☆Chapter Twenty Five☆

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"Kids, this is the last stop." The bus driver nudged the two teens who were fast asleep leaning on each other. The bus driver sighed, noticing that they weren't waking up or even moving an inch. He walked himself to the front of the bus and back to his seat as he started to hit the horn vigoursly.

"Shit, where are we?" Haerin mumbled as she removed her head from the sleeping boys shoulder and looked around.

"Uhm hey, this is the last stop, so can you please wake your friend up, please?" The bus driver told Haerin.

"Okay, thank you, Mr." She nodded. "Riki, wake up." Haerin nudged the boy. "Riki." She shook him as he wasn't waking up.

"Morning Sunshine." Ni-ki mumbled to Haerin, still half asleep. "Wait, are we still on the bus?" Ni-ki questioned as he noticed his surroundings.

"Yeah." Haerin confirmed. "And this is the last stop." She added.

"Okay." Ni-ki nodded as he stretched out his arms. "Let's go." Niki said as he stood up his seat.

"So which way home?" Haerin questioned once they exited the bus and was walking down the street.

"I have no idea." Ni-ki laughed. "But we can walk around till we see something we recognise." He suggested.

"Good idea." Haerin agreed.

"So left or right?" Ni-ki asked.


"We've been walking around for hours." Ni-ki complimented. "I don't even think we're in Seoul anymore."

"Hmm, wait a second." Haerin said as she noticed a certain shop which was very familiar to her. "Oh, I know where we are!"

"What! Where?" Ni-ki asked as he finally started to regain hope of getting back home.

"You wanna meet my sister?" Haerin questioned with a smile.

"I really don't." Ni-ki sighed. "But is that the closest place?"

"Yup, it is." Haerin nodded.

"Let's go to your sisters house." He said as he leg the girl take the lead.

"This way." Haerin took Ni-ki by the hand and started to lead him in the direction to her sister house.


"This is it." Haerin said as she arrived in front of the house, letting go of the boys hand. Ni-ki slowly trailer behind her as she walked up the few steps leading up to the door. Haerin knocked on the door. No answer.

"She might be sleeping. We should just go -" Ni-ki said, but as soon as he almost finished his scentence, a couple lights in the house turned on.

"What do you wa -" Haeyun started to grumble but stopped at the sight of her sister. "Haerin?" Haeyun questioned her mouth slightly gaped.

"Yeah, that's me." Haerin responded with a thumbs up.

Haeyun hugged her sister tightly. "You don't know how much I've missed you!" She cried. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night!?" Haeyun held Haerin by the shoulders, but she looked past her sister slightly and noticed a figure standing behind her. "Uhm, who's that?" Haeyun pointed at Ni-ki.

"Hey..." Ni-ki waved slightly as he smiled awkwardly.

"Is this one of your band mates?" Haeyun asked.

"Yeah." Haerin nodded.

"Well, I can't keep you two outside forever come in." Haeyun said as she held the door open for the two as the teens entered the house. "There's a spare bedroom upstairs, I'll drive you back to your dorms when you two wake up." Haeyun told them. "Do whatever you want, good night." Haeyun added before she rushed up the staircase and to her bedroom.

"Do you want food?" Haerin questioned as she walked towards the kitchen area.

"As long as you don't cook." Ni-ki laughed as he followed Haerin.

"Hey, fhat incident was never my fault." Haerin stated.

"Hm, you sure?" He questioned. "Because I pretty sure you were the one who read it wrong."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Haerin rolled her eyes. "Let's see what Haeyun has." Haerin said as she opened the cupboard. "Only candy." Haerin went towards the fridge. "McDonald's?" Haerin was generally confused as to why there were around ten chicken nugget boxes, seven fries, thirteen burgers, and a few cups of different sodas. "Do you want McDonald's?" Haerin turned her head back, asking Ni-ki.

"Sure." Ni-ki answered.

"Pick what you want." Haerin told him as she stepped back from the fridge, allowing him to go in front of her. After Ni-ki had taken out what he wanted, Haerin took out a box of chicken nuggets and fries with a brown drink, which she suspected to be Coca-Cola.

Ni-ki had placed his food in the microwave and waited for Haerin to do the same before starting it. He sat down on one of the stools tucked into the kitchen island, and Haerin leaned on the counter, and they waited in silence till the microwave beeped.

Haerin took the food out and placed it in front of them, and they sat in silence while eating as they didn't have much to talk about.

"Yah! why are you two still awake!" Haeyun shouted from upstairs.

Haerin laughed at her sister as she threw the empty packaging away into the bin. "I'll go first." Haerin smiled.  "Night, Riki." Haerin said as she placed a kiss on his cheek as she hugged him.

"Night, Rinnie." Ni-ki smiled as the warm  feeling crept back onto his face as he watched Haerin disappear upstairs.

Even after Haerin left about an hour ago, Ni-ki still sat in the kitchen staring into space as he slowly finished his soda.

"So who are you to Haerin?" Haeyun queeried as she leaned against the door frame of the kitchen door frame. "I know you're her bandmate, but what else."

"I'm her bandmate and a close friend of hers, Noona." Ni-ki informed Haeyun, who was still quite sceptical of him.

"Hm, well, you don't look like Sunoo from my different sources he's her best friend." Haeyun added as she raised her left brow.

"I said a close friend I never said best friend." Ni-ki sighed. "Goodnight, Haeyun Noona." He wished her as he got up from his seat.

"Goodnight, Ni-ki." Haeyun said back to him as she watched the younger boy walk past her.

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now