Chapter 22 I Come . . . Bearing No Gifts (Goku/Kakarot)

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Chapter 22

I Come . . Bearing No Gifts

"Good-by dear." Vegeta said good bye to his wife and hugged her, closely. ". . You have been the flower of my life, and every thing I needed to see straight."
"Yes, mom?"
"Come and say good-bye to your father."
"Is he taking a trip somewhere far mom?" Bra said as she came out the door and up to her parents. Vegeta's eleven year old daughter was the em-semblance of her mother, with an added touch of spoiled.
Vegeta took his only daughter in his arms, and hugged her. Bulma came and hugged them both, and tears threatened to escape her eyes and roll down her cheeks . . . but she quickly wiped them away . . . so that Bra would not see.
After a bit . . . Vegeta stepped away from his family . . . taking a mental picture of the two females that he loved very much . . . He was going to save their son Trunks . . . but he also knew that there was more to what was going on . . . that what Whis and his father the Daishinkan was letting on.
"Okay . . . I am ready."
Daishinkan swooped down and touching Vegeta on the shoulder, the two disappeared.

Goku was flying over the sea, trying to figure out what Vegeta was trying to tell him, and why he didn't trust Whis or the Daishinkan to tell them what was going on. The Saiyan was feeling overwhelmed, with questions . . . but . . . he had an idea . . .
Going up to meet Popo and Dende at the look out, Goku asked them if they had any more Sensu beans.
Dende said yes, but those were Piccolo's share of eight. For since they now grew the beans in more abundance, every Z fighter was being allotted two basically, and then another two for each level of danger each of them would likely become involved in. Piccolo's was eight, and Vegeta and Goku's were twelve each, though Vegeta and Goku were the two people were always using theirs.
"You can have the two I have left back", the green Namek Piccolo said hovering a few feet off of the ground, unannounced.
"They were training in the Time Chamber."
"They . .?" Goku asked wandering who was training with Piccolo.
"Yeah, us Goku", Krillin announced as his bruised bald headed short self came walking up to the crowd, holding a half dead of exhaustion, Yamcha.
The tall three eye Tien came striding up to the group also. "I only have one left out of my two . . . Yamcha has nothing left, and Krillin has one."
"Hi guys", shouted, overjoyed to see his friends.
"I heard Goten's in a bit of trouble." Piccolo spoke up, sobering the celebration.
" . . Yeah, and Trunks went to try to save him, but then Trunks got stuck as well, and then Gohan, but we believe that Leopold isn't ideally trying to save Goten or Trunks . . . as much as he is trying to save many others in trouble . . Who can blame him right . . ?"
"So, why don't you or Vegeta just go 'warping' around space until you pick up his signal and bring him back?" Krillin asked seeing this is the simplest route to solve the problem.
"That's what I thought, but then Vegeta wanted Trunks to . . ." Goku explained the whole scenario to the crowd of friends.
"Oh . . . Good thing I thought Goten a few of my tricks . . ." Tien stated, reflectively.
"What?! You thought Goten some of your moves?! That's great! . . . Which ones . . ?"
" . . . All of them."
"W' All . . of . . them?"
"Well, yeah, and he learned them really fast. He is a really impressive kid you know Goku . . . Reminds me of you when you were younger."
" . . Uhhh . . Goku . . ?"
"Yes Krillin . . What is it?"
". . Huh . . Well, he came to me to learn some moves also . . . I, well, thought him everything I knew also . . ." Krillin looked down at the ground, embarrassed. ". . I . . uh . . thought that I was the only one training him in secret, so, you know, I thought I would be great to have a Saiyan as my student . . so I thought him my after image, solar flare, and destructo disc . . . He kind of struggled to learn that one though . . I don't think it resognated with him . . You know the thought of cutting things into pieces like that . . . so that one we had to discontinue . . You know . . that boy has a bigger heart than his brains."
Goku looked at his long time friend and smiled . . "Thank you Krillin." . . . "So, anyone else taught him any of your skills.
"Well, yeah, Goku . ." Yamcha spoke up. We were fooling around playing hide and seek with Yajirobe . . You know, Yajirobe can hide very, very well. We could find him for days, until master Roshi called and said he was out their on the island sun tanning. So we headed over their, and their he was. We had a good laugh when I had the great idea of teaching Goten about the ladies, but master Roshi hit me over the head . . . said he was too young . . or something of the sort . ."
Everyone stood looking at Yamcha in shock . . . but, that was his thing, so everyone just went on with the talk.
"So what are you thinking Goku?" Piccolo asked concerned.
"Well, Vegeta is onto something, although I do not know what . . So . . I want to put something to the test. 'Hope it goes well." Goku said looking down at the ground. This was a mighty big deal . . . but he couldn't stand not knowing.
"Okay Goku", and everyone handed over their beans, (well, who had Sensu beans to hand over anyhow.
"Okay . . that is, one, two, three, four . . ." Dende through in three of four he kept in reserve for emergencies only.
"Okay . . That makes seven."
"Okay guys, got to see you later . . . am in a bit of a rush."
Everyone, said their quick fair-wells as the Saiyan rushed off through the air.
"Okay," Goku said to himself as he flew across the open sea. "Time to see what you guys are up to."

Daishinkan showed up in the middle of this multicolour place . . with no floor, and no rooms, and threw Vegeta in the middle of it. Immediately Vegeta's hands were pull to stretch out, as was his feet. And some force kept him there suspended.
"What's going on, Daishinkan . . I thought you said you were going to let me go into the New World."
The Daishinkan smirked slyly at Vegeta . . . "How dare you think you can out smart me . . ."
"Ungh!" Vegeta struggled against the force, as the colours around him slowly expanded outwards continually. "I thought you angels couldn't lie . . . Let me go!"
" . . But I didn't Vegeta. You are in the New World . . . the centre of it."
"But . . . what about Trunks, and Goten . . . Why did you bring me hear?!"
"Why, to keep you out of trouble of course."
"You didn't think I noticed you and Goku training to surpass . . . What? Whis . . and then what? Myself?"
" . . . . . ."
"What? Are you planning to attack me, or my son Whis? You must be more stupid than I thought Vegeta."
" . . . But I outsmarted you didn't I?" Vegeta said grinning. "Ha, ha, ha ha ha ha!"

Goku still flying over the seas. "Okay . . . Here goes."
Goku used his instant transmission . . . and appeared on the planet with Whis and Berus . . . uninvited . . . and bearing not gifts.

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