Truth to be told (2)

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Mitchell : Okay. C-can you hear me now?

Cameron : Uh, yeah, but just barely. Is this how loud you were talking?

Mitchell : Uh, well, it might have been a little bit louder. There
was traffic. I mean, I almost had to shout.

Cameron : You almost had to what?

Mitchell : Shout.

Cameron : Little bit louder now.

Mitchell : Shout!

Cameron : Little bit louder now.

Mitchell : Shout!!

Cameron : * hey, hey, hey, hey *

Mitchell : Really, Cam? My job is at stake here and… Oh, w-who
are we kidding? You can obviously hear me. I am so screwed.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Jay : Manny? Manny, come here a second, pal.

Manny : Huh?

Jay : I got some bad news, buddy.

Manny : What is it?

Jay : Well, there's no easy way to say this. Shel Turtlestein is dead.

Manny : What? How?!

Jay : I was down here reading the paper, And I heard this
commotion up in your room, so... So naturally I go running up
there. And this mangy raccoon had busted through your screen.
He must have scampered up to where Shel was. By the time I
walked in, he had him... The little bastard had him by the neck,
shaking him. Gravel's flying everywhere. He didn't even flinch. He just stared at me with that smug look and then bolted. If only I'd have got here earlier.

Manny : May I see the body?

Gloria : Baby, are you sure that's a good idea?

Manny : It's something I have to do. That's him.

Jay : Sorry, pal.

Manny : It just doesn't make any sense.

Jay : Yep. Only the good die young.

Manny : But in school we learnt that raccoons are nocturnal. They sleep during the day.

Jay : They sure do, and this one must've got up for a midnight
snack. You know, we've all done that.

Manny : I guess so. Yeah.

Jay : It all adds up.

Manny : I don't think I can be in here right now. Too many

Jay : He'll be okay.

Gloria : You lie.

Jay : What?

Gloria : I'm Colombian. I know a fake crime scene when I see one!

Jay : I was hanging up the new poster. And it fell on top of him. It was an accident.

Gloria : You have to tell him.

Jay : No. I've been through this before. When Mitchell was 9, I was supposed to take care of his bird. It got out and flew into a fan. It was like a bloody pillow fight.

Gloria : My god. How many pets have you killed?
Jay : Just the two. I took the heat on the bird. It was a big mistake.
To this day, Mitchell looks at me, I see him thinking, "that's the guy
who killed Fly-Za Minnelli."

Gloria : And what if he finds out? Then what? You'll be the guy
that killed his pet and lied to him.

Jay : He's not gonna find out, because I covered my tracks.

Gloria : Okay. Fly-za Minnelli?

Jay : How did I not know that kid was gay?

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Alex : Hey, Luke! Big day for you, huh?

Luke : Why?

Alex : Because you get to meet your real mom.

Luke : What?

Alex : We all made a pact we'd deny it until you turned 21, But
that's the real reason dad's old girlfriend is coming over. She's
your mom, and if she likes you, you'll go live with her.

Luke : I'm not adopted. I'm asking mom

Alex : You mean Mrs. Dunphy? She's not going to tell you the

Luke : I-I-I'm not...

Alex : I know.

Luke : Unh! (Storms out of the room)

Haley : Just 'cause he called you a dork-to-dork salesman?

Me: Ya, Sis, that's little overboard.

Alex : The empire strikes back.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Manny : Raccoons have five toes.

Jay : What's that?

Manny : I don't mean to bother you. It's just confusing. The
footprints in my room only have four toes.

Jay : You know, I bet I know wt happened. I'll bet he lost those toes in a fight. And that guy looked like he'd been in a brawl or two.

Manny : One toe from each foot?

Jay : Maybe. Y-you know, Manny, I think the only thing that's
gonna get you to stop asking all these questions. is for you to have a little closure.

Manny : What do you mean?

Jay : Well, I'd like to throw a little memorial for Shel. It'll be good
for all of us. That way, we get our grief out, and then we never
have to talk about this ever... ever again.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

(Door bell rings)

Phil : Hi! Oh, careful, there's a thing. Ooh. That's a... good to see

Denise : Hi! Hi! Oh, my gosh!

