Back story : Star wars (3)

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Like every negotiation which I'm about to enter; I did my through research about film industry, it's practices in film making ( for now), George Lucas's past works and his adequate history (to understand & predict his behaviours and actions under various circumstances) etc.

After that, using our hired expert Michael Steiner, we initiated the contact with George Lucas & his team. After confirming proposed meeting regarding financing of his new movie and subsequent negotiations regarding financial and other collaborative aspects; I grilled my legal team to go over various previous contracts signed in Hollywood for film making, budgets, intellectual property etc. so as to grab maximum benefit and leverage from upcoming negotiations.

With these preparations, going in parallel; with Michael and my team, we started to build distribution network in Hollywood so that we can show to others that despite the fact that we are new in the industry, with our efforts we can build a successful required infrastructure with adequate efficiency in least possible time.


And the meeting day finally came. I along with my team entered the room with the mind for tedious but Swift negotiations. After seeing a kid in prominent leading position; Lucas and his team was baffled and surprised at the same time.

Me : Hello, Mr. Lucas. I'm William Dunphy.

Lucas : I heard we are here for serious business but I'm surprised as well as feeling confused by seeing a child in leader position.

Me : So?!

Lucas (little annoyed) : So, I would like to know what is going on ?

Me : Don't feel confused or annoyed Mr. Lucas. Standing before you is a self made person of high intelligence and enough maturity. At first, people only see my age, and after that they see my skills and intelligence. Intelligent people are always welcomed with skepticism at first sight, Mr. Lucas and with my age on top of that, it will be quite unusual for me if you don't react in this way.

Lucas : But, it's quite difficult for me to digest the fact that someone of your age is capable of spending millions of dollars at his discretion.

Me : World is not empty of wonders Mr. Lucas. If Amadeus Mozart can start performing music at age of 6 in front of European royalty in 1750s and Alexander can command a battalion at the age of 12 in 440 BC. Then it shouldn't be that much of shock that I started my own business at the age of 5 in this era.

Me : And regrading money, rest assured I have enough autonomy and discretion at my disposal, for us to proceed with our business as usual afterall we are here to sign legal contract.

Lucas ( somewhat impressed) : Well, it seems that you are very intelligent and mature of your age Mr. Dunphy. Don't mind my words but I'm still skeptical that you can call all the shots here.

Me : I get this a lot. Well, have you heard of Dunphy Comics and Galaxy video games Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Lucas?

Lucas : Yes. I'm quite fan of both of them. I very much like the games released by Galaxy and my children enjoy Dunphy Comics; but what they got to do in our discussion?

Me : Both of these companies are in my name Mr. Lucas and their products are made by me from scratch. I'm founder, CEO and CCO of both of these businesses and creator their every product.

Lucas : What?!!

Me : It's true. But it seems that you don't have any idea about me. Judging from the fact that you don't have enough information about the people who are here to discuss financing to your project; your team's lack of seriousness & dedication regarding our meeting is quite disappointing for me. But I admire your new vision for industry as well as I'm quite impressed by your film "American Graffiti".

Me : Perhaps you don't know but every comic title of Dunphy Comics is created by me. Being an artist myself, not only I appreciate good things, I can understand tight schedule, lack of interest on things other than art but aprat from being an Artist, I'm also a businessman Mr. Lucas so I hope that for our next meeting, I don't have to spend time on idle chit- chat and get to the business right away. Meanwhile I would be happy if you read some of my comic Books, I have heard you are fan of Flash Gorden comics. I hope that my work would be worthy of your appreciation.

After that, meeting was adjourned. I along with my team walked out of the room and headed to the company. You have to know that for someone of my age, no matter how intelligent, mature or skilled you would be, you have to face the stigma of inexperience, lack of knowledge, skills & seriousness etc. associated with first impression of young age in these matters.

During this year since I have started my business, I have attended only few negotiations as head of the team. Even very important Bank purchase deal, I didn't attend in person but maneuvered it from behind the curtains only. But since I very much like to not only have creative input into star wars series to avoid some pitfalls, irregularities and to improve it to make it reach even greater heights than original one but also be the co- creator of the first trilogy (as George Lucas has more or less is halfway written the first trilogy) and if possible creator of rest of the series; I have no choice but to involve in the process from the very beginning and that is from the negotiations itself.

So to break this image and implant & establish more favourable image suitable to my requirements, I have few superficial moves that in themselves are quite effective. I introduce myself not only politely but also confidently and confidence should reflect from your words and actions. Then I hammer my exceptional intelligence, business acumen and achievements precisely and strategically in my communication.

You see, achieving great things at very young age is like well cut diamond it is very precious and rare. Then I use this diamond to cut through psychological barrior of my opponents to surface their surprise, insecurity and shame(of not being able to achieve this much as such young age or guilt of not working hard or achieving full potential or mediocre talent or things of same effect etc.). This makes them feel Intellectually inferior and mentally subservient. So half the battlefield is already swept by me.

But sometimes you have to halt the process to repeat it again to make it more clear, deep and permanent like what I did with George Lucas in my first meeting.

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