Incident (2) and New idea(2)

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I have made my mind to set the Turtles to their globally popular version with color-coded headbands and belts for easy identification.

The tone of the entire thing also won't be as serious as the original timeline's comic but also not as childish as the 1984 animated series.

Just the perfect balance with the 2003 and 2012 remake for it's tone and mood while the art style would be inspired by the streamlined 2012 remake of my previous life, instead of CGI though it would be hand-drawn to simulate it.

No matter how people in the future past would argue at the classicness of Laird and Eastman's creation, they were outdated and grotesque in my opinion when I looked at the original teenage mutant Ninja turtles comics which I purchased from system. While I'm mentioning this i also have to mention about  rewards I got for publishing the first issue of Dragon Ball Z and buying comic publishing house.

System: ' Congratulations to the host for opening the new business venture. 50,000 points are being rewarded. You will receive other rewards as your comic venture gets bigger.'

System: ' Congratulations to the host for publishing first issue of Comic Dragon Ball Z. 700 points are rewarded. You will get more rewards as more issues of this comic book or new comic issues will be published. '

Me: ' system, I want to buy teenage mutant Ninja turtles.'

System: ' Ding! Request has been accepted. 5000 points are being deducted. Information about comic teenage mutant Ninja turtles are  being provided. '

Immediately afterwards, I recieved all information regarding Teenage mutant Ninja turtles. I reviewed the whole information.

Wide-faced turtles,
disproportionate and unnecessary muscles were not okay in the Dunphy comic books guideline which I have created. They needed to be streamlined and easier for the action figures to be aesthetically pleasing than they had been.

Like how I have doctored Toriyama's Dragonball, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would have my imprints as well. Like an expanded rogues gallery, side character expansions, and interesting storylines.

Donatello's garbage-inspired inventions had as much leeway for expansions as Bulma, Pilaf, and Dr. Gero had been.

Sibling rivalries would be tapped as usual. April and human relationships would be only canon as furry love, or in this case - scaly love is not within my tolerance.

Falling in love with what had been your pet animal is incredibly morbid after all.

There is also the catchy catchphrase 'Cowabunga' to be delicately handled as the previous TMNT had been sued left and right.

For the upcoming Dunphy Comics, legal consultant has to find the potential attack points and nip them in the bud before they could do any damage.

The New York pizzas will also be a special idea point to exploit as I am considering real-life pizzerias to be featured and be an advertisement deal of sorts.

Thinking far ahead is really something that everyone should do more often. Finding blindspots, profit points, and making a story brilliantly cohesive is an advantage no one could deny. I started my work with full attention and even greater enthusiasm.

I didn't overdo it much with the outlining and brainstorming though because TMNT could be used as an input point for the idea people in my subordinate list.

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