Chapter 18 Survival of the Saiyan or Sane

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Chapter 18

Survival of the Saiyan/Sane

“I’m only human . .” Berus asked, licking his Sundae Matenae desert, with all of the ice-cream toppings.
“ . . . Where did you here that?”
“. . . The lady at the ice-cream shop, told me that, when I asked her to move faster with my order, or I’ll blow up her shop and the Earth.”
“Berus . . . Earthlings are very . . . complicated . . .”
“I don’t see what is so complicated about her moving at a faster pace in order to please her . . ‘customer’.” Berus replied as he licked the ice-cream that ran down the side of the big bowl.
“It’s okay, Berus . . . a few hundred thousand and I’ll buy the ice-cream parlour.”
“. . . See that you do that Bulma . . . You know how I’d hate to blow up my favourite planet.”
Whis stood and smiled as Berus walked by . . . the god had admitted that this was his favour planet . . . something he’d thought he would never hear come out of the mouth of Berus, about any planet.
Goku and Vegeta in their very normal forms flew casually back to Bulma’s home. “What do you think this is about, Vegeta?”
“I don’t know Kakarot . . .”
“Maybe it’s about Trunks or Goten or even Gohan. Maybe someone has come back.”
“ . . . I doubt it Kakarot . . . there was neither excitement nor despair in her voice . . . We’ll just have to see when we get there.

Goten’s Location on planet Glebe

Goten was about to get into the space ship.
“Wait . . . there is still a family coming.” Plumula shouted pointing at two old aliens carrying their injured child up the beach.
Just then Goten felt a huge power coming towards them.
Plumula took off down the ships door-ramp . . .
Goten looked at the speck coming their direction. “There’s no time! Get inside and shut the hatch!”
Plumula stopped and looked up at Goten’s serious face as he stared off into the distance. She so badly wanted to disobey him and save the people, but turning, the girl ran for back towards the ships ramp.
Goten turned SuperSaiyan and took off for the labouring family, grabbing them all up by their garments the boy quickly flew them back to the ramp tossing them through the small opening onto the waiting Plumula before powering up some more and then taking off as fast as he could.
Looking back the boy shouted, “Go!!!”
The ship prepared to take off, as some of the ship’s new occupants saw Goten zooming up to something and then clashed in the air several times with the object.

Goten looked around to see the last ;salvation ship’ going up to through the skies, before he settled himself for the task at hand. There was no way off of the planet for him, as he didn’t know how to fly a space ship, and there was severe punishment and most likely death for him helping free all of the prisoners.
Goten looked at Captain (slime), and smile, at least he had finally rescued the people . . . now there was nothing else to do, but to through everything he had at these guys and what ever else he could dig up.

Trunks Location: Planet Kudos

Trunks ship flew unhindered across the sky, as Saiyan’s fought tooth and nail for victory; He and the old man was the least of their worries, so they both touched down on the far areas of the planet unhindered.
The planet was swampy, desert, jungles, terrains, the norm for such a lush Planet . . . filled with life . . . and predators.
Trunks got out, and looked around. His plan was very, very, simple . . . hide.
The old Saiyan got out of his pod . . . and looked around at the familiar planet. “Hhhuhhh.” ‘It was so sad that his Saiyan people had to fight each other, and too the death . . . but it had to be done . . . for the greater good.’
As the old one walked across the slightly hilly but green grassed terrain, a fighter came running up to him as fast as he could. It was his fortune that as he waited, it was the old man who had came to land close to his landing site.
The old man turned to meet the opponent, wandering what mindset the man was in.
Jumping into the sky the Saiyan let go two power balls and the old man from each side, and then gathered a huge power blast to hit the old man from the middle.
As the two balls came at the old Saiyan’s side, he dodged and parried them very skilfully, and as the huge blast came directly at the old man, it appeared to hit his after-stripes, as the old man’s speed was exhilarating, coming to appear directly behind the Saiyan man . . “You’re out . .” and with a flat hand, the old Saiyan hit him hard at the back of his neck above his spinal bones at the base of his head.
Feeling the blow, the Saiyan tried to turn, but everything quickly grew dark, then black, and he was asleep, for another five to seven hours. ‘Ten more to go.’
Trunks, had started to throw some green foliage over his ship to keep it from being detected and the boy ran for some trees. It was not his proudest moment in life, and his dad would have been much disappointed . “. . at least find someone close to your power level and fight them . . . Just don’t run like a whimp . . .” He could hear his dad advising him . . .
    Thoughts of the old Saiyan and fearing for his safety came welding up in his thoughts again and again . . . why did Saiyans seem to willing to fight and die for every cause . . . All of this fighting and dying seemed so senseless . . . yet . . . something in the young boy’s soul told him, “It’s not for nothing . .”
As young Trunks ran for the trees, alone and so very, very far from home, the only thing left to do now was to survive this until back up came.

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