Birth (3)

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Claire's pov:

That is it. Today is the day of delivery and I'm having pain right now. I, Phil and my children reached hospital and Phil called my dad and Mitchell as well. I reached hospital and nurse escorted us to delivery room.

First I was having short and irregular contractions then it became long and lasting. My cervix open 10 cm and delivery started. I have already given birth to three childs  even then it was painful. After About 30-45 min finally baby was out.

I was very tired and slumped on bed waiting for placenta to come out while nurse took baby cut the cord, wiped him a little and wrapped him in towel to give to me. Then suddenly I heard her scream: " Oooo!!!!M!!! G!!!"

I turned to her and asked: " what? What happened to my baby??"

She said: " I have never seen such an adorable baby in my life...... I wish I had the baby..."

I yelled at her: " Give me my baby!! Let me see."

She handed over baby to me and I swear I have never seen such cute baby in my entire life.

I was very happy and tears started to come out of my eyes: " O my cute cute cutie. I'm your mother. I will always protect you. Awww.... He is smiling....he is smiling at me."

Everyone was happy. My Father is wearing " World's best grandpa" cap and Phil was filming with his camcorder about all these things. I handed baby to Phil.

MC's pov:

I was also uncomfortable and in little pain when I started to go out of birth canal. But I was happy and looking forward to new beginning. After receiving reward for hidden task from system, I immediately choose to accept the lv. 5 computer science and technology knowledge and during these 1.5-2 days, I have reviewed 10% of the whole knowledge. It is probably due to my age that most of the time my body needs sleep and rest but with the help of 0.1% of my Full capacity intelligence, I was able to review this much even if got much much less time.

Things will surely improve as time progresses. I'm finally out as I can feel air to my skin but still i haven't opened my eyes. I started crying even before someone slapping my butt. I'm baby now so I think I will enjoy this moment as well. Afterwards someone took me and cut the cord, I didn't feel a thing. Then they wiped the slime out of my body a little and wrapped me into towel.

Then I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful women was looking at me. Then suddenly she screamed but my attention was attracted by system notification.

System: ' Ding! Congratulations to the host for being born. Rewards are distributed. Rewards are-
1. 1000 points
2. Master level language talent and lv.6 English language experience. '

System continued: ' Ding! Task is initiated. Please make every member of your family smile when they see you and make then kiss you on your forehead and cheecks.
Reward: Professional level singing talent. '

I was overjoyed after seeing rewards and new task. I didn't immediately recieved the reward and I intended to receive it when I'm alone or not in such environment.

I focused my mind on task and it is easy for me because ROB said to make me Very cute and adorable. It is evident from the reaction of nurse also as I heard her saying.

" O!!M!!G!! " " I have never seen such an adorable baby in my life."

I immediately decided that since I look cute, I will start smiling and giggling and start waving my hands towards their faces to make them think that I'm trying to reach to their faces....and...boom....they will kiss me and my task will be completed.

Until they kiss me on my forehead and cheecks, I will not stop my performance.
Then I got transferred to my mom as I heard her yelling on nurse to hand me over to her. Now I'm in my mother's arms.

Claire looked at me and said: " O My cute cute cutie, I'm your mother."

I started smiling and giggling and fanning my hands.

Mother said: " Awwww.... He is smiling at me... he's smiling at me" afterwards Claire kissed on my forehead and then on my cheeks multiple times. I am also very happy. Then Claire handed me to my dad Phil.

Phil took me into his arms and said: " Wow!!!, my son is really very handsome. *Kiss on forehead* you got my genes buddy."  I started my performance and got kiss on cheecks as well. Same things happened when Jay, Gloria, Mitchell and Cameron took me into their arms and I got what I wanted as well.  Cameron said: " Awwww.....what an adorable baby. See he smiling at me more than others.

See Mitchell, you see that. That's it. It is decided. No one can Stop me. Hmmmm"

Mitchell asked concerned: " What....what have you decided cam..please don't create a scene ( whispered to him on low voice but I think everyone was able to hear) "

Cameron said aloud: " I will be his Godfather and no can come into my way"

Jay said: " What?? Why?? Why you want to be his Godfather when I (pointing at his cap) ' World's best grandpa' is here. "

Cameron said: " I'm going to make an offer that you can't refuse."

Jay said: " what offer you are going to make; break up with my son or have boobs"

Mitchell interjected: " Stop it, Stop it you two. This is not the place. Today is the birthday of my nephew and you too are forbidden to talk."

Mitchell took me from Cameron and gave to Hayley. Hayley took and started kissing me on forehead and cheecks and said: " You are so adorable so cute. I have decided, you are my best brother. I will protect you from every wind and rain like what every Big sister should do. You are in my protection sweetie and no one can take you away from me.."

Alex interjected and said: " Don't pollute him with your dumbness. Give him to me, longer he stays with you dumber will he become."

Alex took me from Hayley and Hayley yelled: "Alex!!!, Mom why don't you say anything."

Mom said: " Alex. Apologize and be careful he is delicate."

Alex saw me, her eyes sparkled and she smiled and said while looking at me: " Don't worry mom. I know what to do."

Alex kissed me at forehead and cheecks and said: " You are cutie, aren't you. So adorable. I'm Alex. I'm smart so I will take care of you. Don't go near them otherwise you will be affected by their craziness and dumbness (she wishpered to me)."

Afterwards Phil took me and we headed to home. Manny and luke were not present so my task was still not complete. I slept in arms of my mother and reached home. Later at that day Manny and luke also came from school and I was able to complete my task.

System: ' Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing task. Please collect the reward.'
Later in night, when everyone was slept, I received rewards from system.

I said: ' System, please give me mye rewards.'

System said: ' Please accept it host.'

I recieved master level language talent and professional level singing talent as well as lv. 6 English language experience.
Days goes by and I was in happy mood and everything was beautiful and peaceful. But I eat alot so I have to drink bottle milk along with breast milk besides that everything was good.

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