☆Haerin random moments p2☆

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Haerin: Nobody can or will break the Kim Haerin. They day you see me cry is the day the world goes up in flame's

Jungwon: You cried yesterday and the world isn't burning yet.

Haerin: Be quiet (Pushes him)

Jungwon: Bi-

Haerin: You here that he almost swore (Fake gasps and points at him)

Jungwon: You're dead when we get home

Haerin: Wow, so scary (Rolls eyes)

Sunghoon: We are almost at the end of our vlog-
(Holding the camera while going to the kitchen)

Haerin: 😐 (Blankly stares at Sunghoon while having her hand in a bag of Doritos sitting on the counter)

Sunghoon: 😐 Uhm-

Haerin: 😐 Uhm-

Sunghoon: (Closes the door and stops recording)

Haerin: Jaaayyyy (Whisper while walking into the living room)

Haerin: Hes sleeping isn't that amazing. Oh well let's start. (Holding her make up bag, Placed her camera down somewhere and starts doing Jay's make up)

Haerin: We should make him emo 🤭 (laughs while taking out black lipstick and applies it. Draws thick black eyeliner and puts on black eye shadow)

Haerin: I'm really sorry Jay but it just has to be done 😔 (applies lashes)

Haerin: Amazing (Brings the camera over Jay's face.) Take your screenshots Engene's I'm going to be waiting for the memes. (Puts the camera where they can get a clear shot of Jay's reaction.) Holds a mirror over Jay's face and taps him to wake up.

Jay: What do you want? 😱 What the hell did you do. (Looks at his make up in the mirror)

Jay: You little shit-

Haerin: (Runs off)

Jay: (Chases after her)

Haerin: Ma-ma-ma-mamba (Drops down and does the choreo)

Jake: What the- (Jake trips over her leg not seeing her on the floor

Haerin: 😐
(Still on the floor doing that position)

Jake: 😐
(Looks back and sees her)

Sunoo: Haerin look! This trend is cute we should do it together!

Haerin: Not as cute as you tho 😉

Sunoo: 😐😑😐

Haerin: 😐😑😐

Jay: I leave you alone for a day and you get this! (🤦)

(Haerin, Ni-ki, Jake, and Sunoo bouncing on a bouncy castle in the middle of the room)

Jay: Heesung hyung, Jungwon?

Heesung and Jungwon: Haerin.

Haerin: Well, it's not my fault they didn't stop me . 🤷‍♀️

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat