☆Chapter Sixty Three☆

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It had been two weeks since the scandal first started. Haerin's name hadn't been cleared, meaning she was still on Hiatus and probably would be for a long time. The company wasn't even trying their best to clear the rumours. All they were doing was releasing meaningless statements to make it look like they were trying.

She would spend long nights sitting at a desk with her computer open, making various tracks and writing lyrics. Her sister complained that she was using her devices too much and that this isn't what she meant as finding a new hobby. But in Haerin's eyes, at least she was actually doing something.

To pass the time when she didn't have any ideas flowing through her head, Haerin would watch videos of the rest of ENHYPEN' music show performances, Sunoo took most of her lines while performing. She also saw the announcement of the Manifesto tour she was bummed out as she was most likely not to attend if this hiatus didn't end soon.

Haerin frowned as she sat cross-legged in her spinning chair. It was pouring with rain outside even though it was the middle of summer. Momentarily, ideas started to flood through her head, but she needed more if she wanted to continue working diligently. Haerin decided to go out. She took her phone and keys, notebook, and pencil case and put them into her satchel. She put on a hoodie, mask, and baseball cap. She took an umbrella and then left the house.

She walked down the pavement hand in her pocket and umbrella above her head, shielding her from the rain fall. She had no idea where to go, but as always, she let her feet carry her where it wanted. She strolled for around half an hour cluelesly, passing the colourful city lights. She ended up at a park and found a sheltered seating area she sat down and took out her notebook and watched the rain intently, then began to write.

A little over an hour passed, and Haerin was still seated in the park writing notes on her page. "Haerin?" A male voice said softly, barely audible, but Haerin heard it. She lifted her head up. There was a tall boy, he looked around her age with black hair.

"Ni-ki?" Haerin looked at the boy in shock. "What are you doing here?" She asked, getting up from her seat and walking up to him.

"I could ask you the same thing." Ni-ki said, hugging the girl, wrapping his arms around Haerins neck. "I've missed you so much." He whispered in her ear.

"I've missed you too." Haerin smiled warmly, and her eyes started to get a bit glossy. The rain started to pour again, but neither of them cared. "It's only been two weeks, but it feels like it's been an eternity."

"I know." Ni-ki sighed, holding her closer. "Let's stay like this for a while before we have to go back."

"Let's get under the shelter, at least." Haerin said. "You've got a tour to go on still. You can't get sick now."

"I couldn't care less." Ni-ki said. "If I get sick, I get to stay back with you."

"You silly boy." Haerin pinched his cheek. "Come, let's go." She took him by the hand and led him to where she was sitting earlier.


"I thought you weren't allowed to go out without an older member." Haerin asked as she played with Ni-ki's hair, his head laying in her lap.

"That rule only applied to you." Ni-ki laughed. "Even if it did apply to me, everyone was sleeping, plus they looked peaceful." He said. "You know, the dorm isn't the same without you there. It feels empty and extremely quiet."

Haerin nodded. "It feels strange being at home and not dancing and singing every second. You know what's surprising, Jungwon and I haven't argued when we've texted he's being super nice oddly."

"Yeah, everyone's being careful around you. They're being extra nice, so they don't slip up and make you upset." Ni-ki told her.

"Well, if you get to tell them, tell them to act normal, especially Jungwon. The whole nice act is sickening." Haerin laughed. "

"Don't worry, I will." Ni-ki grinned with a little laugh. The two fell into silence watching the rain. All you could hear was the rain crashing to the ground. The sun was rising slowly, and the rain was calming down little by little.

"I don't want to go, but I've got practice." He sighed as he sat up from Haerin's lap.

"It's fine. I don't want you to get into trouble because of me." Haerin smiled. "Let's walk to the entrance together, hmm?"

"Yeah, let's do that." Ni-ki smiled back at her. Haerin quickly scooped up her things, put them into her bag, and put it over her shoulder.

They took eachothers hand and slowly started to walk to the entrance of the park. "You know it was nice seeing you here." Ni-ki's said as they neared the entrance.

"It was." Haerin smiled lightly. "I would kiss you, but it's too risky out here."

"Have we ever cared about the risks before." Ni-ki chuckled. "Look, when we kissed for the first time we were out in public, did you care then."

"I wasn't thinking about that then." She laughed. "It was dark outside then, but now it's bright outside now, so i rather be safe than sorry."

"Hmm, well, I don't care." Ni-ki shrugged as he stopped walking. "Just one kiss, please." His eyes sparkled.

"What am I going to do with you." Haerin grinned. She removed her mask for a brief moment and stood on her tippy toes, removing Ni-ki's mask. Haerin placed a little kiss on his lips, slowly breaking a part. "There. Are you happy now." Haerin smirked as she put her mask back up.

"Yes, very." Ni-ki nodded with a smile as he put his mask back on. They continued to walk and finally reached the entrance. "I'll see you soon, princess." Ni-ki said as he slowly let his hand fall from Haerin's.

"Bye, Riki." Haerin said, and slowly, the two started to walk away from each other, going separate ways.

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