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Finally, day for result of local/regional level Olympiad exams of math and physics came eventually. In these days of absence of internet, Results are sent to school directly which takes some extra time.

Since local/regional chemistry Olympiad exam was held a week later than maths and physics exam, result of chemistry test will take more time. But result of maths and physics exam will be available today in school.

As usual, I woke up at 4 Am. Benefit of waking up earlier in the morning is that you have apparent extra time full of energy, enthusiasm and focus before usual schedule of society starts which is 8- 9 Am depending on type of workspace/ institutions.

According to my routine, after waking up, I freshened up and dressed for jogging. I had taken a commitment to myself that in this life, I will make adequate healthy living choices to stay healthy, fit and in shape eg. ample amount of daily excercise including running, yoga, meditation and healthy & nutritious diet.

Thanks to SYSTEM rewards of better physique, from the very start I have been in shape. Now that I'm 6 yrs old with adequate height; my body is muscular, I have abs, muscle contours, broad shoulders- tapered ribcage- trim waist- narrow hips like V shape physique which is current great body standard prevalent in the society.

Since ROB have given me a great face as well so everything is at excellent level. Since I have this great start from the beginning, I just have to maintain this form; Although my brain and body requires high energy from the very beginning that is why my appetite has always been great, much much more than my peers.

After doing excercise, yoga and meditation; I took bath and strated my unfinished work which could be study or business related matters. This flow goes on until I hear my mom's voice for breakfast. Earlier when I started this routine, everyone in family was unusual and surprised. Not because I  woke up early in the morning, do exercise, take bath and be ready even before anyone says or does anything but that I woke up at 4 Am everyday.

It's not that no one wakes up early in the morning, freshen up, do exercise, take bath and be ready for the day; My mom also does it everyday but she wakes up at 6 Am. So in start, it was somewhat unusual for others but overtime it became normal for them. I also explained to them that it gives me more productive hours before other's usual day starts. Since I have so much in my plate, so much to do; it's nothing but imperative for me to have more productive hours and I love doing it.

After having breakfast, I headed to school. Upto until now, I'm dependent on others for travel purposes but I'm thinking of buying new car and hiring driver.
I'm also thinking of hiring personal security personnel but I'm thinking of doing that when I will have my own security company, which will only become reality in future.

After arriving at school, morning prayer is held. Although after 1963 US supreme court verdict on ban on religious instructions, bibal reading and mandatory prayer in public schools; private schools still perform morning prayers which are mandatory although implicit. Though no one forces you to attend these prayers, in public, but teachers take note of these behaviours and then they avenge in various covert ways.

By nature, I'm not believer of religion and their preachings, but I'm businessman so it's not in my interest to opening oppose on this sensitive topic as well. By far most correct stance is to practice neutrality, avoidance and silence policy atleast in public. My thoughts regarding Almighty God is very different from the religion, religious texts and narratives formed or emanated from these sources. I do allow the possibility of the existence of higher power, which culminates due to various miracles in the Cosmos and limitation of science in their correct understanding, whatever you name it as per your own cognition, but it certainly contradicts the characteristics mentioned in religious teachings, books or popularly in circulation in the world.

After prayer, principal's announcement came from the speaker which is audible to whole school.

Principal : Before you all go to your classes, I have a Very important announcement to make. Few of you might know something about it as well. It's about the regional level Math and physics Olympiad exam results. That's right, yesterday night, I got call from the US Olympiads authority regarding the results. It's a good News.

Principal : Most of the you can already guess about it. Yes. Our school's William Dunphy has secured 1st rank in both Math and physics regional Olympiad exams. Congratulations, please give a big round of applause for Mr. Dunphy. (People started clapping and sound became almost deafening) We are looking forward to your performance at State level and national level as well.

Me ( to others) : Thanks, thanks, thank you, thank you, thanks.

I continued my routine in school and time passed. Later at same day, my parents also got the News and were very happy. Then we (me, parents, siblings) along with grandpa, Gloria, Manny, Lily, uncle Mitch and Cam went to a nice restaurant to dine.

The events leading up to this month were finally summed up
semi-elaborately and time passed as it always had. Eventually, the much awaited toy release day finally came.

Whether they are the buying customers or the somewhat readied direct market, the industry would be stirred once again.

Even I am quite swept up on the anticipations, so I decided to have an on-site investigation on how things are e proceeding, how things are being displayed, and how everyone would react to it.

As the perpetrator of what is about to come, I felt it is best to observe everything up close and not just rely on Ms. Marker's steadily improving market research.

The Dunphy surveys still aren't equipped with toy-related questions, after all, so the pioneering debut to a new industry needed to have a much personal investigation in a subtly direct approach.

As such, borrowing and tweaking the premise of Undercover Boss, I wouldn't be judging my employees but be judging how the customers are judging the company's products.

It seems to be a sort of
Judge-ception as well.

Fortunately, I don't even need tedious make-up work and disguise as my much young looks are enough to fool everybody who don't know me.

Since I'm am also busy overseeing the entire widespread operation, this visit of mine will be very short, specific and targeted.

Like an episode from Undercover Boss, what better option to do the undercover operations from than something close at home.

Modern family: AdditionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat