☆Chapter Seventy☆

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"Jay, please." Haerin begged as she interlocked her hands together as she rocked back and forth. She watched Jay look at the thermometer as she sat up in bed with her pyjamas on and a cold compress on her forehead.

Jay glanced at Haerin with the corner of his eye before continuing to look at the thermometer. Finally, the results came through. "It's 40°C. Haerin, you're sick, you can't go."

"Jay, please." Haerin whined, tears pricking her eyes. "You can't do this to me, I couldn't go last year, so spare me the pain and let me go this year."

"Haerin, stop trying to fake cry. I'm not buying it." Jay scoffed. "Plus, who asked you to get sick. This could've been easily prevented."

"Please -"

"What's going on in here?" Heesung walked into the room, cutting Haerin off, and went to go stand next to Jay.

"She's sick and didn't want to go to the hospital this morning." Jay pointed at Haerin, who was sitting with her arms folded, looking away from both of them and staring at the blank wall. "Yet she's still begging to go to MAMA."

"Is that it?" Heesung raised his brow I'm disbelief. "I mean, she doesn't look sick. In my eyes, she looks perfectly fine."

"Were you not here this morning? She may look fine, but this morning, she couldn't even get up this morning or even bring herself to eat, and when she did end up eating, it came right back up. Plus She's had the same temperature since this morning, and it hasn't gone down. If anything, she seems to be getting worse. And she's only acting like this because she doesn't want to be stuck at home tomorrow."

"Do you feel sick?" Heesung asked her.

"No." Haerin shook her head frantically, ignoring all the pain she was feeling, and with a bit of hope gleaming in her eyes, she smiled.

"Well then, I think she's good to go." Heesung shrugged.

"What!?" Jay almost shouted. "She's clearly lying. Why would you let her go. What if she faints or something!?"

Heesung smiled as he placed his hand on Jay's shoulder. "Hey, calm down. I won't let that happen, I'll personally look out for her. If she feels sick the she should just say. Right, Haerin?"

"Mhm!" Haerin nodded. "Plus, I have a lot of responsibility that I need to fulfil tomorrow as well, so I HAVE to go."

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm younger than you, hyung." Jay muttered before he exited the room.


Haerin wore a white button-up with a black tie hung around her neck, a black cropped blazer with a black pleated skirt, and a pair of double platform knee high boots which made her nearly as tall as Jake. Her black hair was neatly put into two braids with black bows tied at the end of them.

She looked down, staring blankly at her shoes as she clicked the heels together every couple of seconds as she sat down on the white sofa with hands placed at either side. "Are you okay?" Heesung asked Haerin, placing a hand on her shoulder as he and Ni-ki sat next to her. Heesung on her left Ni-ki on the right.

"I'm perfectly fine." Haerin responded, still looking down at her shoes and clicking them together again. In fact, Haerin felt even worse than yesterday, and waking up early didn't help her headache nor tiredness. Even though she hadn't eaten, she felt the odd feeling to throw up, but luckily, she didn't, and she was hoping she wouldn't for the rest of the night. She even started to question why she hadn't listened to Jay. But it was most likely she didn't want to admit that the older boy was right.

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