☆Chapter Forty Eight☆

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The group was in their waiting room waiting to perform their title track blessed-cursed. They all were dressed in matching black outfits, and most were in hair and makeup.

Haerin was in hair, and an intense amount of hair spray was being sprayed on her bangs so they would stay in place. Spraying sound was annoying, but it soon passed. "And we're done." The stylist told Haerin.

"Thank you, unnie." Haerin said.

"No problem." She replied as she started to tidy up the things on the desk.

Haerin got out of the chair and went to go sit on the sofa in the corner of the room. She sat and scrolled on her phone without any awareness of her surroundings. Haerin never even realised that someone sat next to her.

"Hi." Sunghoon said to Haerin. He never received an answer, so he pushed her shoulder.

"Aggressive much." Haerin commented, eyes still glued on her phone. "Anyways, what do you need?"

"I don't know." Sunghoon sat back. Hands behind his head, right leg crossed over his left. "What do I need?"

"Are you alright?" Haerin asked. She looked at Sunghoon and was met with his smug smile.

"Yes, very." Sunghoon grinned.

Haerin gave him a weird look before continuing back to her phone. Sunghoon opened his phone and was mentally laughing at the clueless girl. "Oh, if you look at the time. It's time to put on our mics and almost time to perform." Sunghoon said, looking at his non-existent watch.


The music show ended, and they were heading back to their dorms. "Hey, do you want to see something?" Sunghoon nudged Jay, who was sitting next to him.

"No." Jay declined his offer.

"Why not?" Sunghoon questioned.

"Because it's probably not good." Jay said.

"But it is, though." Sunghoon complained.

"Just stop disturbing me." Jay grumbled as he folded his arms and turned over to face the window.

Sunghoon folded his arms as he slouched down in his seat as he looked out the window at the passing scenery. "How about you show me?" Heesung turned back to look at a sulking Sunghoon.

"Yeah, we'll watch?" Jake added.

"No, it's fine, hyungs." Sunghoon said, then turned back to look outside his window.


Everyone arrived at the dorm safely. It was around eleven, so most members were getting ready for bed.

Haerin lay in her bed, tucked into the covers in her pyjamas with her laptop open. She scrolled through Netflix, looking for something to play to fall asleep to. Haerin clicked on the Slenderman movie and laid back and relaxed.

Just as the first scene started, the door opened, making her look above her device. "Do you need something?" Haerin asked Ni-ki softly, sitting up as he shuffled into the room, closing the door behind himself.

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