Family dinner & Lottery (1)

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I wanted to start my plans for my dreams. But there are various restrictions to it. First and foremost restriction was age. Smaller age can have many benefits but also many losses but I wasn't going to back down either. And to start my plans, I needed equipments and resources.

I can ask my parents to purchase equipments for me but resources are where I'm struck. Whatever will come out will definitely be a masterpiece as I wanted to create it that way from the start. Since it will be a successful venture, I want to extract as much profits/benefits from it as I can. I don't want to be a tool man for others or be satisfied with lesser profits neither I want others to share my cake so for this to realise, i don't have enough money.

And I'm also aware that neither my family has that kind of capital and even if they can squeeze it from here and there, they will not have confidence on me to give it to me for my cause.
So, I am fully prepared to rely on myself and my abilities from the very start.

Meanwhile, I never slacked off. I never interrupted my studies. I continued to go library to study and borrow books, materials from there as well. So, in this time, I completed whole of the high school syllabus.

I needed my first million to start my venture so I set my sights on lotteries. There are many lotteries in America eg. Powerball, mega millions, Pennsylvania lotto, Texas lottery etc. But lottery (or lotto) is a form of gambling that involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize. But when you can't have anything, you can have mathematics to understand underlying mechanisms and principal.

There is Lottery mathematics, a special branch of mathematics specially to increase chances to win lottery with lower cost. But apart from that I needed help of my family members as well for purchase of lotteries, settlement of payment etc. So, I planned to have a family dinner and ask them for help.

Me: Mom, it's been a while since we have family dinners, why don't we invite everyone to family dinner today.

Claire (looking at me): what are you planning to do...hmm...(started thinking) although it's been a while since we all get together. You are right, we should have family dinner. But isn't today will be little rushed.

Me: Come on. Rushed.... seriously, it's coming from your mouth. You run like 5 miles a day..... you are Claire Dunphy, who never bows her head in difficulties. Come on.

Claire (looking at me): You're right.

Me( shouting): Now, tell me who are you.

Claire (shouting in attention pose): I'm Claire Dunphy.

Me: I didn't hear you, who are you.

Claire: I'm Claire Dunphy.

Me: that's correct. So go to the shopping, collect ingredients and I will help you cook.

Claire: thank Honey.(walking off) you are good at this.

Meanwhile I called everyone to come tonight.

Me( calling grandpa house): Hello, Grandpa. How are you.

Jay: I'm good. How are you, Genius.

Me: I'm fine. You know, I'm little bored. Anyways, Grandpa, today you are coming to our house for family dinner. Please, don't say No. Come on it's been a while.

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