Making Video game

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I'm determined to start this video game venture. I already have a  list of games which will be made by me. First in them is Tetris, this game God was made in my previous life in 1985 by the Russians in order to test the performance of computers. And the development of the game in the history of the game world can be said to have a pivotal position. Nintendo basically got it's power of attorney at cabbage price. Which makes the creator Alexey Pajitnov, not to have any benefits while Other game companies reaped so much benefits until Alexey reacquired it's rights.

Alexey Pajitnov only took nine days to complete the entire program. I can make it in much less time. I began my programming. Although not very familiar with the current computer system, I quickly got started. Lights block (the original space-time block Russia, will not be mentioned later), is placed in a small square flat for a virtual space, the size of the standard line width of 10, a height of the column 20. With each small square units, a set of rules by the four graphics composed of small square- type, there are seven main pre graphics, the future will be based on how much to increase the graphics upgrade the game, but always the previous version of the most classic.

I began to build a virtual space plane, which for me is not very complicated. In only One night time I build a good flat-screen virtual space. After that I went to sleep and Woke up in morning, freshened up and started where I left behind. I usually woke up at 5 so, I got quite time before heading to the school. After virtual space plane, main task I have in hand is to model 7 types of boxes of different shapes. When Mom started yelling for breakfast, I have completed 3 boxes. After saving it in disk, I headed downstairs.

Scene: Dunphy household

Me: Good morning, Mom. Good morning, dad.

Claire: Good morning.

Phil: Good morning, Will.

After we eat Lunch.

Me: Hey Mom, dad. I was thinking, I should Once again leapfrog. From middle school to high school.

Claire: What?! I don't understand you. You are just 5 yrs old. But you are studying in middle school, own a company which is in profit, working on comic books, now studying that computer and yet again want to cross the classes. Sometimes, I think it's not normal...I mean it's weird. You are behaving like an adult.

Me: Of course, it's not normal. I'm Genius. I got do what what I should do.

Phil: Why you want to do all these things.

Me: Because I love money. I want to earn money. Become like richest man in the world okay. Just kidding, Because I love doing these things. And if money can be made from things you love doing then why not do it.

Alex: You know, it's not normal for us to see you like this.

Me: You should be able to understand me Alex. How you yourself feel those things which normal kid do as lame, unnecessary and cliche. I'm genius and from my perspective these things only intensifies. So, I Just want to do something that is productive and meaningful than to waste my time. Why I should grow and do the work like my normal peers when I'm different from them. And this fact makes me happy and confident that I'm much better than others and that when I reach at your age or Dad's age, I will be much more than .....others.

Hayley: So, you are an very ambitious type of person.

Me: You can say so.

Claire: Okay, Stop talking. your brother's lunch is packed, you're buying your own lunch. Luke, Alex, Hayley come on. Let's go! and about what you said, We will talk later.

Me: Okay.

Phil : Hurry up. Last chance for the summer handshake.

Luke : Dad?

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