☆Chapter Fourteen☆

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"Heyy are you awake?" Haerin questioned as she leaned over her bunk and looked at a sleeping Jay

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"Heyy are you awake?" Haerin questioned as she leaned over her bunk and looked at a sleeping Jay.

"No, I'm not." Jay spoke as he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Clearly." Haerin mumbled. "So, are you excited." She asked him, still leaning off her bunk.

"Yeah." He replied back.

"You don't seem excited." She frowned. "Are you still tired?"

"Yeah." He mumbled, closing his eyes once again.

"Sweet dreams, Jay." Haerin told him as she laid back in her bed. After a few seconds of waiting, she got bored. Haerin swung her legs off the side of the bed and made her way carefully down the ladder. First stop the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once, she was done with the living room to watch whatever she wanted.

Finishing up the first part of her plan, she opened up the door to the living room. "You three are up early." She stated as she saw Ni-ki, Sunoo, and Jungwon laying on the floor. "What you doing?" She asked as she sat down next to Ni-ki.

"Chess." Ni-ki replied with a straight face.

"Okay, well, I leave you guys to that." She got up from the floor. The next step to her plan was to watch whatever she wanted. She sat down on the sofa and turned on the television.

"Oh. by the way, Rin, there's no internet, Ni-ki kicked the box over, and the wire broke." Sunoo added, not sparing her a glance, focusing on the game in front of him.

"Great." Haerin mumbled under her breath as she turned the TV off again.

"Do you guys want to go out?" Jungwon asked, moving a chess piece.

"To where exactly?" Sunoo asked, trying to process where Jungwon had moved his piece.

"To the park." Jungwon told them.

"But that's where all the mums and babies go in the morning." Ni-ki complained.

"And that where you belong." Haerin snorted.

"I'm not the youngest you are!" Ni-ki replied back.

"Yet you act like you are!" Haerin snickered.

"Can we just go now? I'm getting bored." Sunoo complained, knocking most of the pieces on the board down.

"In our pyjamas?" Ni-ki asked.

"Yes, now let's hurry up and leave." Jungwon got up from the floor.

"We're free!" Ni-ki shouted as his put his arms into the air as he ran outside of the entrance of the apartments.

"You're going to end up drawing too much attention to us." Jungwon told him.

Ni-ki stopped running around and decided to walk beside Haerin. "You two seem awfully close." Sunoo commented, looking at the pair.

"We're just friends." Haerin said, and Ni-ki nodded his head in agreement.

"Then what do you call you two sneaking out at night." Sunoo snickered. "Not once but twice."

"We were bored." Haerin replied to Sunoo's comment.

"I don't believe that, but whatever." Sunoo shrugged it off.

"Haerin, do you think he'll tell." Ni-ki whispered.

"Trust me, he won't." Haerin reassured him, patting his back.

"You two are slow, hurry up!" Haerin shouted.

"Seems like the two had switched personalities today." Jungwon whispered to Sunoo, which he let out a little snort.

"Which way are you guys going?" Haerin asked as the two trailing behind them took a turn the wrong direction.

"We're going to the shops. First, we'll meet you there." Jungwon told them as he and Sunoo kept on getting further away.

"Well, we're on our own now." Haerin said as she walked in front of Ni-ki.

"Race you there!" He shouted as he sprinted off, leaving Haerin behind.

"Ugh, this boy." Haerin sighed as she dashed after him.

"You need to stop running off!" She said as she breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath once they stopped running.

"Acting like you didn't do it last time." He replied back.

"Yeah, yeah." Haerin laughed as she opened the gates for the playground.

"Won't parent's think it's creepy we're in here and that we might kidnap their children." Ni-ki asked as he walked behind her.

"And didn't we almost get kidnapped the other day." Haerin said as she sat on a swing. "I mean, what would we even do with a child." She laughed at her statement.

"Oh look, there's Sunoo hyung and Jungwon hyung." Ni-ki pointer out the two boys walking down the side walk with plastic bags.

"Over here!" Haerin shouted, waving her arms about.

"What's this?" Ni-ki asked as he peeped into the plastic bag.

"Breakfast." Jungwon told him as he pulled out a container. "Here." Jungwon handed her one of the containers.

"Thanks." She said as she took the container from his hand and opened it.

"Ni-ki, you just finished eating. You can't run around yet!" Jungwon shouted as he saw he was going to go on the carousel.

"You're going to end up vomiting, then you can't watch the music video." Haerin called out, which made him stop in his tracks.

"Plus, we have to go home Jay hyung is calling." Jungwon added on.

"Really already?" Ni-ki questioned as he walked back. "But we just got here."

"Yes already, now let's go." Jungwon said.

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