☆Chapter Thirty Six☆

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Today was one of the days that the members were sent to the company but were allowed to do whatever they wanted. The group had split up as they all wanted to do different things. Some in vocal training, some in dance and some in foreign language.

Haerin sat in a room, which was often used for recording, but it was empty today. Haerin had always thought about making her own music but never had the time to do so. But now alone sitting at a desk with the a notepad, pencil and eraser she could do so.

Haerin wondered what she could write about as she flicked the pencil in her right hand. Haerin had no inspiration at the moment, so she had to think about  it for a moment. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, Haerin felt herself dozing of but that's when it clicked.

A song about a girl who has a crush on a guy, so that was the decision. Haerin took her pencil and hovered it over the paper. Random thoughts poured into her head, and she started to scribble them down.

Not known to Haerin as she was busy in her own thoughts, the door clicked open. Ni-ki walked in, and he was about to tell her he was there, but he noticed she was concentrating. He placed his bag on the floor and sat on the sofa on the back wall as he watched her.

Twenty minutes passed of Ni-ki watching Haerin, and he became quite curious about what she was writing. Ni-ki got up and stood by the desk, even with him at a close proximity she was too immersed with what she was writing that she never realised he was there.

He tried not to breathe too heavily to not draw her attention. He noticed Haerin's little smile when she came to the end of the paper. She flipped the paper over and wrote her name on the back before proceeding to fold the paper into four.

"Hey, what's that?" Ni-ki questioned as he put his hand on her shoulders, making her flinch.

"When did you get in here?" Haerin asked as she put the paper into her hoodie pocket discretely but not that slick enough for Ni-ki not to notice.

"Hm, let's see." He reached his hand into her pocket and took the paper o, t and began to unfold it.

"Give it back." She told him, but to Haerin's annoyance, he raised the paper in the air out of her reach.

"Hm, what's on the paper, Rinnie?" Ni-ki tilted his head and asked again.

"Nothing." Haerin scoffed and reached for the paper again. "Why the hell are you so damn tall?"

"I don't know, why am I?" Ni-ki laughed at the shorter girl. "When you become taller than me, you can have it back."

"Look, I'm taller than you now." Haerin said as she stood on the spinning chair. "So give it back."

"What's going on in here?" Chris questioned as he walked into the room. "What's that?" Chris questioned as he pointed at the paper Ni-ki held between his fingers up in the air.

Chris went onto his tippy toes and took the paper out of Ni-ki's hand. Haerin's faced drained of colour when Chris started to unfold the paper. Chris nodded his head intently as he read the contents of the paper. Once he was done, he folded the paper back and handed the paper back into Haerin's hand.

"That's quite good, you know." Chris complemented her skills. "Do you have anymore?"

"No, this is my only one." Haerin informed as she played with the paper in her hand.

"When's the next time you're here?" He asked.

"Uhm, Friday - I think." Haerin guessed.

"If it's possible, could you make another one? I would really like to see what you're capable of." Chris explained. "Then on Friday could you show it to me."

"Oh, okay, I can do that." Haerin agreed.

"Have a good day!" Chris wished her before leaving the room.

"What were you two talking about?" Ni-ki asked, being left clueless throughout the whole conversation.

"Don't worry about it." Haerin shrugged as she placed the paper in her bag.

"You're so annoying." Ni-ki folded his arms and turned his head away, closing his eyes, acting like a child.

"I know." Haerin smiled at him before walking out the door.

By the time Ni-ki opened his eyes and peeped out the doorway, Haerin was waiting at the elevator. "Hey, wait up!" Ni-ki called out. He snatched his bag and ran down the corridor.

Haerin leaned on the back wall of the elevator with a smirk watching the door close while Ni-ki ran, trying to catch it. Luckily, Ni-ki was able to get there on time, putting his arm in the elevator door to stop it from closing.

Ni-ki slowly walked in and leaned on the side wall opposite to all the buttons. "Why'd you leave me?" He asked, panting for air.

"You said I was annoying."

"But I didn't mean it like that!"

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now