Chapter 3 Nice To Meet You (Tom)

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Chapter 3

Nice To Meet You

inally, coming too from his coma of sorts, Plumula was well overjoyed. She had developed a love for the boy that she could not explain.
“Is . . . is everything okay . . .?” He was still feeling a little dizzy as he tried to stand.
“Yeah, everything’s okay . . . for now.” Gori’s said, coming to me them in the infirmary.
As Goten’s sight came back to normal he could see the marred face of Plumula, which had trails running down from her eyes.
Gori looked down at the ground . . . Our work detail has been increased because of your escape, to prevent us from ever considering attempting to leave again.
“Aw I sorry. I tried to get back in time but Threilow showed up.”
“We are planning to escape once and for all . . .” Plumula stated looking down at the ground as well.
“I am sorry that I forced your decision.”
“. . . You didn’t,” an old lady’s voice came from behind the young ones. “All of the young women are to be sold off as slaves to ‘private owners’.”
“I . . I don’t want to be sold Goten . . . ‘sniff’ ‘sob’ . . I don’t want to go with those bad men.”
“. . . . We’ve lost a lot of our young women that way.”
Goten forced himself to stand to his feet. They looked a little swollen still, even after all of the ointment they had placed on them. Sarge and Duo’s body’s were really hard, and he had just numbed out as much of the pain as he could to get through that ordeal . . .
“It’s okay Goten, you healed really fast. When you came in we could tell the difference between you and a bloodied rag. You were really licked up. We thought you were dead.” Gori informed, glad that he was okay now. “Plumula cried the who time and said you couldn’t die on her.”
Goten looked at Plumula as she blushed. He did know why her cheek were turning pink in patched through the smut on her face. “Thanks a lot. Its great to have friends like you.”
Everything started moving around and turning black and then he felt himself hit the ground like landing on a soft pillow. . . he was out again.

Just outside of Planet Plant
“Okay, guys and gals,” Flawdius announced standing to his feet. The green Namek was the only plan that they had to go on to attempt to save Goten and the others. “Both I and Lauren will take the pod down to Planet Plant. Do not bring the ship into the atmosphere. The most people passing will think is that you are just waiting, and not knowing who or what is your business, they should trouble you as long as you do not make any commotion.”
Within minutes Lauren and the big Namek were entering the planets atmosphere and heading for some where to land.
Meanwhile . . . on the ground of Planet Plant.
Location: Castle;
A young black haired Saiyan sat on the throne in his royal attire, with a cup in his hand, gulping down its contents.
“Sir, the orders this week for our warriors are amazing. We will have made seventy times what we would have made last time.” An elderly Servant announced.
Even though Planet Plant was infested with inhabitants, the smaller more dignified were the Saiyans. Many came here hoping to get contracts for missions, whilst others had the apparent ‘misfortune’ of being born a Saiyan and having to fight or die as a way of life.
Life seemed so very meaning less to Tomato (‘Tom-ah-toe). Every since his dad was taken away to ‘serve’ the ‘Prince’, nothing seemed to matter. He was already the strongest Saiyan here that he knew of. Yet he was just a subject to the higher ups whims.
“Is something the matter Tom?” the humble servant asked.
Tom looked down at the old man from his throne. There were so many people around, that he couldn’t tell spy from friend, but there was not doubt that Long was his best friend, who treated him like a loving grandparent would his favourite grand child. “I . . . need some air . . .”

