Moon landing (2)

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Scene: In the cafe

Claire : Haley... she's the oldest, 16. And then Alex is 13. It's, Luke. He's 11. And that's my baby, Will. Can you believe it?

Valerie : Oh, my god. They're gorgeous. And Oh my God... Will looks so adorable and Cute.

Claire (smiling) : I know, right.

Valerie: Yeah. And things are still good with "Phil the thrill?"

Claire : Yes. Things are great... great with him.

Valerie : I'm so happy for you. Really. I'm so... I'm so happy that
you're happy.

Claire : Thank you. Well, and you, too. I mean, your life is...

Valerie : No, no, no, no, no. Let's talk about you.

Claire : Okay.

Valerie : Because, you know, you're... You chose the...Mother.
You're the mommy, the yomm y-mommy-mama person.

Claire : Uh-huh. Kind of squeezing the ring right into my finger.

Valerie : Was I?

Claire : A little.

Valerie : I'm so sorry.


Claire : And just then, it hit me. She was jealous of me. Yes, there had always been a little bit of a competition between us. This was more serious. She was looking at my life as something that she'd
always wanted... but never had.

(Back to the scene)

Claire : So, how's life in the trenches?

Valerie : You know, you still got the bastards on the 23rd floor
making life miserable for all the people actually doing the work.

Claire : Same as ever, right?

Valerie : One... one difference. Mm-hmm. I'm one of them bastards now.

Claire (shocked) : Wait, you're on the 23rd floor?

Valerie : Well, I'm on the 24th floor.

Claire (shocked and jealous) : Wow, that's insane.

Valerie : It's... it's no big deal. I mean, if you hadn't left, it probably would have been you.

(Claire's face turned ugly)

(Cut the scene)

Scene: On accident site

Gloria : I was driving along this street. The cars were parked just
like this, And... boom!... Out of nowhere, he hits me.

Mitchell : Okay, so, he... he cut you off.

Gloria : Yes.

Mitchell : Right.

Gloria : A crazy driver.

Mitchell : You know, I used to be a little bit like that. I don't know,
maybe it's because of Lily, But I've definitely become more
considerate. Like, I used to never let people in, and now I do. I'm
just now getting that metaphor. Okay.

Gloria : So, what do you think?

Mitchell : Were there any witnesses?

Gloria : No, just Manny. He was in the back seat.

Manny : It all happened so fast, just like they say.

Mitchell : Yeah. All right, well, this is what we're gonna do. I'll
take a few pictures, and then we'll sit down and write a statement.

Gloria : Perfect. I'll go and get us a table.

Mitchell : All right.

Gloria : Manny, come.

Manny : Uh, just a minute, mom. I need to tie my shoe.

Gloria : Okay. (Gloria walked towards cafe in front of her)

Manny (while kneeling on sidewalk acting as if tying his shoe laces) : Mitchell.

Mitchell : Yeah?

Manny : Don't talk. Listen. It was her fault.

Mitchell : I'm... I'm sorry, what?

Manny : Don't look at me. Do something. Take pictures.

( From across the road)

Gloria : Manny! What kind of cupcake do you want?

Manny (shouted) : Uh, that's okay! I'm not hungry! (Then wishpering to Mitchell) That was a mistake. Now she'll know something's up.

Mitchell : Are you okay?!

Manny : I'm fine! She cut that guy off. She's a terrible driver. She's
a danger to us all.

Mitchell : Okay. Wait. Now stop. I-I thought she said he was
parked and then he cut her off.

Manny : Everybody looks parked When you're going 100 miles an

Mitchell : Manny, why didn't you speak up?

Manny : She can't take criticism about her driving. Once, an old
lady yelled at her at a crosswalk. She honked so long the horn ran

Gloria : Manny!

Manny : I've said too much already.

Mitchell : Are you hearing this?

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Racquetball match at Gym

Jay : Aah...

Cameron : Point.

Jay : Hinder! Aah! Boom! Lucky shot!

Cameron : That is game! And, I believe, match.

Jay : Yep. Fine. You won. But, you know, what do you expect? For
the first half of the game, I was distracted by what happened in
the locker room.

Cameron : And you're sure it's not because I'm a fabulous
racquetball player?