Claire : Hi, I'm Claire. You must be D... o-kay. Whoa. Okay.

Denise. Oh, and you're even prettier than the pictures that Phil send me.

Phil : Just a couple.

Denise : Shut up. Quite often. He loves showing you off. My
boyfriend likes your Acapulco pictures Probably a little too much.

Claire : Well, thank your boyfriend for me. Sure. Come on in. Please.

Denise : Oh, I brought you, um, Some lifting intensifier. Not that
you need it. It's a limited edition, so...

Claire : Thank you. Thank you.

Phil : Oh, Denise, I think you might know these people. That's
Haley... Will...Alex, and...

Denise : Luke! Ohh! I had curly hair just like that when I was

Luke : So? That doesn't mean anything!

Claire : Why don't we, uh, come on in, have a seat? Please.

Me: Hello.

Denise : Hi Will. You dashing.

Me : Thanks, I get that alot.

Haley :  So, what was my dad like in high school?

Denise : Only the most amazing breakdancer ever.

Phil : Uh-oh. Don't fire it up. What? What? Uh-oh. (Started doing some moves)

Denise : He had a boombox and a piece of cardboard in his locker.
And what was your dance name?

Phil : O-zone. Yeah.

Denise : I drove him to a "star search" audition.

Phil : Which is totally political, by the way.

Haley : O-zone. That is dead-ass funny. I'm so calling you that.

Phil : Thank you.

Denise : Wow. You really lucked out. You have a beautiful wife... a gorgeous house, and those kids. I want to take Will home but I think it will be very difficult to return him. Haha so I could take Luke home with me.

Claire : Well, be my guest. Seriously, you go right ahead.

Luke : No! I like it here! Unh! (Stromed out of living room)

Claire : Alex, honey, will you go find out what's wrong with your

Alex : Okay.

Denise : You know, um, it's okay, I think I'm just gonna use the,

Claire : Oh, yeah, of course. Down the hall, left-hand side. You
can't miss it.

Denise : Thanks. (Denise leaves the living room)

Claire : Okay, she's fantastic.

Phil : Yes?

Claire : Yes. I feel awful. Who assumes the worst about people?

Phil : I first noticed it seven years...

Claire : You're not.

Denise (comes again) : I'm such an idiot. Is it...

Phil : Oh, I'll show you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Denise : Okay. Thanks. (Both leaves the living room together)

Denise : So, how are we gonna do this?

Phil : I-I thought I'd just point at the door, So I was thinking, like...

Denise : I was thinking, too. Here... is my hotel-room key. You can come by whenever you want.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Mitchell's office

Mitchell : It was funny that morning, huh? When I... when I
pulled up next to you at that stoplight?

Mitchell’s boss : Funny?

Mitchell : Yeah. Because I was on the phone with my partner,
talking about how horrible his boss was -- his. And then, uh, you pull up, so...

Mitchell’s boss : Anyway, I'm glad I ran into you. I'm getting
worried they're gonna move up our court date. I-I need you to
bust ass preparing. Because if they call us on Monday.... Uh, you need to get that?

Mitchell : No, no, it's... it's fine. I just, uh... picture of my daughter
standing for the first time.

Mitchell’s boss : Yeah, they do that. It's a big day. Anyway, I need you here tomorrow. Now, I know it's a Sunday, but, uh, you think
you can be on time, okay?

Mitchell : Actually, um... I-I have plans tomorrow. Uh, so I won't
be here. I-I have plans to stay at home with my family and do
absolutely nothing, okay. But I will see you on Monday. Mm-hmm.

Mitchell’s boss : So... so you're in charge now, is that it?

Mitchell : Well, I-I just figure if my daughter can stand up, then so
can I.

Mitchell’s boss : All right, look... We've all been working hard
lately, okay? But that's the job. So either come in tomorrow, or
don't bother coming back again.

Mitchell : Okay. Hmm. (Take out his ID and gives to his boss) (then returns to take it back after realising something) Need the, uh, I.D. To...make the elevator
go down to freedom! And this, to complete my set.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Manny : "Turtle. Reptile. Pet. Shel Turtlestein was many things." I
don't think I can do this without crying. Maybe we should just get to the old cuts.

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