Comic industry (2)

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Days passed by and weekend came. I also visited the company. Inside and greeting the first floor, I got to work as there are a lot of things that need to be monitored.

"Ms. Marker, how has the issues fared when you correlated last week's market data?"

"There is a notable downturn in the sales, boss." A lady from market research replied. "But everything is within a healthy range and should pick up when the next issue of ThunderCats be distributed this week."

"Always falling back on Thundercats isn't something sustainable in the long term." I'm not someone who could overlook such a critical detail and have to prepare contingencies for it. "Do investigate matters involving the downward trend and see if we can find something to glean from it."

"You got it!" Miss Marker aka Market Researcher took the job seriously. "Leave to the team and me."

I gave my thanks and went on with the next appointment. "Mr. Advertiser, how are our noticeability prospects?"

"The stores have implemented the changes we've requested, boss. They are strangely much more looking forward to the mystery merchandise than the costumers." A man could only quiz himself at the reaction of the store owners.

"There is nothing strange about that. More stuff to sell means more traffic to their stores and more earnings from their retail commissions." Ms. Marker was much more analytic and on-point than the ad extravagant that I could also agree.

"Speaking of which, how are our distributions faring with the many openings that are popping out of nowhere?"

"The new owners are clamoring for more copies that it was fortunate that we increased our issue quota by 250,000." Mr. Distributor finally got his chance to shine. "It was a good call to expand or we would have been stretched thin."

"How about the overseas sector? Hasn't it been noted that there is a comic book insurgence in many countries?"

Ms. Production took the reigns this time around. "Some of those countries have been assigned with outsourcing printers, boss. Our early issues that have been sold out would have fresh prints to go around in those regions."

"Ensure their qualities and has my requirements for each of them been carried out?" I'm quite critical of those requests.

"Yes, boss." Ms. Production guaranteed. "The art department upstairs has prepared variation arts and we used those for the extra pages of those countries' corresponding copies."

I gave my commendations while also noting a quiet department representative. "Has all the tax payments been reserved?"

Mr. Accountant gave his okay. Anyways, his job was more on the secretive side and further details could be reported later at the my convenience.

Without much trouble, the first-floor team was efficient in their daily correspondence as always.

I haven't have much to complain but I did notice something eyecatching in the undivided area which I noted. "Has those things been piling like mountains already?"

The rest of the employee group could only chuckle with helplessness as they also looked at the pile.

"Letters have been coming in droves since we've advertised our address, Sir." Ms. Marker implicitly blamed Mr. Advertiser for it.

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