On the outskirts of the castle and across the land.
Pierce, Trunks, and Comrade (for he was never called by name) sat down at the table at the bar. A strange alien came to take their orders. “Biu juice and cornfetti all around.”
The Waiter looked at the group surprised . . . but went off to fetch the food and Juice. He had seen stranger things, but he never met a Saiyan who ordered the food of little children. Most of the people here were very reckless and many never returned from some mission or the other . . . But . . . Pierce and his friend always seem to come back . . . ‘Maybe I should start recommending children’s food to my other guess . . ?’ Thinking how that would play out the alien changed his mind. The other guess would laugh him to scorn.
“Eat up.” Pierce barked at Trunks, who looked at the strange food wandering what to eat and what is to be thrown away.
The boy looked at what Comrade was eating . . . and he started with that . . .
Flawdius entered the room with the young Lauren. As eyes went from either Flawdius the Namek, rumour to be associated with dragon balls . . . To very beautiful Lauren . . . or vice versa, mouths stilled and the room became very still and quiet.
Flawdius went up to the Bar and got some drinks for him and the girl.
As Flawdius turned to head for a seat a huge guy came and stood right in front of him.
“Brave of you to come here, Namek.” The big guy stated, muscles bulging. What business do you have here?”
“I’m hiring.” Flawdius stated with an aire of charm.
The big alien, looked a bit frightened . . . “Oh, uh . . . okay.” and he went away immediately.
A man hiring meant two things . . . business . . . and that the man could hire someone to assassinate you . . . and the big guy didn’t want any bounty on his head, for there were already far too much competition here in this bar, and ruthless competition at that.
Flawdius sat down with the girl . . . drank the juice . . . and then the two made for the door.
“How much are you paying?” The bartender asked.
Flawdius exited without saying anything.
“I thought we went there to get help.” Lauren asked, confused.
“Just . . . wait for it.”
Flawdius didn’t have time to finish before some big green ogres for aliens stepped out from the same bar where they had just been.
“We might just like to hear that ‘proposal’ of yours.” A third alien said, exiting the same building.
“I think we will look for more . . . 'fitting' company.” Flawdius stated.
This didn’t seem to sit well with the three, who came and stood to look down on the already tall Flawdius.
“. . . And what is it about us . . that is not so ‘fitting’”, the older alien replied, as one of the aliens came to stare down Flawdius only inches away.
“Your breath . . .” The Namekian stated to the one in front of him. Flawdius was about to tell Lauren to step back, but she had already read the play and had moved away in to the shadow of a house of some sort.
Flawdius would have a fight on his hands . . . but he needed to find someone worthy.
Just then two more goons came out from the shadows and then another, to try to surround Lauren. It appeared the three were waiting outside for an opportunity to rob someone . . . and this appeared to be a good opportunity.
Though it was not clear if they knew each other . . . one thing was very clear . . . they were to be their next victims . . .
Lauren got ready to fight for her life. Apparently Flawdius had bitten off more than he could chew.
As the first oath stepped forward, Flawdius had his fist in the big alien’s chin and sending him stumbling backwards a bit. Soon it was an all out brawl as Flawdius stood in the middle of the three goons fighting for his life .  . And fighting he did.
Lauren on the other hand was no where near as strong as Flawdius but she wasn’t going to be anyone’s slave again. One big kick to the first alien’s groin had him going downwards with his eyes bulging out of his head for pain.
The other two wouldn’t be making that same mistake and dodge her kicks, and laid some punches at the young girl’s head, which she blocked with her  frailer hands.
“Someone seems to be in trouble.” Little Trunks informed the two travellers with him still in the bar.
“Don’t move from where you are.” Pierce said coldly with a very serious look on his face. He knew all to well that Trunks would intervene.
Back outside the wicked aliens kicked and punched their way through Lauren’s blocks till her frailer hands were starting to feel like they would break. No one was coming to help. She wanted to scream.
The other guys were now on top of Flawdius who was going down fighting all the while.
One big fist flew through the air to hit the lass in her face.
“. . . .” Lauren opened her eyes . . . nothing. The alien that had thrown the punch was wincing in pain as another hand was holding his wrist from out of the nearby shadows.
“Whack-Ack!” One kick to the chest sent that goon flying across the landscape with his chest broken.
The teen flew out of the shadows and punched the second goon in the stomach, making him topple over and go unconscious.
The third goon came up behind the youth who turned quickly around.
“I . . . I . . I am sorry.” The third alien stammered as he saw who he was attacking.
“Whack!” One kick across his head and the dead alien’s body was left to fly into another building.
Flawdius, under the pile, sensing the presence of a powerful alien hiding his power, and the fleeing lower power levels of those other goons, said. “Okay boys. Play time is over.”
And with one kick to an alien’s groin had the alien holding its crouch and sailing fast asleep over the rugged terrain. The others, Flawdius grabbed one and punched the alien in the face several times whilst holding the back of the alien’s head, sending that alien unconscious, whilst the older alien attempted to run after seeing Flawdius and the now present Tom standing looking at him.
“Ste u u u Boom.” Tom sent a little ball of energy that helped the old alien off his feet and into the distance only to explode.
“You . . You didn’t have to kill them . . .” Lauren said to the stranger . . . not knowing what else was best to say at the time.
Tom looked at her pretty face, her heavily bruised hand and snickered (as if she were for real saying that after the fact).
Flawdius stood and massaged his own bruises. Those men weren’t pushovers . . . but neither was he when it came to ‘common’ low level fights.
Tom, standing in simple clothing, looked at Flawdius, and then turned to go into the darkness once more.
“Wait . . . stranger . . . We may need your help.”

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