Chapter 1 How to Play Dirty

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Chapter 1

How to Play Dirty

Gohan sat and looked at the picture of his wife and child. He had brought something to remind him of his immediate family. They are his gems. Unpacking, his things. He took out his training gear and other clothes, some rations, and some 40 Sensu beans - Thanks to the guys in the ‘Look-Out’, he now had more than enough to complete his mission and bring his brother and his friend Trunks back home. Dende had found a way to help Korin make ten times the amount of Sensu beans in the same amount of time. In fact, Dende’s Sensu beans were much more powerful than that of Korin’s normal Sensu beans.
Gohan offered one to the bruised and half-dead, Leopold, who took one willingly, and then he offered Gohan a tour of the ship, as soon as he was immediately better.
The space ship shot through space, and towards the open rift in space.
“This is it . . .” Leopold said softly.
Gohan stood breathing calmly at the amazing hole space that lead them to another world.

Back on Earth. Goku and Vegeta landed in a very big dome, that Bulma had made for her husband’s immense stadium.
“Wow Vegeta . . .” Goku stated looking around as the landed in the middle of the huge dome.
“This is not where we train.”
“It isn’t . . . but I thought . . .”
“Just, shut up Kakarot, and I will explain.
As the two made their way around the dome, Vegeta explained that the dome was actually made so big as to store supplies and a warp hole.
“. . .”
“We can go almost anywhere in the known Galaxy, where we are not banned that is, and the Dragon balls over there . .” Vegeta pointed to the Seven well known dragon balls, “will be used to restore the planets should we destroy the landscape there. Of course those tiny sections of space are barren planets . . . some hot and some freezing cold . . . and some with immense gravity . . .you get the point, Kakarot.”

Vegeta went and typed on some buttons, pulled some levers, and checked some instruments. It was no wonder he was always so close behind Goku, his wife was using her scientific mind to help give her husband a hand in his training.
The hole in the roof of the Dome began to close, and Goku followed Vegeta to the middle of the Dome.
“I was hoping to practice with Berus or Whis every chance I get to increase my power and abilities further than yours, Kakarot . . . but I realise that these ‘buffoons’ aren’t any more interested in getting us to that final state . . .”
“Final state . .?” Goku looked puzzled . . . “I thought Ultra . .”
“Don’t be silly Kakarot . . . as long as there is any one in the known galaxies more stronger than a Saiyan we will never rest easy until we have mastered the art of beating that person . . . that is in our blood, though some of us seem content with the ‘trivialities’ of life.”
Usually Vegeta would compare his family time and shopping as trivialities compared to his ‘Saiyan’ duties. ‘I bet Bulma created this dome to keep her husband from flying off into outer-space for years on end in between spending time with Whis and Berus in their worlds.
“ . . . From watching Pierce I believe that we had made mistakes . . .”
"What . . ? Mistakes?" Holy looked bewildered.
“Yes, Kakarot . . . mistakes . . .” Vegeta replied concerned. “If I hadn’t followed you and become a SuperSaiyan, I could have become far more powerful than I am today . . .”
Goku looked puzzled . . . especially as to why it was his own fault.
“I thought SuperSayin made us stronger.” We beat Freeza, Cell, and even evil Buu . . . I don’t follow Vegeta.”
“Did you not see how easily Pierce beat Trunks?”
“Yeah . . . and . . ?”
“Trunks was SuperSaiyin . . . and more . . . and yet he beat my son like he was a mere child.”
Goku wanted to interrupt him and tell him that Trunks ‘was a mere child’, but that was not expected in Vegeta’s world. After all, Vegeta was the Saiyan Prince who could not be defeated, and neither could his son . . . no matter how many times they were defeated . . . No wonder the proud Saiyan allowed him to come along.
When the dome roof closed to conceal the two, lightning flashed and stars appeared in the roof and then planets and galaxies appeared painted on the very walls and then the walls disappeared leaving the stars and planets of space. The ground they were now standing out was a mixture of Earth and other strange materials. The gravity slowly became more and more stronger pulling them downwards some eighty-five times.
“Okay, we’re here, Kakarot. . . the strange Prince announced. "What is your first suggestion of practice.”
“ . . . Well, seeing the conditions here are perfect, and there is no one around to get hurt but us . . . I say we do it the old way . . .”
“You mean . . . fight and then increase our power levels until someone looses?”
“Well . . . yeah . . .” Goku agreed smiling with one hand behind his head.
“No!!!” Vegeta shouted. “No Kakarot. We have done that and you saw how Pierce remained unimpressed with Trunks transformations . . . If we are going to become stronger than those guys . . . we have to know what they know, that we don’t know yet . . .”
Goku was lost, and it appeared in his expression. “Know what we don’t know . . ?”
“. . . It’s very simple Kakarot . . . If Pierce can beat a SuperSaiyan in his normal state . . . He has either been fighting some incredibly tough people . . . or he has refused to go SuperSaiyan in his training or endeavours purposefully.”
“ . . Oh I get it . . .” Goku smiled, “So we fight and train in or normal forms and raise our base power which will raise our other base form powers.”
Vegeta looked stump at Kakarot. ‘How did he ever surpass me being so simple? He didn't quite get it . . . but close enough.’
“Okay . . . You ready Kakarot?”
Goku took his fighting stance . . . ready for his training . . . And then Vegeta turned SuperSaiyan . . .
“Aaaaahhhhhh!” And then went SuperSaiyan 2. “Okay Kakarot . . . I am ready.”
“Hey!” I thought you said we weren’t going to use any transformation!”
“You are not going to use any Kakarot . . . and then we will reverse . . . and then you get to become SuperSaiyan two and I will in turn fight you at my normal base power. This would give us the ideal circumstances of Pierce versus SuperSaiyan Trunks two.”
“. . Oooohhh. I get it now . . . you are creating the same environment where Trunks is with the same offset to get as close to their situation as possible . . . great Vegeta.” ‘What a guy’.
Vegeta smiled and nodded . . . Kakarot wasn’t even near his intentions . . . but close enough to understand something. “Let’s go.”
“. . .Wait, Vegeta . . .”
Vegeta paused wandering if Kakarot had figured it out.
“When do I get to give up?”
No he hadn’t figured it out yet. “You don’t Kakarot. We have Sensu beans, so don’t worry.” Vegeta reassured the other Saiyan. “Now remember, you pretend to be Pierce and I am SuperSaiyan Trunks level two.”
“ . . .Okay Vegeta.”
And the fight is on!

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