Winning & buying

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Finally, all my Hard work paid off.
With the help of my calculations and help of Dad, grandpa and uncle Mitchell, I won multiple lotteries across united states. After that with the help of blind trust fund, I collected prizes anonymously.

Usually when you win National lottery, you will be publicised and printed in TV and Print media but due to blind trust, neither media nor Lottery organisers were able to figure out identity of winner.
When I won first lottery, my family was shocked, I won the million dollar. They were astonished that someone in the family became millionaire by himself.

Jay: I can't believe that, You fucking won. How is that possible? I mean I believed you and all but still I'm quite shocked. Your math was right. You are a fucking Genius. No, you are a rare Genius. A super Genius.

Me: Thank you. But it's not like it is first time that someone used mathematics and won Lottery. But, yes, I can definitely say that I won with least cost than them. Hahaha.

Phil: Oh. I can't believe that we have million dollars. What we do.

Claire: I want jewellery, house furnitures or buy a New house.

Hayley: I want like tons of dresses and make up kit.

Luke: Should we take trip abroad.

Claire: Yes, I always wanted to go Paris for honeymoon. But I never got chance, now we all will go Paris BABY.

Me: No, you can't. No one is going to get anything. I'm going to use this money to buy company. I will use money to make money. I promise to fullfill all of your requests that requires money but not now. Wait, for some time. May be a year or two who knows. But No one is going to touch that money. I will return the money, I borrowed from all of you but only I will decide where that money will be spent.

Hayley: But it's million dollars. It's not fair.

Alex: It is fair. Will used his brain and hard work to get it. Money is his and most importantly he already has said that he wants money to buy company. He is going to make more money with this money. I can understand him but you all don't understand these things. But Will, you have to buy me things when you succeed.

Phil: That's right. Sorry Will, I was so happy seeing money that I forgot, it was for your business venture. Don't worry no one is taking anything from this money.

Claire: Sorry sweetheart. I was very excited right now that I forgot it's not how it should be. Don't worry we are always with you and to support you. I wish you great success.

Me: Thanks guys. Trust me you will not regret it.

Later on, I won other lotteries as well without exception. It seems that My luck is very High thanks to ROB. It made things more easier. With the help of Uncle Mitchell, I collected all money quickly and safely.

Me: Uncle Mitchell, I want to you to help me purchase comic publishing section of any publishing house. It should be complete with equipments, furniture,  materials eg. Art tools, colouring materials etc. , manpower etc. Try to bargain to lower it as much as possible. It would be good if I owned it whole but if it's not then I would like to have majority shareholding.

Mitchell: hooh. Someone is ambitious. But that's good. I will investigate and and search. But it will take some time so be prepared.

Me: I'm fine with it. Thank you Uncle Mitchell.

Comic books are a niche in the sense that they aren't really too profitable. They are potential stock however for profitable franchises to be born from it.

Although comic books are IP builders and could turn into mega multimillion dollar franchises, that would take a while to happen since fans and momentum needed to be accumulated.

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