a quick kick and hit . . air.
Vegeta also was gone, appearing behind Kakarot, to knock him on top of his head with a double fist attack . . . 'air'.
Again Goku was gone, and beside him with a punch . . 'air'.
'Kakarot couldn't possibly be moving this fast at his normal base form. . .' then Vegeta saw it, the recognisable two finger on his forehead. I thought we weren't going to be using that instant transmission Goku.
"Come on Vegeta . . . If it has you bothered so much . . . I could stop using it. . ." Goku would not allow himself to use another Sensu bean without at least landing a blow on the pompous Saiyan Vegeta first. He hadn't even hit Vegeta once in all of the time they had exchange handicaps in power levels. Body mashed up two times now, and the Vegeta was moving like a ghost for speed.
Vegeta thought about it for a second. 'Kakarot in his base form was a bit boring . . Maybe I could work on my speed, while Kakarot works on . . . what ever he's doing.' "Okay . . . Kakarot, you may use your instant transmission . . . but only this once. For once Vegeta wanted to see if he can out beat that move of Kakarot's.
As the two went at it dodging and missing . . . Goku's seven Sensu beans lay in a well protected crack of the planet, waiting for when the tough bodied Saiyan was ready to use them.

Slave Planet Rescue Mission
The long line of abused aliens were now miles away as the earth shook and quaked beneath their feet, threatening to off balance them at any moment, as the horrendous fighting, now over a hundred miles away still raged on, as the aliens ran as fast as the could for fear of being caught in some blast or the other.
SuperSaiyan Prince Tom, through aside the thought that a god prince cannot be beaten . . . After all . . . anything that can bleed . . . can die.
Sending sever powerful blast from each hand. The SuperSaiyan youth took off towards his target.
Prince Alkendo floated backwards to dodge an uppercut. "Whack!-Whack!" Two hard kicks to Tom's face, and the SuperSaiyan though unmoved, was now bleeding from his nose.
Tom rescinded with a hard punch at the Prince which just hit his image.
Tom fought and fought and fought, and missed and missed. And though still being beaten badly, the Princes punches and kicks were becoming more and more bearable, and Tom came closer and closer to hitting him.
Annoyed that at the youth's persistence. "Whack!" the god decided that a broken jaw might just be what the boy needed, and continued to lash the boy on one side of his cheek very hard, and "Whack!, Whack! . . ." Every time Tom tried to look towards the god "Whack!!" Another hard punched turned his Saiyan head side ways.
Lauren was now looking from below, and things did not look like they were going good. Looking at her hands she realised how useless she was, and the young lady studied, and digged her brain for anything that she could think of to hurt the god.
'I know . . .' she thought suddenly. "High priest!!!" Lauren shouted as loud as she could.
" . . Whak!!" the side of Tom's face was red with bruising.
Alkendo stopped suddenly and looked around for where the High Priest was. Tom enraged, "Swung, the hardest punch he could muster . . also targeting the Prince's jaw bone.
The blow landed solid on its destination and the distracted prince god went flying for the ground as bullet speed.
" . . . bufffff." Right before hitting the ground, the god prince stopped himself several feet off the ground, and irate at Lauren's Audacity he floated straight for the female.
No way to defend herself, Lauren screamed, "Aaahhheeeeee!" and blocked as she waited for the impact to come.
Pulling back with all of his flustered might. Alkendo flew up to Lauren fist pulled back and tightened.
"Shhhuukakroom!" Tom landed directly infront of the god, his yellow flame now green and enraged.
Suddenly Tom attacked in a rage of fists, Alkendo, fought back, dodging and landing blow after blow solidly on the angry Saiyans stomach. Yet Tom had the god floating backwards amidst the fight.
Bruises were appearing on the Tom's stomach muscles, but there was nothing but rage in the youths eye sight.
Realising that the boy was not equating that a god of his standing cannot be beaten by any Saiyan, Alkendo decided to get rid of the young Saiyan and done.
" . . . It's a pity . . , Alkendo stated whilst still dodging and landing blows . . "that your father will never see his son on the throne again . . ."
With that Alkendo kicked the boy sideways his feet, making the boy lay flat in the air, and then he launched him high into the sky, before disappearing for speed, only to appear above the boy, and with a double fisted blow, sent him towards the ground at gunshot speed.
The running aliens felt the huge tremble in the planets structure as the tall cloud of dust revealed just how hard the boy had hit the ground.
Flawdius was at the back some midway between the fight and the fleeing aliens. He knew someone had just gotten a deathly blow, and he wanted badly to go back for Lauren . . . but that there is a god they are fighting . . . and there is no way any of them could get out of their alive.
"Don't worry you two . . . If I get my hands on the Dragon balls . . . I will be sure to revive both of you." With those words of reassurance, Flawdius fled to secure the tail end of the long train of alien victims.

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