Chapter 32 Freedom

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Chapter 32


It was only a matter of time now. As the two ships zoomed through space, the hopes of the refuges on board were very high. Freedom at last.
Goten sat playing with some of the alien children, as Gori and Plumula looked on in wonder. ‘How can he be so chivalrous and yet so childishly innocent at the same time?’
“Maybe that’s how they all are on his planet.” Gori remarked as he read Plumula’s expression.
“I hope so . . .” the cute alien girl replied hopeful.

Somewhere on Planet Kudos
Trunks swung out furiously as torrents of punches and kicks came at him from all around. The four Saiyans were relentless, striking everywhere all of the time, none stop.
As blow and pain poured in on every part of the young lad, he could not help but scream out in pain, “Aaaaaaaaaaeeaaaaaaahhhh!!” But still, the blows came.
One could judge the fight right their and see that the boy was in serious trouble, well, anyone, except the old Saiyan.
As the horrible punishment continued blood started to come out of Trunks mouth, and you could see that the boy was fighting to hold on with all that he had. As the onslaught continued, Trunks tried to search inside of himself, for anything, any thing that he could find.
Outside his body was being shredded apart with pain and hard incessant blows, but inside, it was dark and lonely and . . . creepy.
The boy’s screams were bone chilling but he just would not knock out. Any normal Saiyan or even a SuperSaiyan could not stand up to this time of punishment for so long.
Finally, the four stopped to see what state their victim was in. The boy was bleeding and injured all over, but still he was in his SuperSaiyan form.
Barely able to stand, Trunks slowly descended to the ground. The fight had barely started, and this was all that he could produce . . . injuries.
Floating slowly down, the boy looked like a very pitiful mess.
“I need to create a distraction.” Dallas whispered to Mila. The sight was just too much for him to bear.
Old man Alan’s eyes drifted from watching Trunks to fix on Mila and Dallas . . . He winced his eyebrows as if to say, ‘Don’t you dare try to help him’.
When he believed that his message was understood, the old man then turned his attention back over to Trunks.
Trunks was not looking at the ground as if came to meet his feet. He could not think, of anything except, his foes, where he was, and the blood dripping from his cuts that were making red circles at his feet.
Inside, the boy, felt alone, afraid, and cowardice was the only emotion that summed up how he was feeling. But still he kept on searching the darkest interiors of his soul . . but why?
Then there it was, something huddled over . . . It was furry and yellow, just like his SuperSaiyan yellow image, but . . . as the boy went ever closer, the object grew bigger for nearness.
It . . it was a . . an Oozaru . . . The great monkey like creature was bent over . . . he appeared to be . . . cuddling something . . . Slowly . . . slowly, young Trunks tried to see what it was . . .
Right there in the Oozaru’s arms . . . lay a little monkey like creature and his young monkey like mother.
Nemzo, the King of the Oozarus, looked around at the boy in tears . . . the boy looked familiar . . the boy looked . . . like Gaius.
Vengeance immediately crossed the monkey king’s face, all tears soaked and rearing to tear the boy apart . . . he had stopped him from killing the ones who had hurt his family . . .
Terror gripped Trunks, but there was no where to run, so steeling himself, young Trunks took a slow step forwards . . then . . another . . and then . . another . .
‘Nemzo’ looked at the boy’s hand as it stretched slowly out towards his giant frame. Looking away in disgust the angry Oozaru flare its nostrils and looked up, like the boy couldn’t possibly be talking to him.
Trunks could see the huge hurt in his face. His child and wife now lay on the ground . .
Outside Trunks, the Saiyans had grown tired of watching the boy’s bent over figure, as the blood slowly dripped from his cuts.
Besides, they had more work to do, might as well finish this. As the four Saiyans again continually rained down blows on the boy, Mila turned to bury her face in her brother Dallas’ shoulder.
All Dallas could think was . . . that might be us next . . .
Beaten and thrown about like a ragged doll, the four took turns beating the boy and kicking or punching him over to another attacker . . . He will be dead soon, this will teach the old man not to misplace his trust.
Inside Trunks could feel his world shaking violently, and as he started to fade, so did Nemzo’s wife and child. The king’s eyes opened wide as his wife and child started to fade from Trunk’s memory. Horror now stretched across his face, and realizing if Trunks died, so would the memories of his wife and child, the king of the Oozarus rushed over to Trunks scare of loosing his family and quickly reached out his hand to Trunks as he looked back at his own family as if to see if it would work to bring them back to him . . . And they touched.
Outside of Trunks, Ren was punching the boy in his stomach as hard as he can, causing blood to come out of his mouth with every strike.
“Buupp!!” . . . “Buup.” . . . “Bu” . . . “B” Every punch felt like Ren was punching something harder, and harder, and harder, until the Saiyan felt like he was hurting his own wrist. Deciding that this was too much, Ren spun head over heels to bring over his foot to hit the young boy very hard in his head, sending the boy flying downwards to meet Glee.
As Trunks body soared downwards, the boy suddenly felt the wind blowing past his face, and opened his eyes to see Glee waiting for him. Holding backwards as he sped downwards, Trunks brought down his head to land a massive blow on Glee’s head with his, busting the Saiyan’s head, and sending him shooting down towards the ground like a bullet . . . One less person to worry about.
The other three -Ick, Icor, and Ren, automatically drew for power and started cannon blasting Trunks from all sides, the boy just held out his hands and the blast just disappeared inside of him.
As Trunks power flowed upwards never-ending and hitting no limit, he glowed like the sun, with tiny yellow balls of power exploding around him.  He was growing more beautiful in strength, and power, and glow.
Still the other Saiyans, decided to attack with more blasts, but Trunks just looked kindly at them (though the blood still covered him where had bled before), and nodded in a ‘no’ fashion. Then, holding out his hands, Trunks started doing something.
All three Saiyans fought what ever pull he was having on them. What was he doing?
Realizing that the young boy was mighty too strong, one by one they went to SuperSaiyan, first Ren, then Ick, and then Icor.
But as they went SuperSaiyan, then . . . all could see it . . . the three Saiyans were fighting very hard to retain the SuperSaiyan power as Trunks was drawing their Saiyan nature out of them.
“Aaahhh!” Ren’s SuperSaiyan power was flowing towards Trunks who was draining all three of their powers at the same time. Suddenly, Ren’s SuperSaiyan status started to flicker.
Ick was starting to have the same problem. But Icor, started to go higher, much, much higher; forcing his way past every obstacle he could find in himself as the pools of power within were shrinking very fast.
Suddenly, Ren’s SuperSaiyan flickered for the last time, and slowly dropped from the sky, as all of his power was drained, including his power of flight.
Ick’s yellow SuperSaiyan glow started flickering fast, and then he was out like a light bulb, and floating unconsciously down to the grown below.
Icor how ever, found his way to level two SuperSaiyan, and let go a big blast of power to complete the transformation, but still, he twisted and turned as the electricity flashed around him. He was going even further. Apparently, he was by far the best fighter of the four, but he had been hiding it.
Trunks still stood like the sun in the sky, with his hand held out, and Icor, fought going down deeper still within himself, digging through the bottom level of his SuperSaiyan two form, like a horrible monster was chasing him. Suddenly, he was through.
Outside himself, the sky started to grow very dark and lightning shot from the sky, and then Icor leaned back . . . to finalize his new SuperSaiyan Three form . . . “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!”

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