Jay : You're average, but I was a little thrown by you touching me, which is unnatural. Not to you, of course. No, to you, it's like
rocket fuel.

Cameron : Oh, sure. When you're gay, you just walk around
giving butt bumps to everybody. It's like a high-five. It a low-two.

Jay : You know what? I'm gonna prove that you won only because I was distracted. We're gonna have a rematch right here, right now.

Cameron : Do you want to go up against me again?

Jay : Yes. (Mitchell called Jay) No! Damn it! Hello!

Mitchell : Hey, dad. Uh, did you know that the accident was
Gloria's fault?

Jay : Yes. I mean, I wasn't there, But she's a horrible driver. If she hit 10 cars, I wouldn't be surprised.

Mitchell : If you knew that it was her fault, Why did you get me

Jay : Because someone has to tell her she's in the wrong, and better you than me.

Mitchell : That's great. I... Here I am thinking that my dad actually respects me as lawyer, And, really, you're just throwing me to the wolves.

Jay : Can't it be both?

Mitchell : Okay, dad, it doesn't it doesn't bother you in the least
that your gay son's the only one tough enough to stand up to your wife?

Jay : Go get 'em, rocky. See you later.

Cameron (shouted in the phone) : Your father and I had a moon landing in the locker

Jay : What's the matter with you?

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At the cafe

Claire : What about you? I mean, did you ever get serious with

Valerie : Thank you. Oh, no. Not yet.

Claire : Ohh. Honey, you will.

Valerie : Oh, no. I hope not. It's... it's fun. I'm sorry. I'm just I'm
waiting for some news.

Claire : What news?

Valerie : I'm... I'm up for the Paris job.

Claire (startled) : The... the head of the international division?! That's... that's... that's crazy.

Valerie : Yeah, no, I mean, I'll never get it, but it'd be great, 'cause... Well, 'cause one of my lovers lives in Paris.

Claire (very displeased) : Oh. I-I don't know what jumps out of that sentence more, you know, "lovers" or "one of."

Valerie : Well, I'm single. I mean, it's kind of what you do.

Claire : Uh-huh.

Valerie : I have one in Paris.

Claire : Oh.

Valerie : Um, I have Paris, New York, Miami... I have a fourth one. I'm forgetting my lover. I'm forgetting my lover.

Claire : Last night, I vacuumed the radiator thingy under the
fridge, you know, That collects the dust, 'cause you should, and I
don't, so...

Valerie : oh, hey. Hold on. Cross your fingers.


Claire : I'm not gonna lie. The thought of Valerie getting the one job in the whole company that everyone coveted... well, I wasn't a lover of that.

(Back to the scene)

Valerie : Okay. Okay, thank you.

Claire : Well?

Valerie : Oh, they haven't made a decision. They're... they're gonna tell me later on.

Claire : That's not what they said, is it?

Valerie : Oh, yeah. It is. It is.

Claire : Oh, Valerie, come on. It's me. What are friends for, if not to be there for you when you get bad news?

Valerie : I got it!

Claire : Oh, my god!

Valerie : Aah! I'm the head of Europe!

Claire (very displeased, envious and angry)  : Well, you know, for the hotel, Not the continent, But...Yay!

Valerie : Kind of, though. Kind of.

Claire : Why didn't you tell me when you first heard?

Valerie : Ohh... 'cause, you know.


Claire : And that's when it really hit me. Valerie wasn't jealous of
me. She pitied me. And part of me wanted to take her back to the
house and show her everything she was missing in her sad,
childless, husbandless life. But there's a little thing called "taking the high road."

(Back to the scene)

Claire : Why don't you come by and meet everybody?

Valerie : Oh, sure. Yeah, no, that'd be great.

Claire : Yeah, I mean, My baby Will is Super genius, he is just five years old but already in middle school; he build and manages two companies with revenue of millions of dollars all by nothing & nothing in the world can compare with that....Alex also a genius, and Haley is turning into this beautiful young woman. and it makes me realize that
motherhood is probably the most important...

Valerie (not listened anything and was lost in her own thoughts) : San Francisco. That was my fourth lover. San Francisco.
"Fourth lover." It would have kept me up all night.

Claire : Yeah.

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