Luke's birthday and Fizbo(1)

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Scene: Hospital

Jay : Do we know anything?

Mitchell : Oh, no. They're in there now with the doctor. We're
lucky, though. The paramedics said it could've been a lot worse.

Jay : My God, how did this even happen?

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Phil : There he is. Big day's coming up. What do you want for your birthday, big dog?

Luke : It's okay. I'm good.

Phil : Come on. The sky's the limit. Dream big, my boy.

Luke : Well, I guess I could use a belt.

Claire : A belt?

Luke : Yeah, you're right. I don't need it. An extension cord works pretty good.


Phil : Every year, Luke's birthday falls right around Thanksgiving,
and so it gets lost in the holiday shuffle.

Claire : Yeah, one year we forgot completely, and we had to
improvise a cake out of stuffing.

Phil : Which, by the way, he was fine with. He's one of those kids,
you get him a gift, and all he wants to do is play with the box.

Claire : Yeah, one year we actually just got him a box... a really
nice box.

Phil : And we made the mistake of putting it in a gift bag.

Claire : So he played with the gift bag.

(Back to the scene)

Phil : W-we can't get it right.

Claire : No.

Phil : I feel terrible.

Claire : We got to do something.

Phil : Oh, yeah.

Claire : Um, well, you know, the family is gonna be together for
Thanksgiving for the first time in, I don't even know how long,

Phil : I am so with you... we should blow this out and throw Luke the best birthday party of all time.

Claire : Yes, yes, and we'll order a whole bunch of pizzas, and...
and... and set up an arts-and-crafts table.

Phil : A what?

Claire : Yeah, a crafts table. You know, everybody gathers around, and they make stuff, and, then, bam, they got their own party

Phil : Sorry, I fell asleep while you were describing the most
boring party ever.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett- Tucker household

Cameron : See you in a few hours.

Phil : Yeah. Thanks again for the karaoke machine. I'll get it back
to you right after the party.

Cameron : That'd be great.

Mitchell : Please don't. I beg you. Don't. Don't bring it back.

Cameron : Hey, Phil, are you getting a clown for today?

Phil : Oh, no, Luke... Luke's not much of a clown fan.

Cameron : Really?

Phil : Yeah, he never liked them.
Cameron : Has he ever seen a good one?

Phil : Has... has anyone? Really? So, anyway, thanks again. Okay,
yeah, see you later.

Cameron : No clown? No, no clown?

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