☆Chapter Forty☆

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"Where's Haerin?" Jake said out loud as his eyes searched for her. Everyone began to turn their heads to look at each other by the group simply just shrugged at the absence of their maknae.

"Ni-ki's gone, too." Sunoo pointed out.

"Those two are probably up to no good." Jay rolled his eyes as he picked his bag up from the floor.

In reality, they weren't doing anything bad, Haerin ran off after practice, and the only person who noticed was Ni-ki, so he followed her.

Haerin never knew Ni-ki followed her till Chris greeted him, and when she turned around, she saw the taller boy standing behind her smiling.

Chris welcomed the two teens into his office and let them sit on the couch behind him while he loaded a few files from his computer.

"So yesterday when I kicked you out of my office, I made a few backing tracks for the two songs you wrote to create a demo." Chris explained. He turned his spinning chair to face Haerin. "So what do you think?"

"Why not." Haerin responded with a smile. "Could I have a listen to the tracks?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I was going to say." Chris clicked his finger as he span his chair back around. Chris turned the volume up on his computer. "This is what I call the 2000 version of tell me." He announced before he pressed the play button.

The first audio was electronic pop with a soft sound and a repeating sequence. Even without vocals, it was pretty catchy it seemed like it would be more fun to perform. The second audio had a more up-beat feel one that could have a stronger choreo. The third was a smoother, which would probably require a few runs and high notes.

Haerin listened intently, letting the music fill her ears and nodding her head along to the beat. "So what do you think?" Chris asked, turning his chair around.

"They're all good, but I think I like the first one." Haerin told him.

"Okay, cool." He nodded. "I'll play the ones for Autopilot the first one."

The first had a synth wave feel and had a continuous beat of a drum throughout the song. The beginning made it feel like you were lost in time at a disco. The second made you feel like you were on a cloud, like you were laying on a beach at night and letting all your worries go away. The third had a more sad feel, and there were a few quiet bits in the song, probably where the singers' vocals can shine.

Chris turned around in his chair, Chris didn't even ask for her opinion as Haerin had already made her mind up the minute she heard it. "I really like the first one even though it had more of an upbeat tune it makes me feel sad at the same time."

"Wonderful." Chris did a singular clap. "We should get started." He said. "This might take a while, but the vocals don't have to be perfect."

Haerin nodded. Chris gave her a pair of headphones and the lyrics. She stood in the recording room and warmed up her vocals.

"Okay, so the first line is you saying autopilot."

"Autopilot." Haerin said it in a silky voice, almost like her talking voice but more smoother.

"Perfect." Chris gave her a thumbs up. "Can you do it again? I wasn't recording this time." He laughed.


"Okay, where have you two been!?" Jay scolded the two maknae's and took them both by the ears.

"Ow, ow!" Ni-ki hissed in pain.

"We were just gone for like half an hour." Haerin tried to reason with him.

"Half an hour -" Jay scoffed as he let go of their ears and folded his arms. "Girl, it's almost eleven."

"Really!?" Haerin asked as she held her ear, which was in pain. Haerin took her phone out of her pocket and looked at it. Ni-ki peered over her shoulder, and both their mouths formed an O shape.

"So what were you doing, huh?" Jay asked.

"Chris asked us to re-record a couple of things." Haerin lied. Well, it wasn't really a lie. Only the first part was.

"Really, and that took five hours?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Hey Jay, leave them alone it's not that big of a deal." Heesung came up from behind and put his hand on Jay's shoulder. Jay rolled his eyes and walked off to where all the other members were.

"Thanks, Heesung hyung. I thought he was going to murder us!" Ni-ki exclaimed.

Heesung chuckled. "Next time, don't run off without telling us, okay?" The two nodded in sync. They joined the rest of the group who was sitting in a circle in the corners of the room

"What restaurant is even open this time of night?" Sunoo said as he scrolled through Google, seeing that all the near by restaurant were all closed.

"We have food at home, Sunoo." Jay told him as he leaned back.

"You always say that!" Sunoo added. "You act like a mom sometimes, Jay hyung."

"I strongly agree with that!" Sunghoon raised his hand, joining in the conversation. "Always nagging telling us to wash the dishes, clean up, and do literally everything."

"Be quiet. I'm the one who keeps the house in order and clean. None of guys clean up after yourselves." Jay said his reason.

"Can we just focus on finding somewhere to eat!" Jake said as whatever they were talking about didn't matter to his grumbling stomach.

"Can't we just go to a convenience store? Is there one near the company?" Haerin questioned. "Plus, it saves time cooking a proper meal."

"I second that!" Jake immediately raised her hand.

"Well, it doesn't look like we have much of a choice." Jay sighed. "The convenience store it is then."

They left the company and made their way to the convenience store on foot. Even though they were the only people on the streets, they were loud enough to wake up a whole neighbourhood.

They managed to get in and out of the convenience store without getting recognised. It was a long walk back to the dorms, but they never noticed due to all the shouting laughing and conversations they were having.

When they got back to the dorms, they all washed up and put on some comfy clothes. They settled down with the lights off comfortably watching a movie with their food that they bought.

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