The incident(1)

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Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : Shh, shh, shh!

Phil : What's wrong? Why aren't they trying to hurt each other?

Claire : I don't know, but I'm afraid to move.

Haley : You're really good at this.

Luke : Thanks.

Phil : What is happening, Claire?

(Cut the scene)

Scene: The Pritchett- Tucker household

Cameron : Mmm.

Mitchell : What do you think?

Cameron : Now, that is a scone.

Mitchell : No butter, nonfat.

Cameron : Shut up. I'm gonna go check on Lily.
( Ring Bell buzzed and Mitchell opened the door)

Dede : Surprise!

Mitchell : Mom!

Dede : Hi, honey.

Mitchell : Hi. I-I didn't know you were in town. You didn't call.

Dede : Well, I couldn't wait to see your new baby. Where is she?

Cameron: Mitchell, who was that?

Mitchell : Uh, it's my mom.

Cameron : Oh, yeah, right. 'cause the last time she was here, the
refrigerator magnets rearranged themselves into a penta...

(Cut the scene)

Scene: The Pritchett household

Gloria : Jay, I'm home. Did Manny call?

Jay : No, because he's fine. He's at a slumber party, not a gang

Gloria : I just want him to fit in. I'm gonna take a shower. Do you
care to join me?

Jay : You know, honey, there's a gun in the footlocker in the
garage. If I ever say "no" to that question, I want you to use it on

(Jay and Gloria heading upstairs for shower)

Gloria : What's that?

Jay : Sounds like a bird hit the window.

Gloria : Oh, god, that's a bad sign.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

(Me entering)

Haley : Ow! That hurt, jerk!

Luke : Ow! I'm gonna kill you, stupid!

Haley : Ow!

Claire : What happened?

Me: Oh! It's onset of sibling syndrome. According to psychiatric studies, during their teen years especially when you have hit the puberty not long ago or going to hit the puberty, siblings are often found being in conflict leading to physical fights due slightest disagreement between them. Reason for that is the competitiveness of teens and unfulfilled achievements. It often occurs in those who think that they aren't accomplishing something in their life.

Phil : Now I'm sad.

Haley : Uhh!

(Cut the scene)

Scene: The Pritchett- Tucker household

Mitchell : Mom...Mom, what are you doing to her legs?

Dede : Tai chi. I did it every day in Sedona. Cameron, you should
try it.

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